Supply lines are toast
Grocery Stores are NOT getting more inventory
Farms rely on low paid imported workers, crops wont be planted this spring
Once the warehouses run out of food no more is on the way
The banks will fail
18 months of mandatory shelter in place
Total global reset
70% of America DEAD by 2025
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Take your meds schizo. Its a nothingburger.
I actually work at a grocery store and he is right, we are completely out of food. Nothing is left in the warehouses and the shipments are small as our suppliers are running out.
Whatever we have on the shelves currently is what's left.
When a Sodomite in San Franscisco gets pissed because it's reaping what it sowed.
How do retards still not understand that this website shows a projection of how many people of the main ethnicity will be left by 2025? As in, not counting rapefugees and other invaders and projecting the birth numbers with the age and deaths of the old ethnicity.
everything was fully restocked at my local grocery store
Project Zyphr happening as planned.
It’s just the flu you fucking idiot.
People can even work with it if they’re not elderly or they don’t have pre-existing conditions. I have two coworkers in WA state working with coronavirus now.
>Farms rely on low paid imported workers
Corona or not how do you plan to work with no food? You're a walking ghost
As if the leaf distribution network reflects the USA or the world.
Why do you think there is not going to be any food, stop projecting your leaf shit onto us.
People will just go back to work because that is exactly what needs to be done.
Everything we are experiencing now is a direct result of self inflicted economic Suicide.
Amazon is hiring 100,000 workers to push through items
Local manufacturer is hiring second and third shift to produce more
BIL is in trucking. They're working overtime to get product to where it needs to be.
Capitalism working as designed.
The USA has a good surplus you doomer faggot
>crops wont be planted this spring
Where do you get this?
His ass
How many millions of tons of cheese does the US government have in Missouri? srs question
Yeah in Canada maybe.
US is the world's biggest food exporter IIRC. If we stop exporting we will have more than enough for ourselves. It's mid march too, the growing season is starting.
Why in Missouri specifically?
That's where I live and I've never heard of any big cheese warehouses.
crops will be planted. We had a case of a man who was supposed to be quarantined, but he was on field throwing dung on it. Even those who should be locked up are doing their part
Yeah right. As if they're not making fucking bank off of you suckers who are willing to pay $7 for a gallon of milk even under normal circumstances. They'll be stocked up plenty to keep getting those shekels from you silly goyim.
Same, never heard of cheese Warehouses where I live
>Source: My ass
Our distribution center is still full with plenty of stuff coming in. We're full staffed + overtime and we're still 36hrs+ late on our deliveries. Shits crazy.
t. Loblaws warehouse worker
I have shops trying to sell fucking everything. They put basically everything on sale before we hit full economic crisis again. Fuck oil and especially fuck moskow/spb cucks.
Bullshit, I just got laid off today.
In crisis times, it doesn't pay to be meek when solutions are at hand.
>Instead of giving up billions in taxes and crashing our markets,
we could just spend a few million to produce an actual virus cure that the Obama WH knew about, by the guy the Bush WH knew about for another useful item...
Someone call Dr. Rider, and get him in a lab with some large animals, and we could have this cured, entirely, in a few months.
Wave some regulations, and the cure is available in a few weeks.
The molecule works the same way against almost every virus on earth. Meaning we have a cure.
None of this;
>risk to family and friends
>shut down economy
>risk of riots
>risk of foreign messes we aren't at strength to handle
>excessive debt spending
MIT is the technicians giving you solutions, and that's what this is, an MIT solution.
Take it and have a cure, or leave it and lose lives and trillions, and possibly wars.
Pic related. Look at that list of already proven viruses. Corona uses the same process this cure targets. This will cure Corona.
If it's not being made, it's because someone has been paid off, or someone wants you dead, those are the only options I can think of.
>70% of America DEAD by 2025
Well duh, burgerfatties can't live a few seconds without their supermarkets and take out food.
>implying we get our food from china
nigga what do you think those flyover states are for?
i live in MO too
The average American can go months on starvation diets. The lack of power and clean water is what would kill us in droves.
well if we are all quarantined who's gonna plant them?
I don't understand why idiots believe food is going to stop. Most of it is sourced in the US and Canada. Farms aren't stopping, transport isn't stopping, the processors aren't stopping, roads open, truckers working, etc. Unless and until they literally declare martial law and ban every single food/transport industry company from operating, supplies are going to continue as they always have. People are complete fucking morons.
Pro-tip: what you DO need to buy is stuff that's medically relevant in case you get knocked on your ass for a week or two by coronavirus.
Jesus you people are insane
Power and water aren't going to shut off. It is unbelievable how stupid people are. Unless we get literal boogaloo and RWDS are going around going full Turner Diaries, nothing is going to change. This is not THE happening. People are goddamn fucking idiots.
I sow strawberries this coming weekend, that'll show him
alright schizo
Fake and gay doomer. This will be over by next summer.
I'm pretty sure the utility companies will continue to maintain the infrastructure.
They will let people out of quarantine to do farming, same with shipping, and utilities.
>Canada out of food
How sad. Nice knowing you self righteous syrupniggers.
Do we know anything more? Are there copies of the documents he had?
Nigga I just bought lunch
>Project Zyphr happening as planned.
and that's a good thing!
Oh no we're out of cheetos!
Our farms are not shutting down. We have plenty of food
>Bullshit, I just got laid off today.
That's part of capitalism the way things work; if you're working at, say, a hotel and everyone is quarantined and travel restricted, you're not going to have as many customers and therefore not as much income to keep staff on.
Does it suck? Yeah!
But that's kinda life; Millenials know this by now.
The only question that matters is how does this affect jews??
it could be true if bernie ends up being usa president
it was predict that the actual usa president would be die by a strange disease
without trump democrats will rise up and the country grounds down
Police are publicly announcing they are not enforcing most crime anymore.
>70% of America DEAD by 2025
>The banks will fail
worth it, fuck the banks
fuck you nigger
Deutsche Bank failure within 2 weeks
That was going to happen anyway you moose dick sucking fuck
I work at a warehouse that supplies all non perishables to hundreds of stores and we have enough food for 350 million people to last a year by ourselves alone....
Your warehouse alone could feed the entirety of the USA for a year.
I am very skeptical of your statement brother and I believe it to be scientifically impossible.
>coal and sewage treatment plants can catch viruses
not while there's still a dime left in a german taxpayer's pocket somewhere