What made her go from being a wholesome country singer to being a NWO cultural terraformer?
Miley Cyrus
(((the music industry)))
What a whore cant believe wtf
How does that shi work though? Like point A is being a wholesome girl and point B is wearing a dragon dildo on stage. What happens in between?
This is far beyond whore into what can possibly be called satanic. It's not about being sexy, that's not what her getup is about, it's about being a fucking freak.
Isn't obscenity illegal?
This. All of this.
Also acceptable.
Hypnosis and pills.
It's simple. It rots the brain.
women in media do whatever their (((producers))) ask them to. she was never wholesome and she probably isn't as much of a slut as they make her pretend. Most likely she's just an empty-headed normie cunt.
A huge amount of drugs, and an encouragement that that drug abuse is actually an 'awakening' and she's actually wise and knowledgeable because of the free thinking of drug trips.
The real Miley Cyrus is dead, that is an impersonator that replaced her years ago.
She can't even commit to the bit, she had tights on and fake tits
Nothing of value would be lost if someone off'ed her
You sweet summer child. No.
I have seen a man in the public street injecting some kind of drug into his penis. he was talking to himself about stealing vaccume cleaners.
zoomer hippy on her first bender
Feminism leads to narcissism and relativism. Spewing degeneracy doesnt evoke emotion anymore when you become a Nietzsche demon.
is this the female version of marilyn manson?
That was the whole point. Have a nice Christian girl, corrupt her and turn her into a whore. Hope (and make it so) that those little fans of hers copy her.
It’s a Jewish thing.
The tits are fake
Her behavior strongly implies she was molested as a child.
A life of being raped by jewish perverts
That's a big dildo.
Because her dad is a cuck
No self-respecting father would've allowed this to happen to their daughter
She was killed and replaced by kikes in Hollywood.
Hippies are more wholesome than baby torturing kikes, who banned psychedelics to begin with.
Money speaks through her.
pop stars tend to go through different phases. Her PR managment was probably like
>alright youre almost 30 lets give the horse dicks a rest
She's pretty hot tho
I'd fuck her in the ass if you know what I mean
When was this even from, I think she cringes at past stuff like this if it isn't recent.
>pic lol
Why isn't this in Yas Forums, who gives a fuck? Stop posting Yas Forums, Yas Forums or Yas Forums shit here. It's not that hard people, Jesus Christ.
Seriously consider heavily investing in a razerblabe company you fucking cuck
> It’s a Jewish thing.
It's a brain washing thing. Parents go along with letting their kids worship an innocent country singer... then when she turned into a monster, the cat was out of the bag and she was evidence that some girls used to justified their whore behavior.
I was about to post this. Checked. This was all part of the plan, right from the get go.
I think people weren't paying enough attention to her anymore so she started acting weird to stay in the spotlight and make more money.
He posted this picture today. He's almost 60.
I've done a lot of drugs and don't do degenerate shit like that.
It's not drugs, it's shit-tier genes and an even shittier father.
That's not Miley. the real one was killed and dumped outside of Los Vegas.
Jews. They infect everything and make it ugly, immoral, and degenerate.
Hollywood & higher education systems are completely degenerate. It’s intentional & highly successful at corrupting youth.
The pic is 5 years old
spot on. this is the correct answer.
There are obscenity laws in the US but they are vague and usually not enforced, because anything that isn’t explicitly labeled as pornography can be considered art and protected under the 1st amendment.
She smoked 1 unit of weed
Nice outfit gay dog
This. user is aware.
Tits or gtfo
Checkan truth
Well if you're young and famous, you can't have a normal social life because everyone is your fan or hates you. The only people who will talk to you normally are Jews. They want your money but even if there's no way to get it, they'll still talk to you normally for networking purposes.
And if you're a working entertainer, you have to spend all your time traveling with Jews, or sitting in buildings staffed entirely by Jews. So eventually the Jews - because they want your money, or even through just genuinely friendly advice - will instruct you (correctly!) on the way to conduct your career in order to extract the most money possible by contributing to the degeneration of white youth.
Those are the good Jews, of course. The bad Jews steal the rights to your work or Weinstein you into the couch cushions in exchange for an audition.
Did you ever watch Hannah Montana? A bit after my time but I've had to watch lots of it with my in-laws family and it's super ironic and explains everything. It's an eerie precursor to her actual career path, except instead of always doing the right thing when confronted with Judaism, the real Miley did the wrong thing.
the amount he must spend on Just For Men has to be astronomical.
Look closer, they are pieces of plastic.
Once a person signs there kids off to one of these (((industries))) thats it, the industry owns them. The person must now do as they say.
bobs and vagene
Again, he’s a cuck. Only a man that is a cuck would post pictures of himself.
I hope Billy Ray Cyrus disowned this girl
What I'm really interested in is, does this type of music industry actually generate income? Do millions upon millions of people go to these types of shows? If so, the people are to blame.