The world really is ending.

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Utah here
Give us a 7.7 lord

confirmed 14.8 earthquake at the supervolcano

Since OP can't be fucking bothered
5.7 @ 9:09 (cst I guess)


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That’s great it starts with an earthquake birds snakes and airplanes

>The world really is ending
That’s how I felt, I haven’t ever felt an earthquake here after 20 years and now one happens during this

God is great and he is real

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Sister in law is in Magna. Called my wife and told her about it. Checking foundations for damage now and all the paintings and pics were knocked off the walls
It’s happening. This is a foreshock
Dogs are going crazy right now outside.

Wasatch front?

Last two digits declare the earthquake force. Roll!

>pale rider stalks the land
>locusts plague the holy land
>earthquakes rock the earth

Lord I'm ready, take me home.

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How is that even possible? They're not even close to any tectonic plates

Sorry, what was that about birds and snakes?
Btw, Utah is a miserable place. Surprised anyone was around to feel the quake.

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someone get Lenny Bruce's status on if he's afraid or not
>oh wait, he's dead

But you nailed it at 5.7

we have wormsign

You nailed it

They sit right on a massive fault line

5.7 checked.

My last 2 digits = Portland, Oregon earthquake strength today.

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if the digits the world ends tomorrow

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We are not in control. We are just existing in a calm amidst an eternity of chaos. The calm is over.

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14.88 Richter magnitude
at Yellowstone Supervolcano

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fuck I was taking a good nap and that shit woke me up. may allah spite thee quake down

Lenny Bruce is NOT afraid!

Some theories it's blowing up underground bases. I lean on new solar cycle incoming and quakes will be normal again

This. Its part of the "cursed indian ground" deal we made qith the natives when the city was founded.

Massive aftershocks right now

Maybe they blew up a DUMB, amirite qfags hopium addicts?

Yeah. He’s dead

Fake and gay
This guy gets it

This roll predicts the quake on the juan de fuca

Utah here shit woke me up!!! Yellowstone is ready to blow up

Holy shit

when do the skies turn red with blood?

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yellowstone is next!

Haha mountains and ground go brrrrrrrrrr

Kek works in mysterious ways.

God is great

Woke me up as a 3.5 where I live. I dodged a bullet, m8ies.

felt it here as well
calm down your scary cat mormons

Aight, I'm spooked.

Can you imagine if this thing pops with all the other shit happening right now?

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This is literally directly next to Salt Lake City airport.

Where at? And yeah it was a great natural alarm clock :^) I was having a good dream though

Sorry happening canceled.

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You already nailed it. Invisible forces at work!

>whole world go brr brrrrr brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

ahahah what the fuck

it was in magna

Don't worry and keep fracking


Dude I live in embark apartments in west Jordan on the second floor and I literally thought my building was gonna cave in on itself

Any anons in the kill zone?

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Friendly reminder to bragging cali fags
The state of Utah used to be a giant lake
Because of this we have retardedly built upon massive amounts of sediment.

A 7.7 to Utah is like a 9.0+ to you guys

We are geologically similar to mexico city
God damn I hope that's a foreshock and today is The Big One

Release me boys.

Draper fag here It made my whole house shake

My ex gf lives in magna

I am a Utah boy so my roll should count

a 00 in my case would mean a 10.0

parents live just outside Salt Lake City. They shook

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Do y'all feel these massive aftershocks

Utah has one of the most massive fault lines besides the San Andreas

The entire Wasatch front is a gigantic fault line

Philadelphia's just de-criminalized crime, so give it a few days, and lo, the skies and all the land shall run red with bloode.

Yeah I know. Basin fag here. We’re gonna seal off the city soon enough and you fags can deal with the fallout

Wtf how

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satan we are worried that 5.7 was only a foreshock

U Basin here. We felt nothing. Sister in law is in Taylorsville and they shook hard


Bench dweller here
Straight up bedrock under my house
I can watch the entire city crumble from my window

I live on the benches and our house only shook a little bit

My Earthquake virginity was taken from me this morning, oh mai.


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literally still feeling aftershocks it almost feels like someone is "shoving" my aparyment

We are hopeful that this is just a foreshock

Nice source and slide thread faggot.

>iiii mussst huuurrrrraaaay and post l33t bread

Where are you at?
Im on the draper bench
we aren't feeling shit
my dogs don't even care

Feels good to be wealthy

Puckered my asshole so tight that I won't ever need to wipe.

kek coronavirus world plague and massive earthquake

from pleasant Mormons to mad max raiders in a split second

Dogs have a wider hearing range and better scent detection than humans. Some scientists suggest that dogs can hear seismic activities that precede earthquakes (such as the scraping, grinding, and breaking of rocks underground).

If anyone curious

I worked my way up from government apartments in saint George to this.

I don't ever want to go back to that lifestyle I worked to hard for this

I'm on Like 72 and redwood it shook my entire apartment to a spoopy degree my 2 cats were losing there shit as well..it was genuinely spooky I've never experienced anything like it

Emergence point

Any (((celebs))) living in the region?
Any history in the region with bunker building?

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Reptillians and CIA in DUMBs bfto.

A nothing-burger as usual.


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liquefaction is a bitch

that's what we get for living on an old lake bed

DUMBs being destroyed. Go back to social distancing.

Truly the end of times is near.

What the fuck.

t. Mormon fuck

fucking scary m8.
Layton here. Woke me up out of a dead sleep. Can't get back to sleep now, fucking adrenaline/anxiety dump in my guts.


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holy shit a yellowstone just flew over my house

nice knowing you guys

Uh oh



holy shit another big one just happened

Holy fuck. Checked.

trips of truth

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Felt another aftershock dudes holy shit

Earthquake or """""earthquake""""""" ?

they’ve unleashed HAARP


Bye bitches


What do we do in Corona virus infected fema camps and red Cross evacuation zones it's a worst case scenario.

my desktop computer is shaking as i type this message we are in the end of times OH GOD ITS HAPPENING


Holy moly

Lmao you got it


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bunker bombs?

Stay out of the root cellar Lehi!

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clearing out dumbs

Were the Little and Big canyons closed due to avalanches?

I'm going to bed. Let it be a peaceful death.

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4.0 just hit