What's happening in China now?

Where can we find out about the state of China?

How much of its economy is currently functioning?

Have any of the quarantines been lifted?

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They kicked out some US Media so who knows what's happening

Too bad they didn't execute them

Australian media, even the right wing stations, keep taking about how their manufacturing is going back to normal and how that's a good thing for all of us.

Personally I don't believe it, nor do I want to.

What happened with Hong Kong? One minute riots the next nothing.

They're being massacred by the government. aka died of pneumonia.

It's a lie, according to many sources.

/See Pic

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There is still quarantine in Wuhan, the city in Hubei province. The rest of the country is struggling with "imported cases".
Partially back.
Hong Kong is still on medium alert so going outside is for work or essentials, they're not going out. Once this passes (if it does) HKers will go back to protesting.

They are starting round 2 of the kung-flu, some cities are locked down

There's a tweet saying they opened a new field hospital just like the one they closed down in Wuhan. Said hospital is in the outskirts.


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This is true up to a point. For many places, most office spaces are essential-staff-only. If one can work from home, they'll do so.
Alibaba, Tencent and other big chinese companies, only engineers and sysadmins go to work, the rest work from home, 6 days a week.
Mind posting a pic of it? Screenshot or link is fine.

people forgot iran shoot down a civilian plane

The current state of China is SEETHE

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What good is manufacturing if nobody is able to buy anything? China's dependency on exports is going to result in their implosion.

Nice, we should start a thread for things that have been memory-holed.
Thanks for QRD.

Who are his sons and daughter married to? Who is Roy Cohen? What are his father's business ties?

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They're spinning a narrative against the 老外.
>hears drums in the distance

A bunch of the kids burnt down a university and sent them all china against they're will. where they are now is anyone's guess

Cope harder

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Everybody in their homes I guess

most of wuhan is limitedly functioning, (people are going to work etc) they still have curfews and gatherings are banned, and you're arrested if you go outside without a mask, they are testing most of the population every few days to try to see if there are any new infected.

Good link, Hans
Came here to post it myself

Have almost daily contact with a friend that lives in Shanghai, and she says that know they are going back to the streets and they are starting to do normal life, slowly

There is not "medium alert" everyone goes out just as normal whenever they want, but all schools are closed, social gatherings. Everyone wears a mask, but most people choose to stay inside

The protests may or may not continue after corona, it's lost almost all of its momentum at this point because after protests and now corona the economy is in the shitter and now everyone just wants a job.

Why would you open a new field hospital right after closing the last one unless it's actually a mass grave?

Shanghai isn't looking that bad though




Dust in the wind

That's some military grade pilpul, Michael Chertoff.

work-related travel by the looks of it. Look at the 7-day graph, it falls off a lot on the weekends

>go back to protesting
>after America called back all it’s cia operatives
>after the protests already blew over

Lmao, there are enough hong kongers here for you to have realized that these limp wristed scrawny soibois never had the guts to launch a protest against the CCP. There’s no way these protests didn’t have some alphabet boys offering them free v-bucks to go wave a flag around for 10 minutes before they got their teeth kicked in and went home to cry on their anime body pillows.

Hong Kong only has a population of 7 million people, in any conflict it would be crushed, the issue is it needs foreign backing to fight CCP. atm countries are more concerned with corona than with some chinks waving around their flag

This. Get ready for cheap televisions.

When do we retake the motherland from (((Fellow Han People)))?

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Guess where I am, fuckwad.
While I don't know about this, I know that a SARS hospital (which was built in a week, 17 years ago) was re-opened in Beijing.

Really? You guys are going to be a chinese puppet state / colony in 20 years

You do realize that China's internal market is yuuge and the people there are super-consumers, right?

But half the people I know are about to lose their jobs

Typical insectoid behavior. This is so Chinese.

Free market, pal

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You're shit is fucked, we've been stuck at ~120 people since this shit first started, are y'all locked down?

Just received my package today, of course i spray alcohol on it and wait for few days before I open it, I doubt it'll hurt much when normie npc memory holed the whole thing after chink warehouse offer big discount.

Imagine how deep that insectoidism goes. From the gutter level of making gutter oil, fake baby milk formulas and fake boiled eggs to the factory managers and CEOs. Everyone in China is essentially a street hustler at heart.

Soon Brother, Soon

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Are they leaving the house to buy consumer goods? Are they even allowed to?

They've literally isolated all affected people and put the rest of the economy back to work


Overseas Chinese are literally paying premium to FLEE BACK TO CHINA right now.

Whatever they do, China is doing it better.
Seeth harder Mutts.

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China will become a first world nation now. This virus helped them transition into one quicker.


not more than a random car or person for weeks

fuck off shill

Most areas people are allowed to roam the streets, with a mask on, with regular temp checks, but people are allowed out to buy shit


anybody that believes these fucking shills is an IDIOT

I know an girl in shanghai. She tell me chinese are going back to work here. In other hand, all the expats quit their job and just wait for the first plane, to leave China as soon as possible.

eloise has been streaming on twitch live from nanjing for almost a month now. Its fairly normal now,masks everywhere but all places are open.

Where can we find out about the state of China?

Read the new york times, the washington post or the wall street journal

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China fucking won and BTFO the western world.

And this is what the democratic West is still doing amids this crisis:


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Just watch. In about a year, China will have successfully transitioned into the first world, thanks to the help of this virus outbreak. It was bound to happen anyway, but now it's getting a boast.

The joke here is that even Nikkei Review writes more balanced reporting about China than either of these rags.

Ah yes, the three objective and trustworthy publications