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cops kill more Americans than ISIS

>pozzed homosexual says thing
He's squealing effeminately for protection by those same people, now.

> Cops kill
> Americans
Ok, Tyrone,

ok bootlicker

bootlicking faggot

He’s not wrong

filthy nIggers

post nose, disgusting heeb

American soldiers are weak faggots who can’t even defeat Afghan goat people or bush gooks.

I hope ww3 happens soon I’m looking forward to kill these bitches with German weapons.

MIGA tho

He's not wrong, fuck the fed, fuck the jannies and most importantly fuck niggers

>muh superior german gunz

>ameritards stand no chance

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Ungrateful cunts.

he's not wrong. people don't join the military because they're some kind of super badass hero looking to save the planet from the forces of evil.

> american
Wassup, Chang?


fagget this is what happens when mutts design their own weapons instead of Germans designing it for them.

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I joined up for the gibs, it worked out great

Fuck I wish I had a gyrojet. It’s the closest I’ll ever get to a 40K style boltgun

What's wrong with HK36 in your opinion?

I’d like to cut you in half with my machinegewehr 42

It’s the most superior assualt rifle since the MP44.

Good, I cant wait for your dumb shitskin ass to show up in a drone strike compilation.

Yes. He only wants his taxes to go to illegals and NEETs. They're much better.

Post lips you fucking ugly nigger

Aesthetics is half the battle.

Jokes aside though, German guns are pretty sexy.. Not all of them ofc, but.. mmm that Mp5... ohyes, come to me.

Twitter guy in op is a fucking weirdo

I'd rather not pay taxes at all
Soldiers are the least of my worries though, at least they can kill people without legal troubles

>Aesthetics is half the battle.
And is HK36 supposed to be bad in that regard? Looks like a space rifle to me(which means cool as fuck).

It's true.
Armed militias all the way.

Which desert shithole did you crawl out of? Dutch are on the goy team so you subconsciously just told everyone you're a migrant. How embarrassing lmao

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why would cops be killing isis?

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To each their own i suppose.

Have you ever used one, no?
It's trash

cops prevent niggers to be cleansed
if not cops nigger problem would be solved in weeks if not in days
enjoy your black cock you bootlicker


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>he's never tried an AR15
the market has never looked any better for them my friend

absolutely based and ballsofsteel-pilled

I’ll shoot down your 2 billion euro drone with my 300 euro AA rocket and proceed to tip over your scooter and shoot your through your fat head.

Germans guns are superior that’s why they almost defeated the world twice.

Isn’t Trudeau your leader? Leave poll bitch ass gook.

I’m talking about rifles for the military not toys for obese virgin faggots.

That was WWII. Now AR-15 is the best assault rifle design.
Also this is delusional as hell but you can bark I suppose.

>asks a Dutch person if he ever fired a weapon

Yep. And also why your pathetic excuse of "men" got steamrolled in ww2.
>4 angry posts in a row
Seething lmao

>I’m talking about rifles for the military
The M16 is the AR15's automatic military cousin
All I would need is an auto receiver and bam my AR15 is now an M16

absolutely this. cop loving cocksuckers get the rope first

>hurr im so scared i need cops to protect me
city faggots are fucking cucks
t. city cuck fags

He is right , american soldiers dont even have a warrior ethos they are litrally just low iq man with guns let loose to terrorize sand niggers

>i p-pay
more like he hands over his measerly pittance like the cuck he is because he is scared shitless of those same soldiers

Black people aren't american


Learn to speak your own fucking language gook.

That’s fucking over a century ago and personally I thought we shouldn’t even have resisted the first place.

Better to become the bitch of our Germanic brothers than to become the bitch of the Anglo celts and end up as weak as you people.

he really thinks his tiny contribution in taxes really does house clothe and feed a multitude of the masses does he ... hahahahahahahahahaha
the arrogance ... his tiny drop in the bucket ... lol, now he gets to order us around ... lol

M16 is like vietnam trier technology.

Niggers aren’t American

I don't think he knows the difference user...

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The AR15 isn’t a assault rifle it’s a civilian toy.

Americans aren’t white

Wouldn't even need that.

Got a metal coat hanger?

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cops almost always are servants of the elites and in this case they willingly serve zog
they got high pay, good retirement and zero responsibility for their behavior
in current times man can't even protect himself without getting punished and 'law' enforcers persecute law abiding citizens when leaving criminals alone because its too dangerous that is if they are not working with them or when they are not criminals themselves
i can even understood cops who are mad dogs but have power behind them but not fucking bootlickers who defend them
what is wrong with this faggots i can't even comprehend

It take a few other parts to make a regular AR-15 into a full auto, than just a coat hanger.

M16 is also the most popular gun out there and I might even buy another lower

fuck you guys I wish we didn't have ATFaggotry and NFA and shit
noice funs though

What the fuck even is a "real job"?. There are tons of "real jobs" in the military.

Still more advanced that most Euro rifles.
>short stroke instead of direct impingement
It's like you like having more recoil, more moving mass inside the gun.

soldiers are the republicans version of niggers

- You cant understand the struggle bro if you aren't a veteran
- They need a special box next to being a nigger or retard on a job application
- They are really bad ass, but we also need to give them welfare to take care of themselves
- Companies should be praised for hiring them

Cops are the republicans version of faggot too. Aggressive and unstable people with mental issues and special colored lights at the white house. And little square flags on peoples cars/businesses (rainbow vs thin blue line) in a plea to not get bashed in by them.

based cops slaying the american goyim cattle

Oh, let's not forget also how many special forces use an AR-15 derivative around the world.

"Your" was used in the correct context, you subhuman muslim.
>we shouldn't have resisted
>better to be a bitch
Whatever modicum of respect I had for you is now flushed down the toilet. Absolutely fucking pathetic. Offering your opinions on military, and your first response is "we should just surrender"? You're a low test shadow of a man.

I appreciate your help Polebro but I'm sure that this fag never touched an AR15
I actually own and shoot mine semi regularly so it's no big deal

Fun fact: individuals can legally own fully automatic assault weapons with the proper permits.
Most anti-gunners don't even know what AR actually stands for.
The real problem is ignorance. And when you call them out on not knowing something, they really fucking hate that, hence the childish blowups.

Kraut please you don’t have shit

I always assume they mean non government jobs, a job where you dont get paid with taxes, but they dont feel this way about say public prosecutors. No it's usually specifically the military. I generally take it as a sign of their ignorance on the subject matter because these people seem to assume everyone across all branches is infantry. They dont know the navy is securing trade routes for the world, nor do they know that combat roles dont even exist in the air force.

you're a cuck if you actually pay the ATFaggots $200 dollars for the loss of your right to move

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