European Architecture and Art thread

Redpills, whitepills and blackpills are all welcome

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>Virgin churches
>Chad Finnish anti-devil bunkers

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i mean, at least they left some of it. man, id love to travel to europe to see that beauty

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Not European but obviously inspired by it

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And I’m a sidwayz nigga too, damn iPhone

Alexandria: European since 300 BC

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Manhattan townhouse

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just found out about this one today it REALLLLY pisses me off.
so basically its an old church in france that was decomissioned and set to become a museum at the turn of the century but then the wars happened.
in the 2nd world war the nave got hit by a french tank shell and was destroyed and its just been decaying in situ since then.
fucking 700 year old piece of history just crumbling away so people on facebook can say "oh neat overgrown church!"

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Byzantine architecture

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Who removed all that ornamentation and why? Either way they should suffer

fuck the frogs

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it's a reflection on how much we really don't care about our heritage, here in the west...
we deserve everything that comes to us - only so it can show future generations how truly self-hating, and wrong we were.
And to show others why liberalism is never the answer, it allows open dialogue; yes; but it also allows toxic, destructive, marxist/postmodern interpretation which preach the abolition of your society, your identity, your community etc.
to replace it with their model of living.
Liberalism is the beginning of the end, among several other very jewish factors.

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Byzantine Russian architecture

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Serbian Byzantine architecture

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I'm gonna go against the popular Yas Forums narrative and tell you that this kind of architecture is autistic as fuck and not pleasing to look at all.
>no the alternative Jew golem cube architecture is shit too. I dont support it

Buildings like that exist because no one had anything better to do in their lives so stuff like this was created.

>what is good then?
Creativity of glass megastructures is peak comfy. Take Moscow as an example of symbiotic architecture done right.

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we already do that all over the world,
it's called modern architecture - and its completely uncreative, uninspiring and uninnovative; yes I made that word up to describe this, because it needed to be said.

It pays no respect to our culture, our past, any heritage at all. And therefore represents nothing but a fools attempt to recreate things, simply because he doesn't believe in the old order. Well let me remind you that destruction is an emotion that comes close to nihilism, and both are not fruitful ambitions but only the products of someone who could be very much decidedly anti-European.
Because after all, they're destroying traditional European architecture, to replace it with new Jewish postmodern architecture.

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Coming through with Yas Forums's newfound architectural sweetheart.

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This one's beautiful, and back in my home country

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This one too, and its surrounded by disgusting apartment blocks

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Here we go again with the Hungarian nigger creating Yas Forums threads to flex his parliament

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It'll be a 10/10 if they clean the left side.

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so beautiful

and yet you post the Europa building from Rome that was specifically built by a crazed dictator that wanted to bring the old roman empire back
that canadian user is right, the future is glass and steel
keep your autistic 9000 yo buildings

Anyway gothic cathedrals are the peak of human architectural style. We will never see better.

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The New Reich Chancellery was absolutely amazing.

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Yeah you see I addressed that in the post.
There's a difference between the inspired and uninspired.
Its a fucking retarded sentiment to make by saying all post modern stuff from now on till the future days is all Jewish and ugly. Cause it's not.



two small towers were demolished by modernist architects in the 1930s.
The big tower on the right was demolished after the war.
Church tower in the middle is still standing, but the commies demolished the church part, nowadays we only have the tower.

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Your opinion is so bad i want to kill you.

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Come and find me and do it then, faggot.

I will spread corona in your general direction.

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Mercury Tower is the only unique one, the rest are generic trash.

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I think there is a place for glass in architecture, but your pic is not a good sell. It is simplistic and modernist, taking minor variations in shape as some form of artistic design. The objective beauty of aesthetics is dependent on their imitation of the basic structures of nature — this is a scientific and psychological fact. As animals we are inherently attracted to natural aesthetics, and become anxious and depressed when surrounded by things that are unnatural.
>tl:dr: Architecture should imitate the symmetry and complexity of nature. Anything else is ugly and depressing


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A digital reconstruction of the medieval palace was made recently.

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its commie, but still looks good than most buildings

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And the baroque palace too.
It's amazing how the palace organically evolved throughout the centuries, to the Austro-Hungarian giant.
And it's also amazing, how the commies destroyed 300 years of history without second thoughts.

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I hate the architecture in usa. it's all about tearing shit down and building new horrible shit.

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More like this please

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thats The Fairy Valley Clay Castle, idk if i can find more