@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom

VISIT Coronavirus.gov
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

ARCHIVED LINKS pastebin.com/ynXV6CHT
SCHEDULE/WH Public Pool: publicpool.kinja.com/

>Pres Trump/VP Pence meet w/Tourism CEOs 3/17/20
>Pres Trump/Corona-chan Task Force News Conf 3/17/20
>VP Pence on Hannity 3/17/20
>DefSec Esper on FoxNews 3/17/20
>TreasSec Mnuchin comments to reporters @US Capitol 3/17/20
>WHTradeDir Navarro on FoxNews 3/17/20
>WHCorona-chanRC Amb Birx on F&F 3/17/20
>WHCorona-chanRC Amb Birx on GMA 3/17/20
>SG Adams on Dobbs 3/17/20
>SG Adams on CBSEveningNews 3/17/20
>SG Adams on FoxNews 3/17/20
>NIAIDDir Fauci on Ingraham 3/17/20
>NIAIDDir Fauci on HughHewittShow 3/17/20
>Trump2020StratCommsDir Lotter on America 1st w/Gorka 3/17/20
youtu.be/fhSlTsiCCuQ (pt1)
youtu.be/2o-XqeL4LzU (pt2)
>HHSVideo: Stop Corona-chan Spread: 6 Effective Steps to Stay Safe 3/17/20
>WHVideo: What is Social Distancing? 3/17/20
>WHVideo: Slow The Spread 3/17/20

OP pastebin: pastebin.com/nygxu29R

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Other urls found in this thread:




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>When people become accustomed to money coming in regularly, they're more comfortable spending what they have with the presumption they there will be more money coming in to replenish their supply.
Surely everyone has been told at least once that they need to save several months worth of expenses in an emergency fund as soon as they can, right?

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wont get fooled again

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>If you worked illegally under the table you paid zero and wouldn’t get a check
There are also many illegals with fake social security numbers who filed taxes because of the refund.

What’s the point of these threads, what do you gain from this?

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What did your mother gain from having you?

>day of the rake is real

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With this response to the memevirus we have definitely transitioned from clown world to full on retarded world. I have no idea what the fuck is going on and why there is so much hysteria


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A site that's less garbage than twitter to talk about the news

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Nothing but for r/the_donald colonizers to fee lsafe.

For every problem there's a final solution

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if there aren't concerted efforts by western governments to lower the dependence on chink manufacturing this will all be for naught

How to get Trumpbux?

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The terminologies which are so inherently obnoxious, unnecessary, and intuitive are so annoying.

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>less garbage than twitter
that's a little funny considering a good portion of the thread becomes a hive of twitter screen shots

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deep state's last ace in the hole to get rid of trump

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>Been working fine


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oh no, how will he ever recover after building his 4th cuckshed with plebbitbux

Is biden gonna give him a bigger jet than hillary?

Fuck effortposting is hard.
You’re right: Policies that are good for politics often aren’t good for much else, student loan crisis being a prime example. We should always be weary of such things when they come up.

But, here’s where your argument is flawed: It fails to take into account public fear and the pressure to do something about it.

Like it or not, the admin is being pressed to make big sweeping action on the Coronavirus, and if they want to stay in power, they will. Wonky policies are fine for people like you or me who enjoy the finer details, but the average normie doesn’t give a damn - they need help and they need it NOW, and if they don’t get it they’ll remember in November and make our asses pay the price.

Is this a good basis for decisions? Not really, but it’s a consequence of Democracy,

That said, do we know if it will work as intended or not? No - we’ll only know after the fact, and that uncertainty is what gives us pause. Are we willing to roll the dice?

I say yes, because to NOT roll it would be seen as a fundamental abandonment of the people, and cause great harm to our cause long term as people flock back to the Democrats.

Second flaw: Assuming you know better then the RIGHT WING economists suggesting these policies. I think it’s safe to say fucking BREITBART of all places is not part of any conspiracy to foist socialism on the USA, yes? Good, glad we agree.

It’s erroneous for us to assume that everyone is either lying to us or is incompetent without factual basis, that’s just straight up narcissism that assumes we somehow know better - which at this point in time, we just don’t.

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At this point, I believe most of public opinion is strongly against China.

>worst air polluter
>worst water polluter
>steals technology and infringes on IP
>spreads novel infectious diseases every 4 years
>horrible, awful tourists

The only good thing they've done is kill Muslims but it doesn't outweigh the bad

Does it get any better than masturbating to tight young pussy at home on a work day and getting paid to do it? I'm so glad I'm white.

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I bet half of you fucks watch nascar unironically. fucking braindead hicks lol.

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A safespace.

Press F to the Canadians who will now starve because they can't buy groceries in the states

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apparently not, which is also why it's so infuriating when people start begging for handouts, they want to be absolved of their failure to think in the long-term by punishing the people who didn't make the same mistake

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I do it for the lulz

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Whats wrong with Nascar?

Border huggers get the rake first.

Truth. And I'm part of that problem.
But news comes from twitter now because our kindergarten country is too dumb to read anything longer than a few sentences


It's not even a out public fear it's about government shutdowns. UBI is stupid, but when the government bans entire industries from working then the government has to make up for it or get out of the way.

Reminder to bully ancaps whenever you see them.
They must be bullied

The American right wing movement is the only thing preventing all global and regional powers from being marxist and pro-white genocide.

Great, now when will Trump stop the influx of illegal migrants into Canada across the New York state border?

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Fuck this virus shit what does it do to Bernie's chance at winning?
I donated everything I had to help him win even gave blood and sprem when I ran out of my benefits, fuck this is stressing me out, I already sleep behind a five guys and eat out of their dumpster, because I used my rent money on his fucking revolution.

> There are also many illegals with fake social security numbers who filed taxes because of the refund.
Sadly these will commit a crime ans benefit from it, in case they’re not caught

i'll drop a cheese wheel on the ground in your memory

Stfu faggot. The Government shutdown the country over a flu. Pay up.

inb4 new house far away and safe from coronavirus and he retires.

Perfect time to buy stock in companies that have American supply chains.

Every country on lockdown.

Borders are gonna open with a vengeance.

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Those exist?

>Coronavirus live updates: Japanese flu drug could be effective treatment

>Chinese medical authorities have claimed a drug used in Japan to treat new strains of influenza appears to be effective for those infected with the coronavirus, Japan’s state broadcaster NHK reported.

Take with a grain of salt because it's reported by the Chinese, who are a dirty lying scumbag race

for some this is babby's first "the realities of politics clash with my ideals"
but good job bringing the facts

the government can't shut down people's JOBS and then say "nope no money we don't like socialism"

f for moosefuckers

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That minion backpack is aggressively yellow what the fuck

Chaos is reigning supreme isn't it.

Market is gonna be up and down for a while, you fags gonna do this every time?

Nothing I've said has anything to do with what you said

Fuck leafs and fuck weebs

Being forced to stay home isn't a handout

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>aggressively yellow
All the colors are. Saturated.

Wait hol up
Trump delivered the NEETBUX

Post the blonde version

it's gonna go back up eventually right?

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You should be a little more sympathetic though that such unwise nonsense has happened re: unnecessary business shutdown

When do we get our NEETBUX?

Why are people freaking out or celebrating victory over a red squiggly line going downwards?
The economy slowed down because of a virus slowing down trade and consumption externally, it's not like consumers lost confidence in the market itself.

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Damn, you guys are fucking nervous about Trump knocking this out of the park

EVERYBODY is blaming the media and Democrats for blowing this out of proportion.

Stocks? Yeah eventually

El Goblino

Let's see if 20k will hold. I think it will

0 is the floor.

Americans have a right to peacefully assemble which makes all this shut down stuff blatantly illegal

Defend this

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No, bitch this Trumpbux country fuck you gay empire niggers.

>that plebbit spacing

not for a while, its gonna get worse before it gets better

ancaps don't even deserve (you)'s

What are Boomers going to do without their retirement money?

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Shouldn't we have done this about two hundred years ago?

Kung-Flu isn't near as bad as left wing Canadian retardationl.

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He's not white, so w/e.

>black eyes

damn if only we had infinite tests for a disease we didnt know existed 5 months ago

(Then renew said holiday for the time being and abolish the IRS)

What you guys think?

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This is good. Also, there is an EO being finalized that will block all asylum seekers and illegals from Mexico as well. The idea being they are immediately returned with no detention, court hearing, etc. They are caught and immediately released... back into Mexico

Yes, but no until this passes. Hang in there

>takes normal amount of time to confirm
>takes normal amount of days for results(thay have to be cultured)

>portugal poster posting about MY GIBS
fuck off

>the government can't shut down people's JOBS and then say "nope no money we don't like socialism
Girl name seems to think so

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They hid it for 2 months.

>Assuming you know better then the RIGHT WING economists suggesting these policies.
here's a quote
>We must, however, remember that many scholars, being unceasingly occupied as teachers and authors, find very little time left for private and exact research. It is certain that docendo disco (I learn by teaching) is not unconditionally true; sometimes indeed one is tempted to parody it by saying: semper docendo nihil disco (by always teaching I learn nothing); and even what Diderot puts into the mouth of Rameau's nephew is not altogether without reason: "'And as for these teachers, do you suppose they understand the sciences they give instruction in? Not a bit of it, my dear sir, not a bit of it. If they possessed sufficient knowledge to be able to teach them, they would not do so.' 'Why?' 'Because they would have devoted their lives to the study of them.'"—(Goethe's translation, p. 104.) Lichtenberg too says: "I have rather observed that professional people are often exactly those who do not know best."
i don't trust any economist on the economy just because he's an economist

>I think it’s safe to say fucking BREITBART of all places is not part of any conspiracy to foist socialism on the USA, yes? Good, glad we agree.
don't try to hoist ideas on me i don't have: breitbart isn't part of any conspiracy, but i don't lend any credence to them just because. if they say something stupid they say something stupid
>It’s erroneous for us to assume that everyone is either lying to us or is incompetent without factual basis
even worse is to blindly trust authority like they have your best interests or the right ideas at heart. you act like it's impossible for a citizen to be informed

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You cannot even post the in store prices because it's illegal. Sad.

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n o

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What about NEETs?

yea i shoulda have said didnt exist 5 months ago

Based. Repeal the 16th Amendment.

It honestly doesnt matter to test except for stats. If you’re sick isolate either way. It you’re very sick and short of breath tier you go to the ER either way and then let them figure it out.

What does a test result change?

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its awful

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mutual consent

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I wish this were real.


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That actually works much better cause it bases that amount you get on you income. $1000 isn't going to matter to some and be super meaningful to others. Also niggers don't pay taxes so they can fuck off.

You're not cute fat no matter what your Id says.

What do you gain from anything?

Angry white guys club

Cool guy

What's the status on the southern border?

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Sure, after 2008 it only took like two years or so...


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>Wahhh tests take time
Shut up you non white faggot

Yes, it will. But buy now if you can. Even $100 will get you a worthwhile return once this thing is over.

Trump got permission before fucking Trudeau, isn't that what faggots and women wanted?

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Obama didn't know about the magic wand though


Under no time constraints yes, but there is a lot of liquidity loss to consider.

we wont have obama sabotaging the economy the whole way

JEJ, saved! This but unironically

Why is gold down?

US deaths up to 116

So we shut down legal crossings with Canada before Mexico, -and- are only mulling stopping illegals? Wew.

>dhs can onlyturn illegals away because we're ill
Fuck this gay earth

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> Under no time constraints
There is no additional time constraint over a flat check

Kill yourself

>US deaths up to 116

CDC states 75

>10% bloomberino in az
that's only because they pumped his ads non-fucking-stop even after he dropped out

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It is honestly hilarious to see the meltdown in Yas Forums over buttcoin
>r-r-r-r-ecession proof

keep telling yourself that

Just donated my foreskin to Bernie
Whos gonna match me?

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>eva has a new flag

Demcucks dumping their gold to buy toilet paper

i legitimately want them to die very horribly and be dragged through the streets and lit on fire in minecraft

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cause gold rocks are worthless if there is no food

Coronavirus does what congress don't.

what about the 100k canadian snowbirds about to leave florida for home? They lose thier free healthcare if not home 6 months a year.
funny how they have to blackmail people to live in canada

I think you're fucking stupid

Ya got me. Literally everything crashed. Stocks, metals, even bitcoin. Apparently everyone was cash poor and really needed toilet paper.

>not for the misery
You're slipping. Also, your chink-warfare post output has been quite low lately. Coronachan got you flustered?

You can always prove me wrong user. Actually it would be even easier because by using the IRS they can simply mail the check to the same place last years refund was mailed (or direct deposit) for the majority of tax payers

>Demcucks dumping their gold to buy toilet paper

Attached: images (9).jpg (310x162, 7.48K)

>cause gold rocks are worthless if there is no food
who is out of food?


sadly the medical jew already stole mine when i was just babby but i can shit in a box and donate to him b/c i know jews have a scat fetish

Sink the chink is for slower hours and hours of many guests

So, exactly where can you find ACCURATE Wuhan-Flu figures for the numbers of people infected, and the number who died?
The CDC has a different set of figures than the place (New York Times) that most outlets reference (of course the (((Times))) figures are higher).
When you look at the CDC's figures they state that they are unique figures that are provided to them by Hospitals and Health Care Facilities.
The Times states that their figures are from the those also AND other sources.
So what I'm getting at is isn't it completely plausible that the Times is counting (perhaps out of ignorance, or malice) the same person more than once (kind of like Dems voting)?
What says you?

That's usually the first red flag of a pedo.

You could attribute such doings to Kek as well. The actual deity, not the meme. There are a multitude of spirits and gods whose energy is chaotic, both large and small in hierarchy.

I dont see what the red arrow is pointing at, could you perhaps circle it as well?

Trump is up 4 points on Biden in FL. Good luck

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it's for rednecks

They can still do that, my point is personalized checks is way more time consuming than just flat rate.

If I had gold I'd be selling it to buy stocks for the rebound. They'll appreciate far faster.

hush up now

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>Dr. Pizza

I'm sure this is just a coincidence and a type of food has nothing to do with it.

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Yes it will
I’m curious to see if there will be any sort of backlash for these mayors and governors who have taken it upon themselves to sink the economy to try and save a few boomers

Whats wrong with rednecks?

>You could attribute
Nope you do understand what blasphemy is.

Why is nobody talking about the fact that stocks are only falling because China shut down most of their factories?
Why is no one using this to point out just how subservient modern corporations are to China?

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>Dr.pizza arrested for pizza

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>If I had gold I'd be selling it to buy stocks for the rebound. They'll appreciate far faster.

eventually they will, but not yet

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>question:how to deal with (((virus)))???
>pedoJOE: address racism
What did he mean by this?

We have the best magick wands, folks.

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I’m not saying you’re not informed user, and I’m not asking you to blindly trust authority. I’m explaining the political reality of the situation, and the forces that are propelling an idea like temporary UBI to the forefront, even when it’s something that under normal circumstances should rightly be opposed.

Basically, your idea of “payroll tax and stop closing shit” doesn’t fly in the current climate where people are demanding much more extreme action. It would have dire consequences for both the economy AND the political future of the Trump admin - it could put the Republican Party into the wilderness for 50 years and reinvigorate globalism to full strength by whisking Joe Biden into office. Is that an acceptable outcome to you?

If the answer is “no”, then we arrive at the only logical conclusion: We compromise, pushing out a TEMPORARY, EMERGENCY assistance bill so that the average normie calms down and has some money in their pocket, hopefully avoiding a depression.

I don’t like it; and neither does anyone on the right: But that’s politics. The people who compromise survive, and the ideologues fall by the wayside because of their inflexibility. Knowing when to stick to your guns and when to stand firm is the hard part; and buddy let me tell you:

Now would be a really, really shitty time to plant our feet and say to the American public: “Fuck you, you’re on your own you bunch of babies!”.

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This, but embodied by a 17 years old fashionista you all know and love

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whats the hope with gold? you cannot buy anything with it if this is the end of the world might as well get supplies
if the economy is gonna come back might as well buy stocks as they are gonna explode up here once the end of the tunnel appears

> can't sleep with kellyanne

don't tell me what can't be done


This. It's not like they go into the city to raise hell and be dipshits or anything. Unlike the other way around.

Presumably this is Trudeau wanting the border closed but letting Trump announce it as a ‘mutual’ decision to save face?

There's your second red flag.

oy vey stop being anti semitic

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>tried to get a test
Now, just imagine all of the people borderline sociopaths in society that cut you off in traffic with no indicator catching this shit.

What level of cope is this?

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they're coarse and rough and irritating

Effortposting is an 8gag term

They just want to make Trump look like he's failed the country or some dumb shit. They're faggots. Who cares?

this, please show the Jews some respect during these trying times

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Is the goal mass suicides? Because that's what'll happen

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How is Dogecoin doing?
Is it mooning?

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Why is that ugly man attacking the representative from Minnesota

ur probably an old hag lover, very sad.