Andrew Yang: Let's give people one thousand dollars each to help them out :)

>Andrew Yang: Let's give people one thousand dollars each to help them out :)
>Donald Trump: hahaha gonna give you all five thousand each hahaha
>Yas Forums: Oh my god please fuck my tight little asshole

You're all pathetic, no wonder the rest of the internet laughs at us.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Context matters though.

Giving everyone a thousand buckerinos every month forever just because is retarded and will just lead to hyperinflation. Giving everyone a thousand buckerinos ONCE in a crisis situation to avoid an economic collapse is acceptable.

It didn't stop the crisis when bush tried it in 2008. At least you can argue ubi has never been really tried. What Trump is doing is a proven failure. It's actually more stupid than ubi.

Bush handed out free monies to people? I thought he only gave handouts to (((chosen people))) not the general populace.

In any case, it's just monopoly money anyways, money printer go brrrrrrrrr so why do you even care? I mean, you HAVE bought silver right? You're not one of those nometalz fags right?

>Yas Forums: Oh my god please fuck my tight little asshole

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You’re not getting any monetary compensation I take it?

Yang wanted $1000 of income, meaning on a regular basis. This is quite a bit different since it's only once per legislative bill

I still get my trump money if i'm a neet right?

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>I still get my trump money if i'm a neet right?

Nope. It's for people whose tax returns showed an AGI in the last tax year.

This money is to keep people from chimping out and others from revolting.

Prove me wrong.


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Yang's plan was to be permanent, or very long-term. The stimulus by Trump is temporary.

Quite different.

>yang being president would be comparable to an economy crippling national emergency
Ya know, for once I agree with OP.


Why should you? Your life hasn't changed any. I'm still working and still getting paid, for now. I shouldn't receive it either.

>Why should you? Your life hasn't changed any
bullshit it hasn't i've been having to use baby wipes because you wagies bough all the toliet paper. That deserves $1000 at least.

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Imagine having all day to do nothing and you still can't make it to the TP. You are a top tier NEET.

Government programs are never temporary my little zoom

Bailouts stopped the crisis from being exponentially worse

>You are a top tier NEET.
Thanks. A lot of people have no idea how hard it is doing absolutely nothing.

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Trumps Chinese Corona Virus bailout is a temporary measure.
Yang wanted to give money away until all the money ran out and he couldnt give any more.

i love all these retards outing themselves because of this.

I'm racist. I hate chinks.

Sarah Palin did it first and none of you forgetful faggots called her a socialist

Hahaha, you turned into a fucking communist to BTFO the liberals. Lmao at your lyfe, faggot.

>let's inflate the currency

please no stimulus during economic contraction.

you're so stupid it hurts, an hero

i fucking hate this meme why would they put money already in the printer to print out money


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>Bush handed out free monies to people?
Yes and no. He sent everyone a (IIRC) $600 check. You had to repay it when you filed your taxes the next year though.

Shhh if they think you have a brain they’ll eat you.....

its not really paper.

>Yang: $1,000 for everyone
>Yas Forums: Based!
>Yang: Not for white supremacists obviously
>Republicans: [deleted because nobody cares what boomers think]
>Trump: Give people some money, it's the end of the world anyway
>Yas Forums: BASED!

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Asians still obsess with blondes and draw their hentai dudes with porn star nigger dicks. Not to mention their skin is white. Only thing left is to makes them all rich kikes with tits and that’s all 5 human status tropes... then anime will be even more based
Except it won’t
Anybody ever met a rich blonde white tranny body builder with a horse cock? Pretty sure that’s satan if incase you ever find him...

pol be like
2016-2020: >SOCIALISM BAAAAAADDDddddddddddDDD!!!!! NEVER HANDOUTS!FUK THE POORFAGS FUK THE NIGGERS NOT A SINGLE PENNY OF MY 401K!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2020: its good actually, helps the average citizen out when they need it most. yang and bernie want bad socialism, this isnt socialism exactly more like economic stimulus based on taxes. very good and ive always considered it a good option. trump is a genius yet again!

>take dollar
>draw 2 zeros next to the 1

i will never in my life vote for some bitch ass chink with a faggot name like "andrew"

>$1000 a month in perpetuity
>$1000 one time during an emergency

Oh, yeah, totally the same thing.

I like how the chinks adopt westernised names from the countries they move to.
Its better than some fucking abdul shaheen mohammed.

If it went to retards it’s disgenic
If it went to people it’s okay

No true conservative would support a cash payout to American citizens.
And this is Yas Forums, so there are no true conservatives

the idea is basic economics, Yang was just a terrible salesman for the idea but other people immediately recognized the potential. GDP is calculated by public and government spending, if the govt gives the public money to spend, it's two birds, one stone kind of thing. Will it work to make anything better? it depends on whether those people getting it spend it frivolously and even then every small scale experiment hasn't shown much success.

as a stimulus? idk maybe, let's get that bag and find out.

>Andrew Jackson
>Andrew Johnson
sorry bro, it's already happened twice.

>Totally not missing the point because orange man good

Trumptards really are just as fucking retarded as liberals, which I didn't think was possible.

You're lucky you work from home, shill.

Protip, every American will not receive Cheetobux. Its only for people out of work because their company shut down for a few weeks, a month or however long it will be closed


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You're so dumb and shortsighted, you literally don't see what he's doing or why he's doing it.

Real protip: direct stimulus to consumers is the last tool they have to keep this economy from going absolutely tits up. Just giving it to banks isn't working anymore, now they have to give it to American consumers, the way it always should have been.

This is the people's bailout, and it's going to ALL Americans. It literally makes zero sense otherwise.

No, you quadruple negroid, its only for people who are out of work because of this shit, and there are gonna be a lot of people out of work. You really think that millions of welfare leeches living off foodstamp are gonna get $1000? LOL

>Hahaha, you turned into a fucking communist to BTFO the liberals.

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it's not gonne be once, this virus isnt going away overnight, people arent actually gonna go back to work in 2 weeks
this will last for months and donald trump will campaign on making it permanent and defeat biden by 20 points

>You're all pathetic, no wonder the rest of the internet laughs at us.
we have always supported yang for his economic policies we hated his pandering to social liberal shit

The fact that trump is moving away from 'pull your self by the bootstraps shit is a good thing faggot

>its only for people who are out of work because of this shit
Okay boomer. Meanwhile King Cheeto said ALL Americans, and it makes far more sense to think it will be ALL Americans considering 1. how much it would help the economy, 2. how much easier it would be to get the Dems to go along with it, and 3. how much that would help with his re-election.

>You really think that millions of welfare leeches living off foodstamp are gonna get $1000?
You think Trump doesn't have a hard-on for giving ghetto welfare niggers whatever they want so they'll vote for him? Lmao top kek. Sorry boomer, your vote isn't enough anymore. He's gonna need NEETS and niggers, evangelicuck boomers like you are't good enough anymore.

One time thing does not equal a monthly process.

This is a bad idea.

It's like National Socialism.

And what about millionaires/billionaires. They'll get it to, huh? töpkæk

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I'd take $5K. Hand it over, Trumpy.

Why shouldn’t I benefit from a system I AM paying into?

meant to quote

You're complaining because your ass is cleaner now? You should be the one paying for the hygiene lesson.

Of course not, they already vote for him.

You mean like socialism?

Trumpbux will be a direct cash payment. Bush and Obama didn't do that.

I was just joking, retard, fucking summer came early

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Where we're going, we don't need long term economic thought.

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I do remember Yang ended up adding a little caveat about how he was going to deny the Freedom Dividend to certain people he didn't like, so if the left decided you are a racist, you wouldn't get money. It was at the point where criminals and illegal aliens were promised the cash, but actual legal citizens who simply identified as nationalists wouldn't get any

No you see free money is the way of the future

Go ahead and screenshot my post saying not everyone will get it at your leisure, we'll see who's wrong.