How has this virus affected your job?
Become a hooker its a virus-friendly
HAHAHA wagie wagie is going crazy cause he can't slave away for shekleburg
Same here, bro. I had some tests and interviews lined up for the next few weeks. All cancelled/ rescheduled. Background investigations are on the back burner because they are done by boomers.
I'm just gonna start selling my clean piss to druggies
Paid to sit and do nothing, at least I can do push-ups and crunches
Serves you right for trying to be a wagecuck.
It's fucking my wedding up in 2 weeks.
Things to do increased tenfold
Got to prepare for closing the border and also prepare to detach and reinforce other border stations if necessary
Fucking sucks. This was my supposed to be my first full-time big boy pants job.
Cellular Sales
Fucking same dude I had one today also but now it's delayed until further notice
I am a disabled vet and get a tax free check every month.
My wife has a six figure job that is considered very essential and she gets to work from home.
We consider ourselves very lucky.
gay marriage should be illegal anyway
Sorry if this looks like spam, but in crisis times, it doesn't pay to be meek when solutions are at hand.
>Instead of giving up billions in taxes and crashing our markets,
we could just spend a few million to produce an actual virus cure that the Obama WH knew about, by the guy the Bush WH knew about for another useful item...
Someone call Todd Rider, and get him in a lab with some gear and some large animals, and then some humans, and we could have this done in a few months.
Wave some regulations, and the cure is available immediately.
The molecule should work the same way against every virus on earth. Meaning we have a cure.
>risk to family and friends
>shut down economy
>risk of riots
>risk of foreign messes we aren't at strength to handle
>excessive debt spending
Enjoy your divorce rape
I got hired on the spot at my interview yesterday, but the bloke wouldn't shake my hand until I went and washed my hands. Fair enough. I still start on Monday though.
I’ve basically just been sitting around with boomers at the shop, listening to them ramble on about their houses, their lawns, their dogs, and all the other material possessions they define their lives by
At least I’m getting paid
Same situation.
Got hiring freeze emails after interviewing :\
I'm not sure if I want to waste time applying to jobs right now if nobody is hiring...
>How has this virus affected your job?
Should I even answer this? Or should I let my photography speak for itself?
I’ve been working from home all year and I’m enrolled into a masters program till end of next year. I have security I guess
Just got out of an online meeting where the manager basically told a few hundred of us «most of you are on leave from next week”
Thank god for the welfare state, I’ll be among the last to enjoy it.
Pic related.
>The molecule should work the same way against every virus on earth. Meaning we have a cure.
user, I
Found the guy that works at Target
We've had a bunch of clients pause their accounts, but we're still getting management fees. So I'm just chilling and reading Twitter.
Aren't you coming to the UK to work like the rest of your disgusting family tree?
I got let go yesterday.
That's not what I meant kek
Some have decided to work from home, I cannot.
not affected, went to work today as usual, some of my customers are a bit wary but that's about it.
I manage parks and maintain gardens.
Based. Seal the Kehä III down.
I work remotely and am mandated to logoff at noon (half days). I am curious to see if I will benefit from this "Economic Stimuls" plan of Justin's.
I hate my job and I wanted to quit a couple of months ago, but decided not to because I need the money right now and couldn't afford the insecurity of finding or not finding a new job. So I postponed that for six months until late summer and I'm glad I did that because I wouldn't want to be jobless right now.
I still hate it, but at least I'm working from home for the next month.
Working from home now, it’s kinda comfy but also annoying because my retard co workers are too technologically illiterate to set up the work systems at home and basically the whole workload has been pushed onto me
How long until this blows over, bros? I was really looking forward to working there, but the retard virus looks like it's impacting lots of other people, too. Are we gonna have to live through another depression?
three day suspension for being a fucking moron. go back on Friday
It hasn't. It sucks. I just wanna chill, but nah, still gotta go do construction work.
I'm employed by a smaller grocery store chain. It's just been annoying keeping up with panic buyers due to company's shitty past decisions.
Sup Yas Forums
Most likely. Expect this to drag on until at least May. This will promote nationalism, weariness of Globalism, and also serves as acceleration towards the inevitable collapse. Everybody wins.
I had two gigs and was bringing a decent amount of money for a low-income earner (roughly $2,500 per month). I lost both this week when they closed all the restaurants and bars. I spent a decent amount of my savings prepping.
I have plenty of everything I need, probably enough food and water for 3 months. Still sucks. I was actually enjoying working a lot and making money. I was slowly crawling out of my NEET lifestyle and making friends again.
>company's shitty past decisions
Is short staffing one of these? If so, iktfb.
I had taken a vacation with loss of pay because i could not tolerate being in wagie cagoe anymore. They have given work from home noe. So I am going to stay home and keep making bs and pretend working while shitposting 24x7.
Navyfag here. We've gone to week-on/week-off to maintain watchbills. I think we'll end up just keeping the uninfected down the boat indefinitely if shit hits the fan.
>tfw work in call center for isp
>Under the main company not a third party contractor
>Unlimited overtime until further notice
Feels nice my job is recession and pandemic proof. They're even getting us set up to work from home if it comes down to it. All the other wagies I know are out of work for the foreseeable future
Do not return, fuck them
Wagies seething. Fuck women and immigrants.
Manger here, That is a dying market as everyone is switching to mouth swabs because the test kits are cheaper and we don't have to walk candidates to the bathroom.
Nah, I did it to myself. I was curt with the wrong person and while they knew me, my dept head didn't like it at all. Completely justified.
Probably not to the extent of Walmart. Supply is where they shot themselves in the foot. Too many stores getting hit all at once.
are you the CAP1 guy? clean of the top of carts when you're done with them, faggot
I was looking at some construction jobs and a few of them required a hair follicle test. I couldn't fucking believe it. Those tests cost over $600 to perform; it seems kind of stupid for a carpenter job that pays $18/hr.
>weariness of Globalism
This, I never pass up an opportunity to mention this is because of immigration and having 3rd world shitholes in our major cities.
we're forced to work from home and they're too cheap to increase resources for our vpn so everything is so slow that i can't really do very much.
Congratulations on the wedding.
Have you considered a Minecraft wedding?
reduced to second shift
overnights closed now
running out of supplies
potential collapse of society.
Hang in there, fren
Incredibly based post
Fucking rip
Has the chaos died down at all?