Uh... bros?

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nobody cares

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the problem today is you have brianlet zoomers starting threads with some random @ tweet.

gtfo off this board underageb&

Goym are waking up
0.02 shekels have been deposited into your account

tmz already said its fake

you fucking q schizos are going to get someone killed

oy vey


want my advice, dont say “schizo”, its a shill calling card

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>tom hanks is apart of it
Oh thank god he's apart and not a part. I can still like forest gump.

im saying it because its true
you're saying a bunch of untrue things about oprah
she came out and confirmed its all not true
and yet you are still saying its true
you are literally an information terrorist

But is there a more concrete source?
Big if true, but bring the big guns for big happenings.

This, holy shit. Qanon is more annoying and depressing than the flat fucking earth.

I dont even follow Q, i just know these people are all pedos

That was a very through out statement tho, JIDF has deposited a whole shekel for that one (for you two to share of course)

>I'm not even racist, I just know all these white people are all racists

that is what you sound like right now

You right now

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Do you Q tards ever have any proof that isn't just some random twitter post?

it gets proven true time and time again

Didn't she respond last night saying Q is a fake ass faggot?

I'm convinced that it is a JIDF tactic to accuse others of being JIDF. Some of these people have to be goys so removed from reality that they actually push this silly stuff, though.
I acknowledge the existence of Israel's nuclear weapons stockpile.

this is not pilpul. there is no circular argument going on. You cannot provide sources for your egregious claims that have already been debunked by the person you claim is arrested, and yet you act like the victim here. If anyone is acting like a Jew, it's you.

Pro-whites can't even have proper discussions anymore because we're too busy calling each other kikes. Wonder who could be behind this.

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you because you're a jew

So we will finally find out if emma watson was sucking dick for roles while talking at the UN about feminism.

Who the fuck believes this shit?


It's all so tiresome.

then proofs or take meds

surely in two weeks this will be proven true right bros

>nothing to see here goyims! move along!

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bullshit but I believe it

Oprah already debunked this via a tweet so you can goq back to sleep.

There's a reason for that btw

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Which is the worst ?

>a) A pandemic who will probably wipe approximately a few hundred thousands but we'll get through it
>b) A psyop so subversive millions of people and their offsprings are listening to it and spewing their nonsense everywhere they can causing even more chaos and division

For me its b). Fuck Q larpers

No one
It’s just funposting

>the accused party says its not true
>tmz a legit network
>it must be dis
Fucking Americunts forreal


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>you fucking q schizos are going to get someone killed
that's the goal. hopefully treasonous shills and pedophiles.


uhhh bross??

go back to plebbit you absolute brainlet

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This person's gonna get sued for libel. Oprah is a billionaire and her lawyers could easily prove actual malice and get a multimillion dollar judgment against this guy.

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and then 900 other brainlets use that and the following copies of that tweet as reference to keep retweeting the same retardation

You would be amazed how much this hoard improves if you filter “strawman”

>it aint real
Explain this

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Lol, you can't sue twitter users for libel.

I am a racist. What now?

Oprah has no credibility here, so she can't debunk anything.

Bump for justice.
We the people are sick and tired of pizza hotdog cheesbuger clocks and other wierd sculptures celbrating child rape

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Tmz are compromised. Oprah is a pedophile

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They can't get a warrant legally to trace his IP

>information terrorist

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You don't need a warrant, you need a subpoena.

I’m Jewish and completely against the tyranny of the Jews too. People like us are out there.

That must have been a friend, because if it was an RSO he'd have ejected the shooter the second he put his hand in front of the barrel.

But knits make lice so you get the gas too, kike.

I would say he's neither

>nobody cares

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Lmao what a schizoid bullcrap