WE ALL GET $2000


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What will you spend your 2000 on?


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I’d love to stick my middle finger up your ass and leave it in there for 10 minutes. I would be able to feel my finger warm as your butthole moulds and tightens around my finger. You contract your ass tube and I can feel a little nug nudging my finger. After the 10 minutes I’d pull out my finger and inspect the brown juice and light coating of poo paste on my fingernails. Then, I would smell my finger while looking at you in the eyes. Finally, I would lick and suck my finger and taste what you had for breakfast that morning, eyes watering and tongue burning.

Do we get 2000 shekels too?


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ur a fag

I love you, Canadabro. You’re a nasty motherfucker, you

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Which Fortnite skins should I buy? Fuck it I'll probably get the entire collection.

Holy shit Big Boy Donald coming through with the neetbux

Re-election guaranteed.

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When did he say 2 grand?

>still using drudge

My question is, when do we get the flubux?

Two checks 1000 a pop.

Probably a utility trailer and some landscaping for my house.

pic unrelated.

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What does being a taxpayer entail? I've never worked a day in my life, but my parents have me on their taxes. Does this make me a taxpayer?

>be me
>family has been her since 1795
>haven't filed taxes since 2016

Guess I'm not an American.

How much do you want for that unwatermarked pic? Max I'll go is two grand.

can't win if you don't play g

For everyone?

Whew finally can afford a set of these...

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For taxpayers only.

>The economic stimulus package to fight damage from the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic under consideration by the White House includes a proposal to send two $1,000 checks to certain Americans, the Washington Post reported on Wednesday.

>Checks would be sent to Americans below a certain income level, although it is not yet clear what that level will be.



black vote = secured

Why not?


Thank fuck I'm poor.

What are you buying with your Trump bucks?

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ive been expat for a while and havent worked for a year. im back in america. should i file taxes event though i made no money last year?how do i do t his?

So I filed for 2019. I’m good?

is this your morning mirror routine? this sounds like your morning mirror routine.
Canadians are fucking gay

Perfect post.

Smart move to buy the election.

>Checks would be sent to Americans below a certain income level, although it is not yet clear what that level will be.


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Have you even considered the logistics of this? Do people without bank accounts get $2000? You do realize 1/3 of Americans don't have bank accounts, right? We really going to mail out a bunch of paper checks and have hundreds of thousands of people rushing to Walmart or payday loans to cash $2000 checks? During a pandemic? Surely nothing can go wrong.

Bitcoin obviously

corona-bux. Has nothing to do with welfare.

>The moment I wish I was in us

Im neet too trump. Please

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he didn't.. this is typical Yas Forums lies and fake news.

Down payment on a new truck.

how do i apply?

A. Fucking. Leaf.
Every. Fucking. Time.

Gonna use this to pay the IRS part of the 7k I owe them for filing my taxes incorrectly in 2017

No. Kill yourself, parasitic faggot.

A 1994 single wide mobile home.

>209 million adults
>1k only costs 209 billion

wtf bros

why don't they do this every year? fuck the military and all that other boomer shit

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Not an argument, retard.

he didnt, we dont know how much it will be either but plans are 2 payments. One in april and one in may. People assume its gonna be 2 grand total because they suggest 1 thousand per person.

Did you forget to take your pills again?

Was the Asian man right?

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Weed and hookers

FED on suicide watch


Nothing. I'm using it for what it's meant for, a safety net for having to quit a job because corporations are fucking kikes that don't want to fire people even if there's a god damn pandemic going on.

'Income earners' is a better term.

Why would you give poor people and NEET anything? They are already a net detriment to the system and will never return that investment.

Stay mad, wageslave. How does it feel knowing I'll never work a day in my life and you're gonna slave away forever?

TWO ar-15s

Toilet paper, with inflation and low supply I imagine this will get at least 15, maybe 20 rolls.