Where was the USA in our time of need?
China just saved the EU
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China and the EU.. a totalitarian match made in hell.
Wait, the EU sent 50 ton of shit to China?
Why didn't China mention this?
>the dictatorship of the proletariat is badd buaaaahhh
oink oink porky
What about chink porkies?
This was in January. China has since then ramped up production by a factor of 5 to 10 while EU cannot meet our own demand so far.
So while we ramp up production we have to thank China for ensuring that our health systems (that's where these masks will go - first responders and care workers) won't collapse.
So basically Chinese niggers steal a bunch of medical supplies from Aussies and resell them back to other EU countries. Then Chinese can claim they "saved" the EU. What a bunch of bullshit.
china caused it, they owe you, usa owes you nothing
who gets the n95's? politicians and doctors, no doubt. the latter i approve of.
>run someone over with your car
>stop and provide medical assistance
Th-th-thanks China.
Why do I have the feeling that this is the equivalent of when the Soviet Union exported grain, while there was a famine in the Ukraine?
This cunts deserves to see the day
>t. absolute retard
>2 mil surgical masks, 200,000 N95 masks & 50,000 testing kits
a drop in the ocean of the amount that is needed.
Why didn't the EU prepare against this epidemics in the first place?
it's like they WANT to look weak and get help.
>run someone over with your car
>go open his trunk and get his medical bag
>provide him with medical assistance
>demand to be thanked
>meanwhile the mutt goes by blasting nigger music with his truck
This fucking cunt. China is just desperately scrabbling to avoid the fucking shit storm coming its way. Inevitable at this point.
Bullshit is right. The Chinese are claiming they have the situation under control to the point that they can export masks, etc. Meanwhile Chinese nationals are buying up all the masks and toilet paper in Australia to ship back home.
This is all an act so Chinese can convince the world they're not completely incompetent and keep the foreign money pouring in.
So the EU send China something, and now China sends it back.
And they thank China.
>trusting chinks
okay whitey
Fuck off faggot, hope you love your infected masks
As long as they are not sending us escalators ...
Two anti-populist, anti-white entities. FUCK THE EU AND CHINA!
You shouldn't be thanking the man who ran over your dog when they hand you a napkin to clean up the blood.
Yes, it's a huge scandale in France, we sent our mask to China and had nothing left for us or even helping our italian bro.
This too. But also:
>tell your friends that the person you ran over through himself in front of your car on purpose because he hates you and it was an elaborate ploy to somehow hurt you
LOL, that's funny, you send everything to China and now you thank China for sending some back to you.
Holy fuck, your fucking government.
China made the virus and are now selling the desperate the way to hold it at bay.
What evil fuckers they are.
>Where was the USA in our time of need?
Oh, NOW you want us there.
Also who will get them ? The EU doesn't exist, Germoney and France hoard their supply and don't share with anybody. So which country will get those masks ?
based finish off this fucking (((eurabia))) once and for all
EU isn't exporting medical equipment needed to fight coronavirus but EU members have agreed to work together yesterday.
There is common procurement for masks, ICU etc on EU level now.
I can't believe people in EU countries are this easy to fool. I always thought Americans were gullible, but holy fuck. They just made you guys thank China for non-consensual sex.
This sounds to me like admission of guilt
Until 5 days ago, it was a nothingburger according to Macron, then suddenly, it's forbidden to go out of your house.
>donate 50 TONNES of equipment
>receive 2 mil surgical masks, 200,000 N95 masks & 50,000 testing kits in return
Chill will grow larger
EU will grow larger
All of Eurasia should stick together, fuck America
>where was the US
Nowhere. We're no longer helping anyone but ourselves anymore.
>Thank you China
>For causing 4 global pandemics since 2003 because you refuse to regulate the disgusting hygiene practices of your citizens
The deaths are on their hands. Great, they sent us some ventilators. We mustn't forget that they did this when it is over and pressure them to stop being so fucking disgusting.
India has fucking TERRIBLE hygiene but they don't cause regular global pandemics. SORT YOUR SHIT OUT CHINA.
You just agree to work together when Italy has already died over 2000 while depending on Chink gibs?
And now you depend on chink gibs too?
China just exploit your incompetence, dumb kraut.
So when are you going to help Italy?
god bless China
$20 says the Chinese shipped them factory 2nds... there’s probably manufacturing flaw holes in the masks
One of my friend work as a nurse, she said they get 50 masks/week and apparently that's not enough at all. That's 40 000 workers getting masks for a single week for the whole EU.
Bullshit, our countries don't share anything. We let Italy alone to deal with it. The EU doesn't exist, only nations exist.
>China Lied, People Died
We let you live when we should have stomped on your fucken neck. TWICE!
Making deals with the devil in the year of our lord 2020.
holy shit these polish guys don't realize the EU is still part of the World Jew Bank, why you think they hate America for crashing the Federal Reserve interest rates? We no longer part of the World Jew anymore.
For the EU to grow larger, it needs to be able to take care of itself first.
Current event shows EU members fucking each other in the back while thanking chinks for gibs.
Why couldn't have all EU countries acted like Russia? They saw it coming months ago. You don't react when the shit happens around you, act before it gets there fuck.
You are the Jews keeping your army everywhere, destabilising other countries, unconditionally supporting Israel and Saudi terrorism
You are the biggest Jews out there
Those are literally our masks they took.
They stopped the shipments and the Chinese communist party confiscated the masks we paid to have made.
Now the communists are doing what they always do. Use the stuff that they stole for leverage and more power.
Fat burgers are too busy trying to buy your vaccine for themselves Kraut-bro.
Just when I thought that cunt of an orange boomer couldn't snk amy lower
who voted for this woman?
Yes thank China for giving you supplies for a problem they fucking caused. I mean for fuck sake Kraut.
>You are the Jews keeping your army everywhere, destabilising other countries, unconditionally supporting Israel and Saudi terrorism
>Thinks American soldiers want to come to their disease ridden countries to establish democracy
We good over here homeboy!! Borders closed!! No more globohomo..
They better be helping other countries clean the mess they made.
>200,000 masks
>for all of europe
that's not even a drop on a hot stone.
That would make China look weak.
go home chang
>the eternal victim trades one master for another
Yeah the proles are really running china lmao
this is now an anti-China thread
/Wuhan Flu
I don't think the european understand what's going on here.
1. In January, the EU sent 50 ton of medical shit to China, never mind the fact they don't have enough to save their own.
2. In Feb, Italy outbreak happens, EU blocks medical export to Italy, leaving them to die. China jumps in to help, Italy thanks China.
3. In March, now EU somehow lacks medical equipment, China now send it to them. EU thanks China.
The question is: why doesn't the EU KEEP their medical equipment and use it to help their members in the first place?
Do they intend to make China look good?
Based. Fuck the mutts. Trump can't even save America, no wonder they aren't helping other countries.
EU faggots sucking chink dicks for masks? You niggers couldn’t get more cringe
France sent 17 tonnes of medical equipment 4 weeks ago to China.
Now China sent us 1 mil masks, which kind I don't know. So we are supposed to get half of what they are sending... And the plane just arrived in Belgium, where they desperately need masks because Italy stole the ones they ordered in Turkey when the boat made a stop.
Here Germoney (France do the same) hoarding mask:
thanks for spreading the virus then "saving" us chang
There is no manufacturing in the US
Trump warned us of this for years
Relying on a foreign power is a threat to national security
Now we see he was right again
Americans can save themselves. This isn't communist CHINA. We're not bug people hoping Winnie the Flu saves the day. Trump can get fucked as long as the 2nd Amendment exists for all I care.
Nothing like getting your PPE from the same country you got the virus from.
Maybe Winnie the Fru releases the China Virus as a business strategy. They cornered the market on vitamin C and medical device production. Now they have an excuse to spike prices.
>EU couldn't make masks or testing kits
What the flying fuck?
>i don't keep up with reality so it doesn't exist
How much you want bet all those masks being sent to Europe will be infected with Covid-19?
Hey retard, you sent your masks to China, now they send some back to you.
Keep the change, loser.
That's like poisoning someone and then wanting to be rewarded and praised for giving them the antidote. China did this.
based China
Everyone who uses emojis like that deserves to be genocided
Jack Ma is not a CCP shill though. He's a decent human being.
>How much you want bet you suck cock on a regular basis?
>thank you mr chang for the infected masks
>trusting our lives with chink equipment
Manning the weapons that kept the chinks from stepping over your dead bodies and taking your country by force. Only to have you guys bend over and get fucked in the ass by them, then thank them for it.
Oh an actual EU shill, why didn't the EU manufacture and send mask to Italy then?
>NATO nations siding with communists
How can they be this stupid, europe is going to look like the middle east soon.
It mean nothing. The "EU" doesn't have any masks or medical equipment and Merkel/Macron will not let their own citizen die to save some Portuguese or some ikeanigger. Look what happened to Italy. Belgium is fucked, they have no masks. And your link is empty, nothing about sharing medical equipment. Hope you mom get infected and die, faggot.
>lets just take purposefully contaminated equipment and give it to the people in society who can help
I find your lack of faith disturbing.
>China just saved the EU
Well fuck. Meanwhile, we get Boris and his incompetence.
Our PM today said that during talks over skype with leaders of other member states, the western countries only talked about money and economy, while eastern countries talked about virus and people. FUCK the EU, during the migrant crisis we were one big family and had to show our "solidarity" and now that people actually need help they don't give a shit.
I'd prefer not to have my organs harvested for criticising the government or being an ethnic minority. Communism and Fascism are two sides of the same coin.
You can blame member states for the delays but not 'the EU' as in commission or parliament. In fact it's mostly the commission who is working for EU solidarity.
China already helped giving this to the world and now your gonna trust their medicine or masks? Good luck with that.
He’s Chinese
What's going to happen.
France and Germany continue to hoard masks.
Each european country lacking masks will have to beg chinks to give masks to them and thank them each time.
This will solidify chink rule and prestige as Europe's saviours, because the EU cannot somehow manufacture masks and send to its members, but "based" China can.
Solidarity for what retard? Chinks already send 2 millions masks to Italy while Germany is RIGHT FUCKING NEXT to Italy.
Then it's time for a US/NATO lead invasion of china immediately vs cucking like a faggot to them. Why are you all such fucking pussies?
>China just saved the EU from the problem it created
you are aware that masks are useless, right?
Fucking retard
>Where was the USA
Sucking NIGGERDICK on their knees, as usual.