Alright, I've been debating whether or not to post this...

Alright, I've been debating whether or not to post this, but I've decided that the circumstances and human decency require it.
>inb4 source
>inb4 LARP
>inb4 nothingburger
My brother in law works for the CDC in Georgia. No, I won't give his name, obviously, and no, I won't give his job. This is for my protection as well as his. As of yesterday he says that the staff of the CDC is preparing for a nationwide lock down that will last until August at the very least. When when he thought this would likely happen, he stated 'within a day or two.' Personally, I think it will start this weekend, and I said as much to him. He said that's definitely possible since most folks would already be home.
You can believe this or not, you can prepare or not. Doesn't matter. If some of you want to prepare (if you haven't already) do it NOW. Get the basics today. Get extra dog food/cat food if you have pets. Get extra feminine hygiene products if you have females in your family. This isn't going anywhere anytime soon. It might be too late to get ready, but my conscience requires me to try and help.
If you have any questions about what to get or do, I'll help where I can. I've been prepping for 15 years. You won't get to where I am, but maybe we can save some folks. Stay safe. 9 of diamonds user here btw. Stay safe you autistic fucks. Godspeed.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Why the quake in Utah, Jebus?

This is how the riots will begin. People won't stay at home.

So many young people going into icu now, I thought covid19 was just a boomer virus??

This is fucking retarde, if everyone did this there would actually be shortages, in quarantine people will be able to buy food but if massive retard go ahead and mass buy shit there will be problems

If you advising people to do this youre actually chinese or a massive fucking retard

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I'm not talking about food. I'm talking about toothpaste, soap, tampons/pads, dog/cat food, duct tape, shit like that. I live in a place where winter storms can leave you stranded for a month or more. Every single person who lives here is ready, but some of you folks don't live in places like this.

>My brother in law works for the CDC in Georgia. No, I won't give his name, obviously
Nothing obvious about this. He works in the public health sector, one of the easiest sectors to verify actual employment in. Yet here we are, no verification, no sources, no pics, no nothing.

Fuck off, dumb larper.

then be specific you cunt this type of advise is really fucking bad in most places

>9 of diamonds user here btw.
you know how I know you're a shill?

I'm giving information the CDC has asked employees not to give out. Could it cause panic? Oh fuck yeah, but the time for panic has come and gone. I don't care if you believe me or not.

>Claims descendant from Abraham
This is wrong. he said before Abraham I am meaning he existed before Abraham/israel

Fuck off with the larping. A lockdown of the scale you speak of implemented with no notice is a fucking DISASTER and no qualified person in public health would ever advocate doing that.

You ramp it up gradually and give people notice. If you do not do this, your policies/guidelines will be ignored in the 100% guaranteed ensuing panic and make things worse than if you hadn't done anything at all.

Oh yeah, kinda like they did in China, right?

>tfw Italy will be clean by May

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You don't care because you are a little dopamine addicted faggot making shit up on the 4chans.

>has supposed brother in CDC
>thinks China locked down its entire country and did this overnight to boot
Fuck of larpcunt

Okay Hans, sure thing.

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They can't accept the Happening.

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Honestly, I'm sorry you think I'm larping. Let's be honest though, it wouldn't matter what proof I came to you with, you'd still say I was larping. That's because you're either terrified (with good reason) or, and I fucking hate this word but, you're a shill. Either way, stay safe, and try and be prepared.

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I sincerely forgive and hope for the best for you.

fake and gay

dumbs cleanup

Hard to argue against the truth, isn't it, spiritual semite?

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Your brother in law is a faggot.

A few things to buy; hand soap, laundry soap, shampoo, extra light bulbs, liquid plummer (you're not gonna be able to call one and one of your dumb ass neighbors, or even you could clog your pipes with paper towels when they run out of tp), some candles, maybe a couple bottles of booze too.
I'm not saying go buy all you can, but go buy a few of each. You probably won't make it it to the store next month and a few things like I've mentioned will be a godsend.

They let us buy groceries here, and they say they are committed to sustain the supply lines.
I hoarded some food but I didn't need to.
Everything is rationed in Supermarkets, you can't mass buy after the lockdown

Defcon 4, we on alert, Jeebs. Dont bother us until Defcon 1.

Not talking about mass buying. I'm talking about getting a few extra items to make life just a little easier in a few weeks when folks realize they need them.

I don't recognize the validity of any such law

get saved

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Probably. But he's a honest faggot.

fair enough. It's hard to find Denaturated Alcohol for cleaning

You're not helping

>I've been prepping for 15 years.
Who the fuck needs this much toilet paper?


I always prep for about three months. Anything beyond that is overkill. Then it's time to bug out and be nomadic.

Is this virus more dangerous than they are letting on? For example, are young and healthy people just at risk of dying from it too?

Buy a bottle of ammonia if you can, even an extra bottle of cheap bleach if it's available. Extra garbage bags or better yet, if you saved plastic grocery bags from the market work in a pinch to hold trash.

US gov has said repeatedly that there is and wont be any nationwide lockdown. If for no other reason that the entire world economy would collapse. Go back to China

>nationwide lockdown due to engineered flu-like virus
Project Zyphr happening as planned. Take the Zyphr-pill.

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Why don't you go back to your mom's basement faggot.

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Honestly, no. But it's more contagious than they first thought, and more widespread. If you don't get it, someone you know will. Look at Italy, look at Iran. Look how fast it swept through China.

Why do people over and over pull the "My relative works at government, hospital, cdc, etc"? You're not fooling anybody. Stfu

So then if it's basically just a flu why is it such a big deal?

>if it's basically just a flu
because it isn't

I've been hearing a lot of Martial law is a probability for the US is that possible.

Then what is it and why should I care?

No pictures or evidence, just more text claims.

The cdc can’t even figure out how to get testing done with alacrity. Everyone there is going to be fired and Trump is no longer listening to them just Fauci. They have no authority or respect right now.

Massive shilling. I believe you bro.

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Fuckin oath. Eating corn chips in bed, with a hottie sleeping next to me i've spent the last three hours pleasuring. Now shitposting on here and trying not to kek too loud, life is good desu.


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It's kungflu

My nephew works at the BBC, he's reporting that the shortage of crumpets is causing people in the west midlands to degenerate into roaming cannibal cults. Stay safe. Simple as


fucking kek

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More like your nephew sucks BBC amirite?

Give us something, anything, to help us believe you.

I have a wife and children. I want to know what to expect.

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It's not just a flu, it doesn't leave you with immunity after it's gone. You can get re infected, and it cause cumulative damage to your pulmonary system (lungs). Not only that, but we know how the flu behaves for the most part. Coronavirus works a little differently. This is where I point you to Google and tell you to go do some research (but not in an asshole sort of way, I'm just not an epidemiologist and I'd be giving you second hand, incomplete information).

educate yourself
you have the internet

Trump actually repeated the phrase on TV today. Autotune mix when?

go fucking die for all I care

>I've been prepping for 15 years

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