Hey, Christians, how come Mike Pence's prayer didn't stop the corona virus? Isn't that how it's supposed to work? Isn't prayer supposed to stop diseases and cure them? I guess "G*d" must fucking hate you conservative boomers if he's continuing to strike you down anyhow even after you fucking prayed to him.
Hey, Christians, how come Mike Pence's prayer didn't stop the corona virus? Isn't that how it's supposed to work...
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Enjoy your time in hell
They didn’t pray for it to stop.
They prayed it would kill you and all the other degenerates.
The virus will be gone before August. The flu will have killed more. Reporters will be hunted and executed.
Way to out yourself, Moshe. Fuck off, kike.
>reeee stop praying!
Keep seething fedoras.
>fedora tipping in current year +5
Just because God is disappointed in you for being a faggot doesn't mean you have to drag the rest of us down.
>how come Mike Pence's prayer didn't stop the corona virus?
Who says he actually prayed for it to stop?
SARS-CoV-2 kills- Gays, Druggies, Degenerates of all types, Welfare scum, You.
Why do Atheist fags always use the same bulllshit argument?
>God doesn't heal, therefore he must be evil or doesn't exist.
You guys are a bunch of fucking retards.
You are lost and know that God exists. It angers you. Repent or parish. Sage
>Pro Tip, and poster that uses G*d, or G-d is a jew
You filthy kikes are working overtime.
> “When you pray, you shall not be as the hypocrites, for they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen by men. Most certainly, I tell you, they have received their reward.
Lord, please be with every user on this board. We're all in trying times and we NEED you always.
Thank you for everything you have blessed us with and thank you for sending your son Jesus Christ to be our savior. Thank you for Jesus' teachings and love. I can not ever thank you enough and I look forward to being in your domain praising you for infinity!
This. OP is a cock gargling faggot. Drown in your own fluids OP fuck
because there are no invisible flying jews doing magic in the sky.
They're just taking a nap user.
Prayer is just talking to God. You tell Him your concerns, grievances. Make requests, and so forth.
We have no idea what Pence spoke to God about. And for whatever reason Corvid-19 exists, the only thing would could conclude from a complete elimination of Corvid-19 at Pence's request, would be for nothing than that Pence talks to God about it.
What we can't say is whether it will be any more/less severe as a result. Only that IF God, there is a reason behind it, therefore we obviously shouldn't conclude that reason will evaporate at our mere request. Instead, seek to understand and align oneself with His will/purpose on the matter.
why do protestant prayers always look so ridicolous?
hey antichristian,the elites that genocide and sent you to proxy wars have no religion,they don't give a fuck.wake up face the enemy,for once.your fate is not different than any christian
It doesn't hurt anyone to pray. Why do you feel the need to judge. It is in the least a meditative practice to calm onself to persevere through intense stress. The White House people is under more stress than your sorry ass has experienced in an entire lifetime.
They feel the need to judge because they know there is power with our God. Thats why its so common to use his name in vein. people say Jesus Christ hundreds of times a day but dont realize they are saying His name because there is power behind it. its subconscious but its real.
Hey liberal why didn’t screaming racist stop the kungflu?
Wow, this thread truly elicited some #triggered responses
he prayed for it. He's just an asshole
They only hate Christians, if it was another religion, they wouldn't say shit.
according to you isnt your own post being hashtag triggered response?
Right, I agree. Thats why they use our Lord's name in vein and not any other god. Because ours is the truth and they cant handle it
End times are here. 4 horseman of the apocalypse than the Antichrist after that Jesus is coming back to punish all you tranny worshiping faggot degenerates!!!
Atheists BTFO.
In case you haven't noticed public prayer is now a revolutionary act that makes you a target for the national media and 50% of the population. That verse does not apply for our times.
still better than the commies that teach your children
>people can leave homes
>infected can even leave home
>they group gather
Umm, yes, he better pray, since that's no bullet proof measurement to stop the virus.
Instead of going super hardcore in at early beginning they go half-assed later on, but then don't improve much, just delayed dead people's deaths.
This is the qanon purge taking place.
We will be alright and in for an unbelievably good time after.
Trust the plan.
Atheists always feel the need to hate on the tiniest bit off religious showings. Obviously it doesn't hurt anybody that the white house staff prays, even the most sceptic faggt will have to admit that, but in their blind hatred, they don't care about that
Exactly Light and Darkness don't mix. The truth would set them free, but they choose to ignore it.
Wow you even did the g*d thing your either a Jew or your pretending to be one
Also sage
Christianity is a infectious disease.
>Still believing in God
I love how leftest are always like "good vibes", but get triggered when people pray. Like, are they retarded?
Most r*ddit post I’ve seen today. OP a giant faggot.
>I guess "G*d"
Crom laughs at your filleted kike on a stick.
good thing they prayed or they'd be really fucking screwed
Demons are real
Not at all. You don't get things because you pray for them, you pray to endure what God does if it's His will.
Plenty of godly people died in the Bible for things outside of their control. Mainline Christians are just too cowardly to address it.
Its more practical to pray then to believe a bunch of fucking low IQ chinks wouldn't spread the virus to the rest of the world.
hello fellow grug
>Takes the "O" out of "God"
Kike detected
just because you believe in god doesn't mean you'll go to heaven. by god's standards almost nobody gets to go to heaven and it's not that i know any christian worthy of being by god's side
>Reporters will be hunted and executed.
God I hope so
So you were only pretending to be retarded with totally ironic reddit posting?
Well OP let me start this off with why we are here
Ecclesiastes 1:13
An Experience of Evil God Has Given the Sons of Humanity to Humble Them”
that's the meaning of life to experience evil
in fact, God created evil
Isa 45:7
7 I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and CREATE EVIL: I THE LORD DO ALL THESE THINGS.
God created the Corona virus, and God is using it according to his will. You cant change Gods will through prayer, Gods plan is perfect. You only get what you ask for when what you ask for is in accord with his will.
>So why pray?
Well, God predestines people to pray for something, and through that prayer, he brings about change. He predestines some prayers to be the cause for change.
Now why did God create evil?
God is creating for himself a family
everyone who has ever lived is going to be a part of that family
1 Cor 15:22
For as in Adam all die, so also in Christ shall all be made alive.
Rom 5:18
Therefore, as one trespass led to condemnation for all men, so one act of righteousness leads to justification and life for all men.
1 Timothy 4:9-11
9 The saying is trustworthy and deserving of full acceptance. 10 For to this end we toil and strive, because we have our hope set on the living God, who is the Savior of all people, especially of those who believe. 11 Command and teach these things.
Hell exists but it is not forever
Matt 5:26
Truly, I say to you, you will never get out until you have paid the last penny.
Isa 66:24
And they fare forth and see the corpses of the mortals, the transgressors against Me, for their worm shall not die, and their fire shall not be quenched, and they become a repulsion to all flesh”
Everyone will eventually spend eternity with God
the few moments of suffering on earth will give us the ability to appreciate spending that eternity with God
Dead people are not alive in an alternate dimension called the spirit world.
Dead people feel nothing.
Jesus died to save you and everyone who ever lived from death.
There is no afterlife apart from resurrection. The wages of sin is death, to cease to exist.
Jesus died on the cross for your sins to save you and everyone else from death.
Jesus really died, if his father, God had not raised him up from the dead he would still be in that tomb.
When Jesus died on the cross and rose again from his tomb on the third day, he payed for all the sin in the universe.
Thanks to this, everyone who ever lived will now live forever with God. Hell exists but it is not forever. Jesus did not die on the cross to save people from hell. Evey one will be salted with fire. Either in this life or the next. On judgment day some people will make it and others will not based on their works in this life. Those that got away with doing evil in this life will be disciplined by being executed with fire. They will return to being dead as the fire turns them to ash. Later on Jesus will raise those that died in the fires of hell. On that day Jesus will kill death itself and God the father will be all in all.
This is true weather you believe me or not. If you do, and you do not believe in the trinity, or free will, then congrats you believe the gospel. If this faith in you endures to the end you will rule and reign with Jesus in heaven.
Jesus died for the demons too. This is the gospel of the circumcision, or Paul's gospel.
Read more here at
here are some big truths that are easily provable
hell is not forever, the reason it says so in your bible is because to translate the word aion aionios accurately (which means an age or ages) would destroy most christian denominations, if you want your bible to sell you have to mistranslate certain words, just watch the videos, in the end Jesus saves all. Jesus is the saviour of the world, he saves the world. That includes everything in the world. (1 Tim 4:9-11 GOOGLE IT)
another truth, no one goes to heaven when they die, you have to wait for resurrection, dead people have no consciousness, dead people cannot think
here is another truth, the trinity is a lie, it denies the gospel, the gospel is that Jesus died on the cross for your sins
the trinity states that Jesus is immortal and can never die, and that only his body died on that cross, 50% of Jesus is not the gospel, this doctrine exists to make sure people dont really believe that Jesus died
and here are some general links
Prayer is mental influence. There are other influences in the universe. Prayer on a consistent basis and in groups can have an effect, as well as individual isolated prayers.
It's not only christians who pray.
Prayers are more like asking to be given the strength to overcome something or get "that gut feeling" that tells you the right thing to do in a difficult situation, it's not a magic wish granting machine. At worst it's a hope for good luck.
>word salad
Because the chinese plague is part of gods plan.
>the word of god
>except when it isn't! LOLE that part dosent fit in modern times!!!
Holy fuck you fags are annoying. Please die a slow agonizing death courtesy of corona chan.