Wtf is with fracking and can't anyone declare as a fact that it's safe or harmful?

Wtf is with fracking and can't anyone declare as a fact that it's safe or harmful?

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They seal the shit up with concrete but sometimes the seal breaks due to the mini earthquakes that coincidentally occur in high frequency around fracking sites and suddenly you have cracking chemicals in the water table

People tried to have the Frackers reveal what fluids they were pumping into the ground, but a judge ruled they didn't have to reveal it because of "muh secret coca cola recipe" corporate bullshit. So the public can't even find out if it is a danger to the groundwater. (of course it is, otherwise they would have said what was in the fluid)

I worked in O&G for close to a decade, specifically doing Wireline which goes hand in hand with frac'ing

>drilling rig drills a hole 17,000ft in total length (usually 7-10k vertical and the rest horizontal)
>when rig leaves there is just a solid steel pipe in the ground with cement between the pipe and ground
>wireline comes in and sends down pipe bombs that "perforate" the zone where the geo nerds said there is oil
>it goes boom and the shaped charges punch holes through the steel casing, concrete, and into the actual rock formation
>frac them pumps a mixture of water, chemicals, and toxic sand into those newly created holes at anywhere from 6-10k PSI which causes them to expand and "fracture" out
>each time you send down a bomb and pump on it (frac'ing) that is called a "stage"
>average well in West TX is 60-90 stages

That's the basic gist. It's very toxic, i dont care what the oil kikes tell you in the PR campaigns, it's nasty shit

It's not exactly secret, if you're on a well pad all the chemicals are clearly labeled.

It's safe to Mr. Shekelstein's bank account and the energy industry. Remember the holocaust.

Fracking in and of itself is perfectly safe. However, shoddy cement jobs done by fly by night companies are of course shoddy and unsafe, but that's no different with fracking than conventional drilling. But hype and panic and all that.

The contents of their fracking fluid are irrelevant, since it won't come into contact with the aquifer anyway. The targets for fracking are far below and (obviously if you're not a retard) sealed off, if they weren't sealed off geologically, there woudn't be any oil there. Although amusingly enough I went to a presentation from Halliburton once about their fracking fluid and how it was completely cleaned up and non toxic when they were done with it, and so somebody in the audience asked if they could take a drink of the sample (supposedly just sterile water). The bottle answer of course was no, and the bottle was permanently sealed because apparently that was a common question/request lmao.

Still it's not the fracking itself that's the problem, just shitty companies doing a shitty job.

Of course it's not safe, but we gotta stay at the top baby!

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The fluid has very special properties but it’s generally oils and salts. Not very dangerous.

>Still it's not the fracking itself that's the problem, just shitty companies doing a shitty job.

Lol, no. If any of the "perfectly safe" frac'ing slurry spills on surface the entire pad is shut down and hazmat cleanup protocols are initiated. Do you know how they dispose of all the used up toxic frac fluid? They take it to "injection wells" and pump it back into the earth.

On paper, fracturing shale formations isn't inherently bad. However when you factor in the toxic shit they do it with, and the sheer quantity that is going on, it creates a much different situation

Wrong. It uses several different very powerful acids, we had a spill on surface last year and the acid made our pipe wrenches look like swiss cheese.

On many wells they use what they call "activator", i dont know the exact chemical name, but it's extremely flammable/toxic and when they are pumping it they require everyone to be as far away from the well head as possible in case there's a leak

Yeah, I use the shit as salad salad dressing. I think one of my nuts disappeared but I wasn't using it anyway.

This is a pic of West TX, just to give you a small idea of the insane amount of wells that are packed into the area

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if china did fracking, glowing cia retards would add it to their list of grievances with broken elevators and dog meat

I'm sick of this fracking shit. Frack everything.

Fuck off, Chinese shill. Sick of your anti-america propaganda bullshit.

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It don't matter. It costs around $50 a barrel to frack the oil out. It won't happen again for a long long time, if ever.

>The contents of their fracking fluid are irrelevant, since it won't come into contact with the aquifer anyway.

It depends. It's safe if they dont spill any oil or frack fluid on the surface, the rock formation doesn't have any cracks that allow the frack fluid, nature gas or oil to be pushed up into an aquifer. Also oil company has to seal the well correctly after it's done or things could go wrong. That's a lot of things that could go wrong. Simply put, I would not live near a well if possible.

>it's not the fracking itself that's the problem, just shitty companies doing a shitty job.
You could say that about anything. Maybe communism's not so bad either. It's just shitty governments doing shitty jobs.

> it won't come into contact with the aquifer
They're drilling directly through and under aquifers.
You say it's safe but clearly it needs more regulation from a non-Jewish government because of these "shitty companies"

The only people pushing anti-fracking propaganda are the Saudis, Russians, Qataris and big Western oil companies afraid of competition from smaller producers and the potential for US LNG exports in the case of Qatar.

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Then why the fucc do these never have Hazmat placards on them?

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It's like nuclear power; due to the mistakes of few, and the media wanking off for views, no human finds it appealing, thinking there is magic harmless solutions just unexplored because Jews or something.

>democrats are going to take away muh $40 an hour to stand in the dirt with skoal in my lip job
>loses job anyway
Based and deservedpilled. Better stop at McDonald’s for an application in your 70k truck before it gets repossessed faggots.

You mutts are a fucking joke, those of you who try desperatly to preserve any kind of whiteness or reason in the society are destroyed and muttified by people like you.

Fracking causes a weak point, force passing through the plate will burst out here. It won't cause more force to be present but will change the patterns the earthquakes draw across the plate.

earthquakes are the least of ones worries, I don't understand how you people don't care about groundwater and have to import your water abroad.

>telling a leaf his water isn't clean.
Ok buddy.

How would you feel that suddenly a big corporate would want to remove that access of yours.

Wrong. We never used acids or activators.

>This is how a healthy water reserve should look like

We had several earthquakes in my area because of that shit and one of the best groundwater source in this country is in danger because of this shit. The pipelines are also poorly maintained and we have several cancer clusters. It's a dirty business and the laws applied to it are 200 years old.

That entirely depends on the formation or the basin you're in. If acidizing improves the conductivity of the formation we'll pump slugs of it.

They don't want the US self sufficient in energy. They want the US dependant on foreign oil so they can control the US.

Nuclear is cleaner than the fracking business, why not go full nuclear or develop other methods of extracting oil that doesn't harm groundwater reserves. I would care less if you poison yourself by your own free will, but pushing that shit onto foreign countries is another topic.

They are empty when transported


Petroleum Engineer reporting in. It is no more unsafe than a conventional oil well. The only thing about it that I find objectionable is the amount of fresh water we use. But even that is being offeset with produced water fracs.

How the hell is creating giant voids underground at all safe?

Are you telling the fracking doesn't contaminate ground water reserves

why was rex tillerson so against fracking near his home?

Actually those are all old fields from the 50s. Most new wells are being done with "pad drilling" meaning we will put like 6 wells on each one of those plots instead of one plot per well.

Produced water is a fucking pain though, too many possible contaminants, the younger engineers can't ever seem to set up the cross linkers correctly when utilizing it. At least this holds true in W Texas.

Drilling rigs are unsightly and there is a large amount of traffic going in and out. There is reason enough not to want drilling activity on your land without worrying about ground water.

>There is reason enough not to want drilling activity on your land without worrying about ground water.
>ground water
>non important


Im telling you it isnt any more liable to contaminate ground water reserves than wells that are not fracked. Yes.

I think I need your recipe

Definitely. But when you take PW that you were going to have to a dollar a barrel to dispose, and you dont have to pay a dollar a barrel for the fresh water it means that a waste product becomes worth 2+ dollars a barrel. Economics nobody can ignore especially right now.

Im not saying its unimportant, its very important. Just saying other factors alone would be reason enough not to want it in your back yard. Especially if youre already rich.

Sounds like you own oil stock, sorry that fracking is hurting your portfolio.

Not true. Since 2004 or so they have fracked the nearly the entire state of Pennsylvania and nobody can drink the water unless you're in the extreme SE of the state away from the mountains. The fucking water is poison.

Then do the chems just arrive on conventional tankers?

No because the legal system runs riot.

>nuclear is cleaner than the fracking buisness

Come on dude. The difference is when we make a mistake fracking it can pollute like a quarter of a mile radius groundwater from the site. A nuclear mistake can fuck shit up on a massive scale. Not to mention the potential target for terrorists and the problems with disposing of nuclear waste. That shit is not safe and people who think we could manage it long term are arrogant.

biggest retard post of the year


It's not particularly safe.
It contaminates the ever-loving shit out of groundwater.
And it's not particularly profitable either.
Especially not now with oil as low as it is.

Sand and acid and gelatin, handful of items for lubricity and heat stabilization.

Most places with fracking aren't even close to ground water tables, the Bakken for example is two miles down, with the formation itself only 50-70 feet in vertical space. Those meme videos of flammable tap water are taken in Pennsylvania and predate the horizontal drilling+fracking industry.

You're a lying faggot.

Its not that much chemical being used. The vast majority is just soap.

ok jewmer

Wtf is with driving cars and can't anyone declare as a fact that it's safe or harmful?

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>disposal meme
it came from the ground, why is putting it back in the ground suddenly controversial?
>safety meme
less deaths than in oil extraction alone
>muh terrorist
they haven't attacked our pitifully vulnerable grid yet, what makes you think they'll start?

At $20/barrel oil, it's out of business is what it is... I wouldn't worry much about it.

>Toxic sand

It's "toxic" cause it's a breathing hazard you mongoloid. Same reason cementers wear respirators.

they are been zero terrorist attacks on nuclear power stations, they are pretty secure you know

the whitehouse is more likely to be attacked than a power station

Halliburton is shady as fuck, but so is your IQ.

Same could be said for fracking materials.

Potential for many times more deaths. And who even knows how many people got cancer from the accidents of the past. Radioactive particals go all over the place

Doesnt mean they wont. You could have said the same shit about airlines on september 10th 2001

>Doesnt mean they wont. You could have said the same shit about airlines on september 10th 2001

>worker talks about extremely flammable chems used on the job
>vid of a river on fire from nearby fracking chems
just like the worker said, fuck these kikes

>made our pipe wrenches look like swiss cheese

that shitpost lie made you feel kinda tough, right?

hahaha i laughed when i read that too. What a bad ass wireline hand.

This. The oil being extracted is miles from the pad itself. They drill multiple wells 5 meters apart or so, and head off to 12 o'clock, 4 o'clock, etc and hit there target zones. Besides having to watch for "well communication", the pads are far more efficient in fracking than old vertical wells.