/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #2233

► Detected: 205,642 ► Died: 8,272

Coronavirus is airborne, WHO officials confirm

France under lockdown, 66 million people

Millions of Americans to lose their jobs

Robbers grab 100,000 surgical masks at gunpoint in Ukraine

Dogs can be carriers of the virus

nCoV manifests as lung abnormalities

25 year old nurse dies in Iran

Virus affects blood circulation

4900 deaths across 182 cities in Iran, Iran opposition estimates

US prepares for 4.8 million hospitalizations

Spain only testing high risk cases

Australia expects 1.5 million infected

10:10: 463 new cases in Germany.
10:02: First case in Djibouti.
09:31: First 3 cases in Kyrgyzstan. All three had returned from a pilgrimage to Saudi Arabia.
09:15: 35 new cases and 1 new death in Norway.
09:03: First death in Moldova. The patient was a 61-year-old woman who was admitted to hospital after returning from Italy. She had underlying issues such as stage 2 hypertension and type 2 diabetes.
08:40: 63 new cases and 1 new death in Luxembourg.
07:59: 139 new cases in Austria.



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Other urls found in this thread:


► China 80894 (3237) ► International 123,716 Italy 31506 (2503) Iran 17361 (1135) Spain 13910 (623) Germany 10082 (26) S. Korea 8413 (84) France 7730 (175) USA 6534 (116) Switzerland 2742 (27) Netherlands 2051 (58) UK 1950 (71) Norway 1527 (5) Belgium 1486 (14) Austria 1471 (3) Sweden 1196 (8) Denmark 1044 (4) Japan 889 (29) Malaysia 790 (2) Diamond Princess 712 (7) Portugal 642 (2) Canada 598 (8) Australia 565 (6) Czechia 464 Qatar 442 Israel 427 Greece 387 (5) Finland 359 Brazil 350 (1) Ireland 292 (2) Slovenia 275 (1) Singapore 266 Estonia 258 Pakistan 256 Bahrain 255 (1) Iceland 250 Poland 246 (5) Romania 246 Indonesia 227 (19) Thailand 212 (1) Luxembourg 203 (2) Philippines 202 (17) Chile 201 Egypt 196 (6) Hong Kong 181 (4) Saudi Arabia 171 Iraq 164 (12) Ecuador 155 (2) India 152 (3) Russia 147 Kuwait 142 Lebanon 133 (4) San Marino 119 (11) Peru 117 South Africa 116 UAE 113 Slovakia 105 Taiwan 100 (1) Turkey 98 (1) Mexico 93 Panama 86 (1) Armenia 84 Serbia 83 Bulgaria 81 (2) Croatia 81 Argentina 79 (2) Colombia 75 Algeria 72 (6) Latvia 71 Vietnam 68 Brunei 68 Albania 59 (2) Hungary 58 (1) Faeroe Islands 58 Belarus 51 Sri Lanka 51 Costa Rica 50 Uruguay 50 Morocco 49 (2) Cyprus 49 Jordan 48 Malta 48 Palestine 44 Andorra 39 Georgia 38 Bosnia and Herzegovina 38 Kazakhstan 36 Venezuela 36 Cambodia 35 North Macedonia 35 Azerbaijan 34 (1) Lithuania 33 Oman 33 Senegal 31 Moldova 30 (1) Tunisia 29 Guadeloupe 27 Afghanistan 22 Dominican Republic 21 (1) Burkina Faso 20 (1) New Zealand 20 Martinique 19 (1) Liechtenstein 19 Macao 15 Uzbekistan 15 Ukraine 14 (2) Bangladesh 14 (1) Jamaica 13 Maldives 13 Bolivia 12 Réunion 12 Guyana 11 (1) French Guiana 11 Paraguay 11 Cameroon 10 Monaco 9 Honduras 9 Guatemala 8 (1) Nigeria 8 Guam 8 Rwanda 8 Cuba 7 DRC 7 Ghana 7 Kenya 7 Trinidad and Tobago 7 Channel Islands 6 Ivory Coast 6 Ethiopia 6 Mongolia 6 Puerto Rico 5 Aruba 4 Seychelles 4 Curaçao 3 French Polynesia 3 Gabon 3 Gibraltar 3 Kyrgyzstan 3... Total 171/251

She's still clean, right bro's?

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>It has only been in the wild for 4 months.
A bit longer than that

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Remimder that the Kung Flu isn't only killing asians, boomer or that nigs are immune. All pure cooe, we are all at high risk, do not fall for those memes, the situation is dire, the worst hasn't come yet. The peak is 45-a few months away at most, even Zog has said this so it could be longer. Be wary anons, these are the starts of the hard times, become strong men, become self-reliant, become warriors. Heed these words, even if thinhs get better stay strong, it could happen at anytime in the future after it passes.

Yas Forums is always right, stay safe, keep your own safe, stick to tnis idea and you will survive the coming storms. They are all lying to the masses, it's up to us to undo the programming to our folk.

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Never forget.

>Italy is falling apart so badly they literally can't bury or burn the bodies fast enough
>only 0.05% of the population has been infected

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>Wuhan cleansed
Wuhan cleansed
>Wuhan cleansed
Wuhan cleansed

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my sides

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Reminder to take this as an opportunity to be mean to wagies. No one will give a fuck if they get verbally or physically attacked because they'll need them stacking shelves.

It's Corona chan's big day today!

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Just walked away from my job. Don't know if I will be able to get unemployment in this circumstance but might as well try.

ABC's of Salvation:
To be safe for all eternity:
A: Admit that you are a sinner, who violates the Will of God, and that you need a Saviour. Repent. Turn away from your sin and toward Jesus. (Matthew 4:17; Romans 2:4, 3:10, 6:23; Acts 3:19)
B: Believe that Jesus Christ, Son of God & Messiah, died for your sins and rose again, and that He will come again, as prophesied and recorded in the Word of God. Trust in His finished work on the cross. (Romans 10:9-10; 1 Corinthians 15:1-4; Ephesians 2:8-9)
C: Call on His name, ask Him to save you, and confess that He is Lord. (Romans 10:9-10, 10:13, 14:10-11; Philippians 2:10)

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Friendly reminder that if you actually believe that this virus is of chinese origin, bioweapon or not, you are braindead.
America created Corona-chan to punish China, Italy, Iran and Russia for "Silk Way" project.
I can bet my anal virginity that mutts already have the cure. They will release it as soon as economy of said countries is destroyed.

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>more threads than available beds in italian hospitals

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I found comfort in this chaos, my country is full of YES man, religious nut jobs, lazy cunts, and nepotistic faggots, the government is not giving a single shit about the outbreak, last sunday mr president decide to organize a public manifestation against the Congress, some religious leaders are still organizing their masses, it's an amazing combination.
Thousands will die in Brazil, and I suspect this will naturally improve this country in the long run, we were in need of a good throat punch for a while.
For any hue monkey who thinks I'm retard, let them die, you will not be able to change their mind, you won't save them, just protect those you care.

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Britain is yet again sacrificing itself for Europe. You better be happy continental scum

This is a nothingburger, by early may we will be back at our daily lives

how long until the looting starts?
should I stock up with balaclava and a crowbar in preperation to optimize? what strats are optimal?

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Big things are gonna happen. The Chinese Flu will be the smallest of them. It is the trigger. The wrecking ball. The game breaker that was needed.

You can live off Trumpbux.

my throat is dry and scratchy but I'm scared to text my boss I haven't called in sick in 4 years.

Im going to buy 500 stickers of related and going to start sticking them on stop signs. whos with me?

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For every person caught purposefully contaminating areas with their virus, there are 10 people who still have not gotten caught. This will spread despite quarantining.


It's literally a nothingburger. Stop trying to destroy the economy to hurt Trump.

They are talking about using UBI during this and many states are starting to talk about not allowing renters to evict tenants. You made the right move. This isn't slowing down. Save yourself.

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>tfw the plan is working
Watch "Cops Like Us" which was on BBC2 last night and see why they want to cull the herd

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I can only imagine how ridiculous it would look when a typical Swedish male wears a balaclava and carries a crowbar.

Doggo day of the rope incomming.


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Check'd. Will I still get it though because I essentially quit?

I have to side with leftists on this. Trump is a fucking retard kek. Boomer tier logic employed throughout

Amancio Ortega (Inditex) will start producing medical equipment in his chinese factories and bring them to Spain every week, expected 300.000 masks by the end of the week

Reminder to not fall for confirmation bias. There are more cases showing up every day because we are now actually testing. You cannot be counted if no one is counting. Please calm the fuck down.

The world will be made to remember our sacrifices when we reform the Empire

>hips and ass grow bigger
>tits start leaking
>vulva gets puffier
>juice starts leaking

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America did not create it. The cabal created it. But it was obviously mainly ripped off most of its abilities before the release and now is much more harmless than they wanted it to be. The entire thing will instead blow up in their faces.

30% unemployment by the end of the week let's go
This is the age of the neet
Soon we'll have a racist welfare state and saying nigger on twitter will be a guaranteed human right

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There are people that still think it's a flu and coughing anywhere open.

The bills in Congress include money for every adult American citizen.

People just don't understand most systems are run on a margin, so when the demand surges it will naturally overwhelm them. Surpluses and excesses cost money, and you're not likely to spend real capital on "in case shit happens."

>tfw you have a fuckton of medfags in your family

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Black plauge 2.0 lad, we said this in January
Nah, they had to go on lockdown again, expect more like that
Chang pls, you've posted this for days and get btfo everytime, kys.
Yep that's why we have to start now
Checked, let's hope so, unless the dollar crashes harder than ever it will be the case
Fuck off qnigger, go to cripplechan with that shit

Just hose her off

Ah the true American dream

>what strats are optimal?
ranged > melee

Baseball bat is all you need, aim for schools, college cafes, cafeterias, that kind of place, they typically have a lot of food stuffs that will go untouched because no one gos in for work.

He's doing way more than what your government is doing. Trump's response is similar to Germany's except less tests and more neetbux.

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But there's still no penooooooooooooooooooooor

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How many of you wagecucks turned neets are enjoying "sick leave"?

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Out of great depression may come a great renaissance of White Nations. See your pic related.

Podemos in suicide watch.

fuck mainstream
they keep telling the same shit over and over again

repill me on the things from yesterday
how bad are things
will germany get a houselockdown?

What I enjoy most about this pandemic is thinking about all the wagies in the amazon warehouses risking their lives to fulfill the orders of safe, comfy NEETs around the world

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I have this. But no fever so I don't think it's Corona. Even coofed a few times

remove the Trump pepe sticker to make it more palatable for faceberg normies

>Coronavirus is airborne, WHO officials confirm
No it isn't; did you even listen to him?

>France under lockdown, 66 million people
No it isn't.

>Millions of Americans to lose their jobs
No they won't.

>Robbers grab 100,000 surgical masks at gunpoint in Ukraine
They were arrested. Didn't get away with it/

>Dogs can be carriers of the virus
They just can't. Nice bold faced lie.

>nCoV manifests as lung abnormalities

>25 year old nurse dies in Iran
Underlying conditions; Shitty medical care.

>Virus affects blood circulation
No it doesn't; the stress does.

>4900 deaths across 182 cities in Iran, Iran opposition estimates
>Iranian opposition
Yeah they don't have an agenda or anything...

>US prepares for 4.8 million hospitalizations
Predictions never come true and you faggots are proof of that

>Spain only testing high risk cases
Seems logical.

>Australia expects 1.5 million infected
See answer for American job loss

Man, these threads suck and you blow all you 'evidence' out of proportion and misinterpret all of it based on headlines.

Just stop. It's a cold.
Let it go already.

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All named for location of origin:

Spanish Flu (actually started in China)
Hong Kong Flu
Lyme disease
West Nile
Marburg Virus
Middle East Respiratory Syndrome
Korean Hemorrhagic Fever
Thailand Virus
California encephalitis orthobunyavirus
Dobrava-Belgrade orthohantavirus
Bwamba orthobunyavirus
Jamestown Canyon Virus
Colorado Tick Fever
Pacific Coast Tick Fever
Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever
Bourbon Virus
Bhanja Virus
Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus
Japanese Encephalitis

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I'm so fuckongb drunk
Please go back to normal
No more happening

how are people able to stay calm when they see someone doing shit like this? if i saw this faggot id beat his face to a pulp.

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US cases are rising fast, they're close to overtaking France now

Are we gonna recreate the Roman empire and retake Constantinople?

>only down -4.27%


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best corona cute corona

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Fuck. Ok. Hopefully its temporary and we never have socialism

Imagine if any of this happened with the PP in power, the leftist media machine would have already crucified them.

I mean he's not. Pretty much everywhere is closed in the UK at the moment. The US health care system is already creeking.
Trump's mind literally operates on conspiracy. He could've used this opportunity to btfo of the chinks


More threads than deaths when??

>More threads than deaths when??

shit with the border closed how will americans escape to canadaland?


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I assume that to happen at the weekend or next week. I assume far worse things to come at March 30/April 1.

>please give me (You)s

Sorry, forgot about them because I care so little. Millions of wagies are going to die due to corporate green and no one will care.

It can also serve as a temporary experiment. If it works, it might become permanent.

Big retard energy!!!!!

It's funny how we mock people in third-world nations when they try to cure epidemics with stupid, urban legends, and then watch as a 1/3 of people in places like America think it's just a "political hoax for muh election."

People are people (i.e. mostly stupid and selfish).

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Turkey-Greece border conflict is still happening, so probably yes

Fuck off contrarian. Go and wank and ponder why women don't like you

Everyone understands this. Health services shouldn't be ran like they were an automobile factory, but they have all hired consultants that have introduced the lean philosophy etc. So when something actually happens we are not prepared in the slightest. No medical supples in stock all over the west, it's fucking idiotic.

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Project harder.

Are masks a meme or do they really protect against the virus?

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It should turn into NATIONAL socialism.

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Nobody is served by attacking the chinks right now. The only way forward is to slowly let the virus spread and then to bring manufacturing back to their home countries.

id kick him when the doors open, nothing better to slam down on hard concrete

Also oil producing counties like Iran and Venezuela. I wouldn't be surprised if Salmam and Putin are in on it.

Friendly reminder to sosi suka

>No it isn't; did you even listen to him?
Bro, did you watch the conferences even?

in droves when the microchipping begins to happen

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nothing is happening
thousands will die in only out of panic, and that's still routine

Nigger it's been airborn since january, stop spreading fake shit.

Yes, they will, you can't shut down withour getting assfucked later, hotels already laid off thousands



Yes, it's been proven

Untrue but shit heathcare is correct

It casuses stress so 50/50

You said yourself they have shit healthcare and a epidemic, your logic is flawed


Untrue see my post above about hotels

Yes. Now nstead everyone gets a standing ovation.
Unempliyment is gona be historic. Many people I know are being fired or are anout to shut down the business. Here the bad shit is gonna happen AFTER the virus.

Masks protect against everything they are rated for based retard. If everyone wore masks the problem would be over with tomorrow.

Masks will obviously help if they are of high enough quality. Surgical masks won't do shit. If you're looking to buy one now you are waaaaaaaaaay too late.

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Why is everyone doing this?

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Meant to post this lot yesterday eve. Ended up listening to Goldstien/pogo/zyphr audio and suffering brain lock.
These pages should be in order, but maybe in reverse

2013 EU document detailing procedures for dealing with cross border epidemic/pandemic

Somethings not adding up. Theyre not following their own procedures

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join the /herd/ bro

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It already started in some parts of Venezuela

Only full suits, it can get in via skin and eyes, ears etc.

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We may rather recreate the Holy Roman Empire. You may join if you wish so.

Go fap to Trumps twitter feed

I want war kraut war! Hopefully we're on the same side this time

happening status: CANCELLED
>happening status: CANCELLED

>(Hydroxy)Chloroquine allows zinc to enter the cells
>Intracellular zinc ions in turn inhibit coronavirus replicase
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hydroxychloroquine (plaquenil)

(Hydroxy)Chloroquine+Zinc+Azithromycin HIGHLY EFFECTIVE against SARS-CoV2
>it reduces the contagious period from 20 days to 6 days approximately
>600 mg HCQ per day after 6 days, 90% of patients tested COVID-19 negative.
>96% of control group tested positive after 6 days.

Chinese recommended dosage:
>400mg HCQ twice for the first day
>200mg HCQ twice per day for 4 days

Hydroxychloroquine MORE effective than chloroquine:
>Hydroxychloroquine (EC50=0.72 µM) was found to be more potent than chloroquine (EC50=5.47 µM) in vitro. Based on PBPK models results, a loading dose of 400 mg twice daily of hydroxychloroquine sulfate given orally, followed by a maintenance dose of 200 mg given twice daily for 4 days is recommended for SARS-CoV-2 infection, as it reached three times the potency of chloroquine phosphate when given 500 mg twice daily 5 days in advance.

Every drug has side effects you fucking retard. Look at aspirin for example: drugs.com/sfx/aspirin-side-effects.html
Hydroxychloroquine has been used for over 60 years. The dosage needed for SARS2 treatment lies well within the recommended dosage limit. Side effects won't occur for the 5-7 days of treatment needed for SARS2.

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Buckeyes, say it aint so

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>looting for food
low value

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>Dogs can be carriers of the virus
>They just can't. Nice bold faced lie.
Err, sorry you're wrong

>A spokesman for the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD) said today (March 4) that a pet dog had repeatedly tested weak positive for COVID-19 virus which indicates a low-level of infection with the virus.



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>full of Yes Man
And it feels right

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All the coronavirus tinfoil I could find so far:

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You guys are used to not working and being lazy. Unemployment is nothing new there it's a way of life.

pfft, risking their lives in an isolated warehouse?
>what is a hospital

Kek at all these wannabe tough guys insulting China from their homes. If you said this shit here in China you would beg us not to take you to the gulags after a few hours.

It's not a vaccine. It doesn't cure COVID-19, just helps mitigate the symptoms.

One thing I've learned from history is to never trust you guys.

>chink shill is also a homo
Color me surprised.

>amazon warehouse workers
>afraid of death
They have a higher chance of dying getting ran over by some automated forklift than some faggot little virus that won't cause a pandemic.
The amazon wagie does not fear death.

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>went to panic buy yesterday
>supermarket was flooded with people
>woke up with a sore throat and a bit of cough

am I fucked? I had a chronic cough for years because I have sinusitis and I work on a dusty enviroment, but I'm worried.

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>shit with the border closed how will americans escape to canadaland?
is the CanAm border now fully closed? That is going to be awkward for the towns that are half on in the US and half in Canada.

I notice the huge decline in thread quality since the virus hit burger land
Where have all the autist that actually search through preprint research and calculate the number of dead bodies per day in Wuhan gone to?

>0 dead in winland

how does he do it?!

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I went to the store the other day and saw plenty of subhumans coofing on everything, kids were just running around and coofing too, touching everything.

If you haven't prepped, its already too late.

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>buttblasted pidorashka slave defending his mutt masters
Nothing new here

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The bottom is 15.000 Then they will suspend trading. Then unprecedented things will happen and we will have actually the real SHTF scenario. Corona-Chan is just the BEGINNING.

As Trump predicted, when this blows over we will have "a stock market as never seen before".

Fuck off Chang, China will pay

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The best education system on Earth?

Carrying the virus does not mean the dogs was infected. Coronaviruses rarely change host

Favipiravir also seems effective in early cases, not so much in more advanced and severe cases though.


Don't get too cocky, Gemans did and the next day they had a few

CEO of one of the biggest private hospital chain in Brazil is warning that coronavirus infection with medics is at 100%.

There is already a 40-year medic in ICU. The virus is very agressive.

There are 2 audios in portuguese of the CEO giving warning about the status of the hospitals. It is already out of control.


Where the nothingburgers at now?

I have been keeping up with numbers outside of China at 6pm since Feb. 7, and started doing it recently for the USA once we started testing. IMO, all that matters right now in the US is deaths per day, because that is the most accurate number we have to gauge where we are at. Yesterday at 6pm we had 6349 cases, 106 deaths, 20 deaths for that day. 24 deaths the day before.
Compare that to Feb. 29 for cases outside of China. Point being: The next few days will tell us a lot.
One more nugget: The cases outside of China have been fairly reliably multiplying by a 1.15-1.2 factor.

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It's all just a psyop to make us beg for (((them))) to take away our basic rights as Fingolian limbo species between the category of man and animal.

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Solo looters should only aim for food and hygiene essentials. Bigger groups will be able to collect the "trade items" but in a sitation like that its likely that they'll just kill or rob anyone looking to trade and take their stuff instead.

As a solo you should be aiming for survival, not for increasing high risk situations.

It stops the replication, so it's not just the symptoms. It's the disease itself.

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The coronavirus was developed by China's illegal bioweapons program, not by the U.S. Just yesterday, some user posted an article about some Japanese business men who were arrested because they sold equipment to the Chinese, equipment that could be utilized in the creation of bioweapons.

Pathogens have also escaped from some of China's other biolabs.

According to Nature.com, a contributor to the article about China's recently built biolab, the BSL-4 Wuhan Institute of Virology biolab, China's biolab can serve a dual purpose, doubling as a bioweapons creation program. There's also another biolab in Wuhan, operated by the Chinese CDC.

"But Ebright is not convinced of the need for more than one BSL-4 lab in mainland China. He suspects that the expansion there is a reaction to the networks in the United States and Europe, which he says are also unwarranted. He adds that governments will assume that such excess capacity is for the potential development of bioweapons.

“'These facilities are inherently dual use,' he says. The prospect of ramping up opportunities to inject monkeys with pathogens also worries, rather than excites, him: 'They can run, they can scratch, they can bite.'”

but it has caused a pandemic

>Not posting the 2 best songs
You legion scum

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Im clean!!!

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>Fuck off qnigger, go to cripplechan with that shit

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Making shill threds, they can't say anything here because we have all of the info to prove them wrong

read Emerging

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The amount of unemployment we're gonna see here is gonna make 2010's Spain look like fucking Switzerland. I'm saying we're gonna have Congo levels of unemployment.

Some infected probably just pet him.
Stop being silly; it's a human coronavirus, not a dog coronavirus.

There were also Chinese researchers editing SARS-CoV viruses with HIV to see if they can infect human cells. HIV originated from a baboon, SARS and Ebola originated in bats. What a coincidence that the SARS-CoV-2 virus has an HIV-like mutation that has made it extremely contagious.

"The new coronavirus has an HIV-like mutation that means its ability to bind with human cells could be up to 1,000 times as strong as the Sars virus, according to new research by scientists in China and Europe."

Even a bunch of Indian researchers said that they found or thought they found HIV inserts in the coronavirus genome sequence.

Here is a YouTube video from Seeker about bioweapons development. I made sure to start the video right when they are talking about the Soviets trying to create a dangerous pathogen, a "plague bacteria that was resistant to antibiotics."


Here's a article about an explosion at a Russian biolab that holds smallpox and other deadly pathogens like ebola.

Here's a paper by Chinese scientists who were putting forth the idea that the coronavirus might have escaped from the Chinese CDC biolab in Wuhan, the same lab that is just a few hundred yards away from the wet market where the coronvirus was thought to have originated from.

BISMUTH SALTS is where it's at.
>We found that some bismuth salts could effectively inhibit both the NTPase and RNA helicase activities of SARS-CoV-2 nsp13 in a dose-dependent manner.
As they did for SARS-CoV-1
Bismuth salts are cheap and easy to produce. In the US Tritec sells Ranitidine Bismuth Citrate for gastrointestinal symptoms.

Doesn't anyone actually know where this virus came from?

Supposedly, the strain in China was C, which is a mutated strain, and the strain in Iran is different than China's, and America has all 5 confirmed strains.

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Well, when we worked together, as in the Seven Years War and the Napoleonic wars, it usually worked out fine.

What if mosquitos turn out to be potential carriers of the virus? How fucked are we at that point?


I am got two weeks off all paid

Feels good, it’s like I’m 14 all over again

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Finnish were already standing at least 5 meters apart from each other before the virus

Chinese Virus. Why not the Wu Tang Flu, or at least Kung Flu in a tweet yet? Ol dirty bat sends his apologies for not being here today. Fuck Chinese government slave master feelings.

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Checked. Call your congressmen and demand WAR.

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Chloroquine, hydroxychloroquine and a hint of aids meds

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Can somebody explain to me how any of the "curfew", "quarantine", "closing boreders" thing is going to solve any problems?

Aren't all of these measures just delaying the inevitable?
It's not like the disease disappear after a couple of months of this horseshit...

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60 cures/treatments/vaccines/wonder drugs?
How many days have we been stuck at 72 cures/treatments/vaccines/wonder drugs that people talk about for a week tops and then never again? 4? 5?

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Nice knowing you user kek

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So New York may be facing a shelter in place order now (and soon) according to the mayor. Only a matter of time before that order happens everywhere else. This year is completely trashed.

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This wont end society, just some friendlly smash n grab!

cool screenshots there britbong, will you be able to make them readable too?

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Maybe read the article first before commenting
It saves embarrassment

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What about those makeshift paper masks that you see in the normie internet?

China use full suit for nurses or medics and move coronavirus patients to only coronavirus hospital.

ProTip avoid hospital if you don't have obviously symptoms.

Just got tested for Corona.
>Two swipes of each nostril
>One swipe of throat

Waiting for results now.

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Oh man you gotta take your meds.
Calling someone a chink isn't valid info, you know?

Nice disinfo chink
There are two confirmed strains as of now, both S and L came from China

Mental breakdown hugging toilet paper.

>The spokesman emphasised that there is currently no evidence that pet animals can be a source of infection of COVID-19 or that they become sick

you fucking faggots don't read shit

>Friendly reminder that all city doggos must be executed for the common good.

why is chinas curve so much different from every other country?

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Is that even a human?

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Stop pretending you're a Trump supporter. Stop trying to force a narrative so people will blame Trump. Stop trying to destroy this country just so you can smear the ones who voted for Trump.

Most Trump supporters are taking this seriously now, and there's just as many clueless Hillary Boomers are there are paranoid Trump supporters.

The Normies are waking up.

What site is that pic from lad

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>Health services shouldn't be ran to make a profit*

Fixed. Some sectors really shouldn't have a capitalist ethos, and this is just one of them. Plain and simple.


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You're safe user niggers are immune do not believe the fake news!

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They will theoretically decrease the peak of people being infected, reducing the strain on the whole system.

Are Brazilian normies in panic already?

Enjoy it friend, the age of NEETs is finally here for us...
Stay healthy.

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Because China was lying from day 1.

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mass murder ala NK to the infecteds

Cause they stopped the virus.


Because they lied and they're still lying?


Cope user, you should listen before it's too late, it probably already is however

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Full quarantine + lies


Good day, ladies and gentlemen, the race for the Corona trophy is far from being closed in Europe.
Italy still keeps the righteous first place in Europe, but Spain have no intention of giving up thst easily.
Just few days ago France was a dangerous opponent for Spain, but nowadays the second place in Europe seems to be in the hand of Spain with a solid +6180 on France.
Looks like the only really threat for Italy is going to be Spain, but... Wait a minute... Was that?!
Oh My Godness! Germany surpass France and it is getting closer and closer to Spain with no intentions of stop!
The European corona cup 2020 is still full of surprise, ladies and gentlemen.
We will see if Germany will be able to keep the 2nd place and if someone will manage to getting close to Italy for an head to head fight for the 1st place and the sweet sweet trophy.

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>2 gringos who came with the virus are now fully recovered and may get released from the hospital today.

I hope they actually isolate those assholes. I'm not sure if they can go back to burgerland now that the country is on lockdown.

>weak positive
>from nasal and oral cavity samples
No faggot such a small viral load doesn't mean the dog is infected, i.e. the virus replicates inside the host's cells.

Buying toilet paper

wtf is this video? looks cool

Roman Emperor Nikephorous Phocas II said that Germans are not Romans and many legitimate Romans saw the Holy Roman Empire as nothing more than a sham.

so China's deaths are at the very least double than what they report, considering Italy will have half the cases but same dead

These are unreadable

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You didn't read the article did you?
Also non native English speaker detectec

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why is he so based?

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I wish there was a continution of this where user stops being a faggot and rapes the loli.

Full commie lies you mean

If Spain*
Sorry guys, the emotions is too much

Well they're still mostly being used in tests, assuming they are effective they would do some good after being in widespread use.

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CCP shills have been vanished since the official numbers lowered, so maybe China did contain the virus successfully
New nothingburgerfags are all burgers who are probably mostly stonkfag since they began to appear the moment the stock market in US took hit

You guys do realize that the true happening is the aftermath of this, right?

We're likely listening the end of globalism. Workers never having trust that employers or corporations have their best interests at heart again (at least the companies that can shut down and won't). The makings of WW3 when the blame game begins. The second economic big sad.

It's a glorious time to be alive.

They reduce the likelihood of infection, not prevent entirely.
Peak Prosperity has a good video on it.
Think it's this one..

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we're gonna have to, industry cant stand still for too long: no food, no spare parts etc. for the herd

>shut down nearly the entire world
how delusional is this guy

Bullshit. They put their entire country under lockdown and literally wielded the infected up in their apartments of put them into concentration camps aka "makeshift hospitals" to die. The had the virus running rampant for at least 2 months before they even admitted it was there, that's why they were fucked so hard.

Nah, people are too busy discussing petty politics and treating the quarantine as a vacation.

ruskie CBRN agents rescuing trapped russians in wuhan

You heard the man drawfags

Britain throws itself in to the meat grinder? Must be getting close to time for the US to come riding in and save the day again.

More than 200 people gathered yesterday for a Hasidic wedding in Brooklyn until it was broken up by two guys in FDNY jackets


He's not wrong.

>are you proud daddy?

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There are 1.4 billion chinks and you just replied to one

Corona-chan has found herself a worthy opponent.

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