Ellen Degeneres Signals to the Cabal

>corona genome ends in 33As, check out what Ellen is wearing on her sleeves paired with a devil face covered in blood and one eye gouged out. Wonder what the message was here.

Attached: ETYJDzEXYAIlcIo.jpg (615x1147, 58.67K)

Other urls found in this thread:


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signaling that she has no eggs?

Attached: ETXwe5SXkAA55ap.jpg (381x825, 30.95K)

Attached: Mor+like+ellen+degenerate+amirite+_a89194e110e862bd977b92cf9fc60365.jpg (1767x1730, 322.87K)

Bump. She looks like shit and that's a good thing.

what a lovely couple she is talking to. so american

That she likes Basquiat?

It's ALF!

literally a wojak

Well, yes. If you know Basquiat, you'll pick up the signal.

Why does she look so fucked up? Could she be a (((adrenochrome))) abuser?

A. Yeah, she does look like fucking ALF here.
B. What if ALF is some AIWASS clockwork spacenigger parable?

Everyone that you "know" from T.V/Music/Movies is a satanic degenerate (no exceptions).

she kind of looks like michael douglas...

Attached: biebermiley.jpg (600x600, 70.93K)

Wtf? Bump.

I live to see them all die by firing squad in my time


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How many years of evolution did the majority of genes inside someone like me and in someone like her undergo separately? Looking at her facial features..... there's just no way she is human. How can somebody that looks like this be in the same species?

If you define a species as the ability to intervred and produce fertile offspring them maybe. But can't horses and donkeys produce fertile mules?

I am almost certain if I tried to knock her up the morphological differemces in proteins and such would be so incompatible that the baby would self-abort. There is no fucking way on earth that we are the same species.

What is she 60? Good post, fag

>Good observation! The 3' poly(A) tail is actually a very common feature of positive-strand RNA viruses, including coronaviruses and picornaviruses.

>For coronaviruses in particular, we know that the poly(A) tail is required for replication, functioning in conjunction with the 3' untranslated region (UTR) as a cis-acting signal for negative strand synthesis and attachment to the ribosome during translation. Mutants lacking the poly(A) tail are severely compromised in replication.

Meh. Who the fuck cares, we already know it's a bioweapon based on the 4 disjointed yet coherent HIV inserts. The possibility of that happening is less than if you threw all the materials of a house off the edge of a cliff and it just so happened to land in place to build a house.

Holy shit she's a Yas Forumsraeli

Attached: demonicwojak.png (280x291, 87.91K)

I meant the sketch on her top reminded me of ALF. Or Cyril Sneer.

She's an old woman without her makeup.

Many such cases.

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>when you run out of adrenochrome

They all end in As retard it's a polyadenylation sequence




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She doesn't look 60 now, but hopefully in a few days she will.


they were created through breeding

Attached: 1524615494160.jpg (748x588, 45.04K)

This Woman is one of the most evil human beings you’ll ever see
I am 100% sure she’s an utterly insane psychopath

She's a jewess.

You are so bluepilled it's unreal. She is JEWISH. In other words, a NEANDERTHAL. Different species.

Everyone is created through breeding you dumb shit, where do you think babies come from?

She doesnt look so good without a source of adrenochrome.

t. Qtard

Jews age like shit, and they develop animal like features.

>Ellen Degenerates show is basically "super talented" children
>Parents desperate to get fame out of their kids
>(Desperate hollywood parents + little children) + Ellen^GeorgeBush = pedophilia


Are you the same guy that 12 hours ago was going on about project zyphr and project pogo?

Can't stand the look of that Ellen guy.

So many 'celebs' have deteriorated badly in the last 18 months to two years.I'm begining to wonder if the Andrenochrome theories are real.

Ok GenXer

Take this thread to you schizo morons.
All schizo posting, q posting, and pizza gate posting belongs on the conspiracy board.
This board is for discussing real politics in the REAL WORLD.
Now fuck off.

Attached: gary busey.gif (300x300, 3.78M)


The stork?

It will never see the light of day if it is even real.

Well she certainly looks her age.

you obviously haven't been here long newfag

Oh boy you clearly are not from around here.

That is some quality shit posting.

Lads, is that an owl statue?

Attached: owl.png (186x270, 82.58K)

My name is Iron and you are wrong. Jews and Arabs retain ancient facial features because they DOMESTICATED the rest of us. They have powerful and harsh features because that is what we ALL used to look like before they domesticated us and turned us into their slaves. It's why they have the most body hair. Domesticated humans don't have body hair, but WILD ANIMALS do. Jews and Arabs (Mideasterners in general) have all those wild animal features like that extremely long oval face, lots of body hair, strong brows, predator eyes, thin and sharp wolf noses, etc because they are undomesticated.

It's not that he Jews are Neanderthals, it's that Neanderthals, habilis, Denisovian, etc and all of our ancestors used to look like this before the Semites domesticated us. Neotenic features = baby features. What do babies do? Whatever the fuck their parents tell them to. This is why gooks and chinks are the most submissive of them all, just look at sweatshops and factories in China. My mother is one and she literally refuses pay raises, I'm not even kidding.


Checked myself.
Oprah's twitter goes up in flames about child sex trafficking. Ellen is wearing some kind of esoteric symbology on her shirt, and shows off the owl of minerva in her backyard.

Is Pizza back on the menu?

This has to be bait.

Attached: jew_dick_cream.jpg (685x754, 200.25K)

*ting* *ting*



Every single one of these vampiric kikes need to be culled

looks like something one of their kidnapped kids drew while he was trapped in some locked cage

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all tv/famous motherduckers have signals/signs

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Based and newfag pilled


vans is another one they adopted. although thats just my own personal hunch

She always looked like shit though.

go away faggot this is the real world you fucking pussy.