Why do the Japanese hate Koreans?

Recently hatred for koreans has rubbed off on me and i'm not even sure why. But subconsciously I agree
Why do you hate Koreans?

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Japanese hate koreans
Koreans hate japanese
Japanese hate chinese
Chinese hate japanese
Koreans love chinese

spiteful propaganda from the elderly prevents a korean-japanese supernation

koreans hate chinese lol. everyone hates chinese. they are fucking low class.

Koreans hijacking cultural developments from the Japanese and claiming an overprevailing credit to said developments. Koreans have never developed OC before.

Well, there's this:

Unironically watch M*A*S*H

We nips are subhumans
Two nukes weren't enough

Koreans are the jews of asia, parasites in japan under the mask of yakuza, infiltrate the Diet (jap gov, not something burgers should do) and run policy against the japanese.
Many know this, but as jews will it, if you trashtalk them in television your career as a comedian/actress/whatever is over.
They also blackmail the japs about muh comfort wymin when everyone then were using korean fleshbags during the war.

t. zainichi korean or incel english teacher

Gooks suck.

I hate both

Every nation on Earth hates its neighbors.

Too Americanized. It’s gross. Be yourself you ugly slopes

during Pluto aspects yes

Implying the Chinese care what their neighbors think of them.

The Japs secretly hate everyone and consider everyone else subhuman. It's only because they got their shit stomped 70 years ago that they have to hide this sentiment from the world.

It's still there, it hasn't gone anywhere. Poor Korea have just bared the brunt of their hate for so long due to their unfortunate proximity to the japanoids.


I like all of our neighbours. Even you krauts.

I've seen alot of asians where I work


Taiwanese are pretty ok tho

South Koreans are the new hot dogs in town. Japanese are getting sloppy. South Korea might start being anime central and then it's all over for Japan.

>Austrian Asians
There should only be 1: youtube.com/watch?v=yO7MWuJ7zLA

why Chinese girls are most sexually attractive?

Japs have hated the Koreans for centuries. A story from Samurai Williams who was taking his fellow English men to meet with Shogunate officials, when they landed they were met by a mob of locals who were riled up, after Williams spoke to the mob, it was revealed that the locals believed them to be Koreans, after learning they were in fact English the mob quickly returned back to their homes.

You've let the Korean bitching and moaning get to you

Koreans definitely hate chinks for helping North Korea.


I see through your lies, Somali street drug pusher

Slav Russians and Ukrainians are far more attractive than Slopes

Korean gov was paid a huge reparation check for WWII, but they continue to guilt campaign for more money. They also have massive revisionist views about what occupied Korea was like. There are doubts about ancestral Koreans having dual loyalty in government and the voting population.

There is basically a pretty straight parallel to the relationship between whites and blacks/jews.

This also explains why so many Koreans are doctors and so few japanese

I don’t think the Japanese care anymore, it’s the koreans who are don’t quit with the butthurt.

Truth, fuck Amerimutts

Slav Russian and Ukrainian men and women are very similar to Mongolian men and women.
In both cases the men tend to be ugly but tough, and the women are pretty much universally good looking

But don't get gropy or mess with another man's woman or you'll earn a knife in the gut.

Snow limey, go back to londonistan!

Living next to the border of Canada, I can tell you we feel the exact same about you. Canada is trash.

This, nothing better describes the Koreans as the jews of Japan. They constantly whine about "muh reparations" and the evils of Japanese nationalism. Not to mention they also like to change their names to Japanese names, so people will not suspect them of being shitty zainichi.


Of course you think that, you are jealous of our 87% while you have to look at the niggers all around you and cry about your 57%

>Not to mention they also like to change their names to Japanese names, so people will not suspect them of being shitty zainichi.

Is it hard to tell them from japanese by looks? From my experience you can tell japanese and koreans apart easily but I dont know about koreans living in Japan

Nigger your whole culture is trash

of course they do. they're like turks and americans and russians, in that they pretend the unconditional disdain doesn't hurt their feelings and cover up with bluster and spiteful coping mechanisms.

Honestly, I do consider the Japanese to be superior to their fellow Asians.

The Chinese are nasty filthy masses that caused this current global crisis. Rude and have no idea on how to be appropriate in public.

The Korean's rip everyone off and have no original ideas of their own.

Look just accept that Canada is simply the generic version of America. You try to be us but are literally too cucked to even compare. You still cling to the Queen because you are too weak to stand alone.

Cope harder Cuck.

Goddman look at all the cope.

Koreans hate the chinese.

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Why are all Japanese food and electronics in stores from a Korean brand nowadays?

Koreans don't hate chinese, they just think they are dirty and the chinese daughters are spoiled af. Taiwanese is different on the other hand, they respect them.

The Chinese are soon to catch up to the Japanese and Koreans as a global consumer country. They already dominate every industry and have great amounts of influence in the West. Just wait a while longer and watch them surpass Korea.

Japs and Taiwanese people are the most polite people, nice almost subservant at times. Chinese assholes think they rule the world and have an air of superiority, dirty and rude. Asian countries consider Korea pretty much a US puppet state to this day. SE asia is pretty much all the same, the "mexicans" of North America. 3rd world lots of corruption and good if u take a trip to bangkok. but rest of it is kind of a shithole.

I love Korea because of their movies, but I'm really tired of the kpop craze. For fucks' sakes, Why do women lose their minds over guys that look girlier than they do?

Their latest kdrama is about romance between north and south

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Are you suggesting having a nation full of niggers and spics makes you genetically superior, sorry bud but I have some new for you .
It doesn't

I can't find the video of a young japanese girl giving a speech about hating koreans on yt anymore

I feel like Austria has been more active on Yas Forums recently, what do you think?

Japanese man here
Koreans are the jews of the asian race
Move to every country and get into politics then spread feminism
Rape of nanking is their holocaust.
They have cults and are now getting into hollywood style tactics to feminize men

>endlessly screeching about gibs
>Koreans act shitty in japan and act superior even though they larp like Japanese people
>giant feminist death cult runs Korea
>feminists get mad at the Japanese’s degenerate obscure porn collection

I don’t know man you tell me. Honestly I think we’ve would been better off, if the Japanese kept both koreas and the huge chunk of China.

Take a look at the pictures. Abe could pass as a med, not European med but definitely med. so human. the other, well idk. You tell me. My two cents

This question is almost funny to me. I read news from Japan, US, UK, China, and Korea. Korean ones are by far the most insane when it comes to Japan.

For example, Korean official got so mad when Japan imposed entry ban on visitors from China and Korea a few weeks ago. While there were many countries doing the same thing, Korean govt only summoned the Japanese ambassador and scolded at him front of a camera.

This type of outrage happens basically EVERY MONTH. If you even want to know more, a smaller outrage happens basically once a week.
We've gotten too used to see this shit so it's not considered a big deal.

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They are cucked globalist leftists
>a.k.a. a bunch of faggots

>Taiwanese are pretty ok tho
You mean based?!

Taiwanese ARE Chinese numb nuts.

omg that was such a good series
I thought there would be a second season tho
the final episode was kinda shit tbqh

Korean cries in pain as he strikes you.