This is what happens when you call it China Virus
>kicked her dinner
This guy is very rude
Lol, these people are insane.
Wu Flu strikes again
I'm surprised she saw it
Right. Things that never happened for sure. At least during the AIDS peak they didn't go around claiming that we were grabbing them.
If she said he shot at her from a distance it might be believable.
> because I'm an Asian person.
Wrong. Because you're an enemy invader.
Am I retarded or does this tweet make zero fucking sense?
Her dog is named Napoleon.
We need an East Asian Massacre
Asians are stocking up on guns. It's only a matter of time before you start seeing stories of nogs getting blasted by 5'2" Asian cuties.
My body is ready.
Not bad, burger
Why are foreign born Asians so agreeable to be around but American born Asians are fucking irritating as fuck
fake and gay
>body slammed
>things that never happened
American Asians are the new kikes
>"instagram influencer"
deserves it
Yeah, faggots tried to shove a giant dildo up my ass and feminists tried to burn my house down because I'm a white male. Ban both of those.
wtf are you talking about? FOB's are the goddamn worst.
I call bullshit. Who would even get close enough to a chink to body slam them at this point? I'd move to the other side of the street if one was walking by. They're probably coming home from eating bat soup at a relatives house.
roof koreans but with chinese except the niggers are white racist goyim when
this has happened to me because im white welcome to the club~! but not the fun one, the one they use to beat you over the head with .....
Japan tier
Every US-born Asian person I've ever met has a chip on their shoulder against white people and bitches about muh racisms just as much as blacks do. I've never gotten that from someone from Asia.
They've been debugged and are learning to be human during a weird time in history
And then everyone clapped. It was NOT ok AND problematic.
Let me guess they had a MAGA hat on too
bullshit, no one body slammed this cunt, they probably bumped into this bitch as she walked down the middle of the fucking side walk because she's an entitled cunt.
explain muslim slave labor and i'll show some sympathy for you, bitch.
Do they really think the world will take their side because they mass produce a lot of stuff?
Woah guys... I didn't realize how oppressed asians were... We should probably give them free stuff!
And this it's just getting started, wait till the boomers drop, being body slammed and kicked will seem like joyous memories
Gooks of all kids should seriously start thinking about finding a remote island and lay low for a year or 100.
>things that really happened in my imagination
I had sex with Amber Heard, by the way. This was when she was in her prime beauty. I sneaked in when Jonny wasn't around. We ate cherries and I dicked her many times. LUSH.
Chinese people are subhumans who have killed innocent old people with their negligence.
Already happened. During the LA riots the koreans admirably defended themselves
That's not what "body slam" means Li Li ping...
>person is afraid of getting an infection
>grab person with possible infection with your entire body
I'll take things that didn't happen for 500, Alex.
Beating the shit out of Asian people and causing permanent disability for no good reason is how Mark Wahlberg got his start. Chad as fuck tbhf@m.
>muh japs based chinksect
Honorable kill yourself
This is literally not a thing in WA. American born Asians are bro tier, they are all weebs, secretly hate nigs and can get their shit done at work.
FOB's on the other hand are Han supremacists and if you work for them they treat you like part of a lower class. At the same time, if you're working with them, they will fuck around, pretend they don't know what you're talking about and then exploit whatever system they can to get away with as much as they think they can.
Things that never happened.
paid for
no police report
didn't happen
never trust a sloped slit eyed zipperhead yellow devil the man was probably trying to distance the dog from the "owner" with a kick to avoid it being eaten or cooked alive
Reported to Doctor Gu, SJW.
Chinks should be bullied until they leave or kill themselves
Their neighborhoods will burn then. Beaners and niggers will only take being shot at during looting for so long before they turn on the neighborhoods Asians live in.
Jesus, I lived there for years and fucked around with escalators and elevators all the time >_>;
>Someone mad over a contagious virus
>Get close enough to touch someone they think is infected and the cause
K. Yea this definitely happened. Let me guess you then kicked him in the nuts got on a bus and everyone clapped right?
>Eats weird shit filled with viruses for years
>Causes virus to come out and infect everyone
"Ching ding Chong chang ching ching ching"
Translation: "Why's everyone hate us ;("
What the fuck is going on in that webm
And then everybody clapped.
Chinks afraid of their bad infrastructure
There are other webms where kids and people disappear when the access plate collapses. The worst one seems to have the conveyor belt chewing a woman up while her kid is standing there.
cooking and boiling kills all viruses though
He's lying
Lmao you pathetic racists never fail to make me laugh with your "pol humor" threads
Face it, most poc will be infinitely more successful than any of you sad virgins ever will be. You are on the wrong side of history, get over it losers
>attention whore seeks more attention
I guess they shouldn't have been all them "Asian Grooming Gangs" for years?
We can only pray that blue checks on twitter remain safe.
Also, 1 post by this idea.
sage in all fields.
Damn. That's awful. You got the webm?
Most FOBS are illegal, they'll hide in commercial ships and rat about in san fransisco they need that green card so they'll play along while they get their papers straight.
American chicks have a chip on their shoulder because they know they're literally the lowest caste of human there is, they're weak as fuck and ugly to boot and being a dime a dozen doesn't help either, they are infatuated with white genes and they know even if they race mix their kids will forever me ugly hapas that will never be accepted in Occidental culture so they grow bitter and resentful of themselves, they are the ultimate self hating there are, even niggers kind of like themselves they'll brag about bbc and shit, chinks see themselves as inferior what the fuck does a chink has to brag about being good a math? Being a jew slave for the bankers?
Add to that their arrogance and standard mental illness and that's what you get
Holy shit is that true?
also if true pls share, cant say I'd put it past them
Nope. Another person quickly grabbed the child and rushed it away as the woman disappeared.
tenderizing the meat
>think someone is infected
>go beat them up
just youtube "china escalator" and you'll see them.
you people are sick fucks