More and more people are working from home since this coronavirus stuff started. My question is. If people were capable of working from home this whole time. Why weren't they?
More and more people are working from home since this coronavirus stuff started. My question is...
Well you might not work as well or focus on your work as much as in the goycave, lest you think of more important things than dildo marketing
becuase it kills your motivation when the boss isnt whipping you in the wagie cube
I spend far less time actually working when I'm at home but I get far more done.
wouldn't mind working him from home.
I always work from home, the virus hasnt changed anything for me
wait till you see how most of the work that gets done is needless. how a few great thinkers sustain the lives of the unwashed masses.
This. Once everyone is told to go back to the office, there should be endless amounts of
>but wait, if most of us worked from home for that whole time and nothing really bad happened, why do we have to come in now? Why not just keep working from home?
but wagies won't say this.
Middle Management only has a job because they spy on the wagies and swing by for progress updates. Working from home pushes these do-nothing boomer fossils into obsolescence so they resist attempts to move to work-from-home. Also they’re very technologically inept so anything more complicated than sending an e-mail frightens them.
Nice but polfags can't read that much text, the tl;dr is here
Because now I am lurking Yas Forums
Because allowing people to work without a supervisor breathing down their neck would make middle-managers redundant.
I'm in my wage cage on Yas Forums but I'm also phone fagging
Its a false flag so everybody will stay home and be forced to become soundcloud rappers
Don't ask for permission, just stay home and log in via vpn. They might fire you after a while but as last long bf as you do your job you should be ok.
If jobs were actually about productivity work at home would be the standard. Instead we rely on corporate babysitting because women are in the workforce, 80% of jobs are bullshit but we are too scared of UBI, and a layer of 100% useless managerial practices from before the internet is still entrenched. Fuck offices, fuck commuting, fuck W2.
because companies can bully you better in the office.
>Also they’re very technologically inept so anything more complicated than sending an e-mail frightens them.
Isn't Excel a middle management tool?
>too scared of UBI
Welfare by any other name is still welfare.
Imagine tfw they realize things run smoother with half the workforce on leave.
1. Boomer bosses love seeing all the drones sitting in their chairs looking busy. It feeds their ego.
2. If everyone works from home, their companies will sell off a lot of their space. Boomers love having a lot of space. Rooms, offices, whole buildings. It gives them a sense of belonging, continuity, and dignity.
3. They also love grabbing random employees for unscheduled, time-wasting meetings. This is a power-move intended to assert dominance. "I don't care what you were working on, you have to pay attention to me now." Much harder to do remotely.
4. Most work-from-home solutions are heavy on writing. Email, sending documents, etc. They're terrified of putting things in writing because they could come back to haunt them later. That's why they prefer face-to-face communications. Many of them have poor writing skills, too.
I think NPCs are programmed to enjoy the 50 hour commute at 6 AM in the morning
If I didnt need to leave for work I would probably be lazy drunk and showered. Work is doing me a favor.
I imagine the women are having a really rough time without the beta orbiters to finish up work for them.
fucking QUEER
Imagine the layoffs
yep, that's the naked truth now: most works are, always were, utterly IRRELEVANT
(btw, also they have higher salaries)
Because the world didn't start today.
Don't assume that what hasn't caught up to progress is bad intent. You'll spend your life paranoid and angry.
I forgot a couple.
5. Managers are older and wealthier, and have more distractions at home--kids, projects, etc. They don't understand that many of their workers have rather spartan existences, and will not be distracted at home.
6. "We had to do it" (buy business wardrobe, commute 90 minutes a day, sit in an unpleasant building with people we dislike all day), "you do, too."
You can be sure the european green parties will push this on top of their plateform once the crisis is over.
This, working from home I dont spend pointless time just looking blankly at a monitor because I have to and I actually solve problems and fix shit as the ideas come to me.
9-5 office hours are retarded but I get it for the normies.
I currently working from home. I work in simulation lab at a nursing college. There really isn't much I can do from home, so right now I check my email 2 or 3 times a day and collect a paycheck. I would imagine there are lots of people like me that are working from home, but not really doing a damn thing all day.
Welfare was a scam put in place by the jews to calm down niggers and keep them poor because once you get a noemal job, you stop receiving welfarebux. NEETbux never leave no matter what you do or who you are.
Had a 3 hour commute to and back from work once for a few months, I was ready to kms just to end the suffering. Almost every night niglets would pull the alarm, stopping the whole train for another 20mns. Fuck commuting.
And who pays for the UBI?
As someone who works from home it's literally the only way I will ever do office work. Fuck the office politics bullshit.
Paris area?
But search engine censors somehow can't work from home?
Bill Kristol's New Americans.
because creepy jew bosses want to breathe down your neck like joe biden
>t. jobless faggot
as a gen x/millenial goy who rose quickly to senior management in a multimillion dollar international company, I can safely say you are an ignorant, entitled man-child who would never make it past my first interview. When I realize I'm talking to someone with your attitude, I immediately cease the interview and send them packing. You have no idea about what goes on in upper management, just like I only catch a whiff of what the c-suite and board does behind closed doors. I seriously hope your employer wises up to your attitude and shitcans you accordingly
Yes. Ligne C.
Even if you’re baiting. This whole pandemic is making people realize that they don’t have to put up with people like you’re parodying. At least face to face.
That's something I could support. Time saved by non-commuting to work = more time to be spent with family. Not to mention lesser stress due to traffic and those co-workers you can't stand.
Plus who likes to wear suit and tie everyday regardless of whether it's winter or summer for 10 hours straight? Not to mention those uncomfortable ass dress shoes.
It's not a parody. I'm responsible for roughly 50 people, from HR to finance to front line staff to software devs/QA to building maintenance and janitorial.
The hoi polloi love to grind their axe and prominently display their chipped shoulders, but without directors and people like myself working in the background you morons wouldn't have a paycheque. Go ahead, bite the hand that feeds, I seriously don't give a fuck. Don't come crying to me when you get your pink paper.
Beware of the work from home menace. I work from home yeah, but I'm an IT faggot. Beware of NPC jobs going on "work from home" mode to "save the environment".
Nobody controls me since I do my contracts on my own, I sell myself basically...but NPC workers cogs in corporations they WILL need control. If you think Acme Inc. will let their "pencil sharpening division" to avoid Goy Commute and just send emails and "files" from gotta be out of your fucking mind.
This move WILL mandate goyim to convert their "home office" into "company approved office" which means, based from my remote work experience - when you convert it to NPC mode;
> camera (i don't have one, rarely do I video talk, only voice)
> constant checking in (are you goys doing a good job? heck yeah yall!)
> incredibly easy to overtime (rrrring...h-hey, NPC wageslave, can you just _____ if you're near the computah - which you will be lol)
It's hell. The future is so fucking grim I swear I don't know what good is it having kids unless you live in the woods and not in the woods in civilized areas, like that dumb nigger Varg.
Living like literal mongol - in Mongolia, in Mongolian tent, eating mongolian cow balls. Anything else is kike slavery, there's no off the grid if there's even a remote phone signal in your vicinity. Fuck this planet and fuck people who promoted the jews up to power.
Wonder who that might be.
>Why weren't they?
Because wageslaving can't happen without a taskmaster barking you orders and faulting you for evey little drop of dust onto your pc screen.
I'm currently working from home, due to the new COVID regulations, it feels quite natural to me.
Because mr. noseberg said you can’t work from home
I don’t think anyone’s biting your hand. They’re just realizing they don’t need you.
imagine when women start working from home and have to produce actual results to keep their jobs.
You don't have children, do you?
yup managers just sit on their asses making money from your wageslaving. You are such a smoothbrained faggot you deserve whatever is coming to you
I want to work from home but that would mean I have to give up my relatively comfy security job
For anyone wanting a good read on HR skip further down this thread.
I have worked on my home all my life
>you deserve whatever is coming to you
A better quality of life and no office politics forcing me to pretend to like people I actually don’t? Sweet!
This guy is literally me, but more handsome.
because you really do not work the true 8 hours a day.
and you cant be, why should i expect you to continuously be productive for 8 hours. that's insane. my mind's already tired enough after watching a 2 hours movie, can you imagine producing instead of consuming? most people truly work about 4 - 5 hours max. the rest are all evenly distributed into socializing, contemplating, distraction, and incubating how to solve a problem.
therein lies the problem. if it's a job someone offers you, it means it's something that either they are not good at, or do not have the time to do. truth be told, as a business owner if i can do everything at a blink of an eye, i wouldnt even bother to hire anyone.
you either pay the people who are really good at their job really well so they are compensated fairly. or you make the job as braindead as possibly and hire a bunch of replaceable workers to fit that slot. the former is more passion driven but the latter is very profit driven.
at a burger joint you just need bob and john to do a rotation, come in a flip a couple patties. but bob and john do not have a say on how the burger gets put together or what kind of meat to use. they are just there to fill a slot. unfortunately, that's how you end up getting stuck with 1 flavor. until a competitor decides that they are going to be smart about staffing and hire someone who not only wants to make a burger, but also a GOOD burger.
most people focus too much on profit and ignore that if you can ignore the passion in those who do want to excel and succeed, the potential revenue is much greater than the safest route you can take, which is to treat them like a cog in the machine.
the reality that only a handful of intelligent, hardworking, conscientious people is deserving of these "passion positions" because only they have the knowledge and the drive to thrive in those settings. most people are meant to be cogs but have the ego to believe that they are not. it's miserable
Hey guys, look, he was never validated by his father so he's climbing a corporate ladder to achieve a sense of self importance.
Sad to see, but fun to watch.
You're so fucking dumb. Women working from home gives them ultimate power you circumcised goyim fuck. They can larp and talk and webcam meet all day via Zoom or Slack or Fuck whatever, and talk about what they "plan" to do, and talk more. And talk. Talk. More talk? Ok. Conference call!
And take a wild fucking guess who will do the actual work plus the overtime which will be EXTRA convenient since everyone is at home so there's no excuse of "not being able to do some quick overtime".
Damn you dumb nigga.
you underestimate bottom tier normie wagies.
At work i only troll and do nothing.
I dont give a shit aobut my job either
>give up my relatively comfy security job
Either your role allows to work from home or you don't. I haven't changed my role and position when COVID hit the country and everyone started closing offices in fear of spreading coof.
If you are just supervising, you can do it from home, even with some seldom local inspection on the field.
>time-wasting meetings
I can;t believe how useless these things are, and they can be 2-3 hours long, and nothing gets said or done that couldn't take place in an email that takes 10 mins to type.
More like "imagine when women cannot accuse random coworkers of rape and thus need to actually work in order to buy bread"
I don't work with women, as a general rule
It will happen.
So they pretty much do what they do now, only in their own home. Only with the caveat of not being able to directly coerce betas around them to do their work
and they can't chat to other female workers or walk around.
is this a translation issue or are you just a dumb baguette
the point of my post was that wagies should be asking themselves and their employers this but won't because they are wagies and will do as bossman says
My role allows me to goof off 90% of the day with minutes of actual work sprinkled in here and there. I think what I meant to say was I’m looking to work from home in a different field but sort of don’t want to give up guaranteed and quite honestly free money
what does this have to do with working from home?
Internet voting.... SCREEN CAP THIS.
It would make sense going forward. Think of how much less cars and pollution would be caused if people needed not to travel everyday to work that can be done from home.