How will we recover? And what the fuck is wrong with this guys face
BBC said it is not a Chinese virus, it is a virus that started in China
I doubt it started in China
>what the fuck is wrong with this guys face
he's british
What's the fucking difference?
A virus that started in China is a Chinese Virus.
Quit moving the goal post around BigBrownCock
His eye is looking at the ground. How can you tell if British people are looking at you?
china numbah fou
Chinese people are not Chinese, they are just born in China
is a person that originated in China a chinese person? Is an animal that originated in china a chinese animal? Is a style of architecture that originated in china chinese architecture? Its a chinese fucking virus, now fuck off.
>by deception shall we wage war
Great fucking source
It’s not even a real virus. It’s fucking fake.
those letters only mean one thing now
of course is not chinese virus, it is china virus
hes blind
Big Bad Chinese?
you don't
>spanish flu
>chinese virus
whoa wait wait that's illegal
“Pwrase, no close bordah, it just flu.” - Fucking China, two months ago
Can you understand that you should never believe those MUH AUTHORITARIAN SINGAPORE FIX posters with my flag in the corona threads?
We should just start calling it the chinese flu until it gets into the normie vocabulary. Or maybe the oriental flu or something.
>Chinese virus
Mfw I learn the ching chongs are offended
>Started in China by Chinese people and spread by Chinese people
>Not Chinese
Hmmm. This opens up a whole world of new possibilties.
B-but, muh multiculi-isms!
Spanish Flu (actually started in China)
Hong Kong Flu
Lyme disease
West Nile
Marburg Virus
Middle East Respiratory Syndrome
Korean Hemorrhagic Fever
Thailand Virus
California encephalitis orthobunyavirus
Dobrava-Belgrade orthohantavirus
Bwamba orthobunyavirus
Jamestown Canyon Virus
Colorado Tick Fever
Pacific Coast Tick Fever
Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever
Bourbon Virus
Bhanja Virus
Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus
Japanese Encephalitis
>It started in China!
That's how many viruses are named, sportsfans.
Fucking chinks don't even call themselves and their country Chinese or China.
Porn addict get help
>Hmmm. This opens up a whole world of new possibilties.
hmmmm, could have fun with it actually. The iraq war is not american, it just came from america.
slavery in america was not white american thing, it came from africa.
it's like people of color and colored people, stop being racist
Fucking pandering bullshit just say its a chinese virus
everyone forgets the german measles, rubella
>BBC said it is not a Chinese virus, it is a virus that started in China.
Therefore BBC is not the British Broadcasting Corporation.
He’s not a Fat Faggot!!!
He is a Faggot who is Fat, shitlord.
>global economy grinding to a halt
>the west is playing sjw word police
we should die
The British Empire wasn't British. It was just an Empire that started in Britain
>You are called by some European if you were born in Europe, even if your parents migrated here
If a virus is born in China, how come is it not Chinese?
BBC also said they're not part of the fake news, they're just fake part of the news.
You cannot spell cuck with out UK.
ah fuck
It's a Chinese Virus. Don't let any Chink apologists being paid by the commie PRC tell you any different. Fuck them.
You cannot spell virus, without US
It's not your wife's son... It's wife's boyfriend's child!
>Take a shit on your carpet
>That is not my shit, that is a shit that started in my arse
I'm OK with that.
Aren't all of you pasta niggers dying?
Good ones. I'll add them to my list.
Trump saved his presidency when he called it the Chinese virus. He knew he could depend on the left to react to it in a retarded way undoing any gains they might make off it
He’s blind
Some of us are, but we don't have a large country
Wait until expands properly across your cursed lands
Your big cities are doomed
Your smaller and isolated ones might not get supplies
Good luck
Americans are cucks
Right, so if someone is born and/or originates from China what are they called when referencing their regional origin?
>here is you new citizen score
Chinese virus created in American labs. Made in muttmirica
Oh lookie here, It's a retard with something retarded.
>attacking the symptom and not the cause
He's the US correspondent, they needed someone who will blend in.
Big Beautify Chinese Virus
They're right, it's a jew virus that started in China
The BBC really is despicable, the Communists in China kept a fucking lid on this for weeks, allowed it to spread around the world and only then did they admit there was such a virus, but there is the thing, the Chinese are commies and the BBC are commies at heart too, fucking scum.
The chinaman is not the issue
thought he was american for a second
>it is a virus that started in China
How did something called the Spanish Flu start in Chinese?
It’s a virus that originated in China. It’s a Chinese virus. End of story.
Meanwhile the chinks said we were the ones who brought it on them through our military. No shame with these chinks. Notice how the BBC conveniently left out that China blamed the US for spreading the virus.
good guess
try again potato nigger
This is why they torture animals before eating them.
No doubt these sick Bastards d this to anything that moves, even babies.
it's all just different shades of niggers to me.
They aren't Colored people, they are people of color.
Next up.. The grass is green, it's not grass where the color green comes from.
He's right. You can call it the "China Virus", but you cannot ethically call it the "Chinese Virus". Two very different things.
>it's like people of color and colored people, stop being racist
'people of color' is an idiotic term where they lump everyone in who is not european. And then get them to bitchfight against anyone of european ancestry in USA which they also falsely similarly call 'white' as if a british person and a russian, or a swede and a french person are the same.
It is a Chinese virus trump called it that you filthy kike.
He's like a duality of pure disgust and pure shame, what is this Gotham villain called
god I fucking hate that blind diversity hire nigger
subhuman useless niggers gets to live off of taxpayer money from the BBC just because he's fucking blind and got a free pass through education and a free job at the bbc
worse than a nigger
>He's right. You can call it the "China Virus", but you cannot ethically call it the "Chinese Virus". Two very different things.
It's funny that you and these assholes think that's the most important thing, chinese don't even give a fuck and they are turbo dislike of other people than chinese, something i don't have issue with, but it's funny when they are portrayed as victims simply because someone refers to that the virus had an outbreak in china and then spread to rest of world, same as spaniards had no problem with calling it the spanish flu which killed around 50 million people globally back then.
I thought Brexit was supposed to make bongs based.
Why are you guys bowing to China ?
Death of color, not black death.
What are you talking about, talking head PC persons bow to anyone, out of fear of being called 'racist' for thinking an englishman is not same as a person from uganda.
>BBC said it is not a Chinese virus
One eye on the streets..
What is funny is chinese even don't like the japanese for example. What do you think they think of people not even in their particular oriental subgroup. And then some bbc presenter is out explaining to people like they are 5 years old the difference between that it originated in china and that chinese people made it on purpose. Also what if some of them did, does that mean in PC language you can't say that, because even if they did that would be critiquing them. It's like if a nigger breaks into your house and beats you up and robs you. And then you say well that fucking nigger, i hate black people right now..
Would you then say. No you can't say that.. Why not? I wouldn't give a shit about the feelings of black people. Grow a fucking spine you pussies..
What's also EXTRA amusing to me about all of this is, that the media etc. in USA peddle outright hatred of any european or 'white' person in USA on the basis of something 400 years ago or something, was a person that did something to someone else.
But today, with a virus that emanated out of china. You can't even call it a chinese virus or the wuhan virus or whatever. Because that would be TOO CRITICAL OF ANOTHER GROUP YOU ARE NOT PART OF.
AHAHAHAHAHA.. the double standard..