B-b-but muh Q user said it was habbening :(

Quit shilling the stupid fucking faceberg Q user boomer group narrative. You’re making this place look more fucking retarded than it actually is. If you haven’t noticed that the number of threads about “muh coronavirus is actually a cover to take down the swamp #trusttheplan” is completely inorganic, neck yourself. Things like “Oprah has been arrested for sex trafficking!” are time and time again proven completely untrue. Which in turn disproves the entire narrative of Q user. But you still keep posting it. It’s time to stop.

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Other urls found in this thread:


if she says it's not true...

>are time and time again proven completely untrue
Sounds like someone also bought in to the Nuremberg trials

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I'm gonna say it every time it comes up: qanon is the gayest LARP in the history of internet LARPs.

Fucking Q larpers. Hope they get eternally BTFO

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He'll just write some more bullshit that dances around this and the schizos will eat it up for years to come. Don't think this will end after Trump's next term. He'll never stop.

Okay, sure I figured this line of reasoning is the next step of cope. “They’re just lying because they don’t want to face the public outrage. She’s actually in a top secret interrogation location spilling the beans right now in exchange for immunity.” I guarantee you that will be the next part of the narrative. Then when all these comes to pass and none of it is proven true, it will conveniently be forgotten and they’ll move on to the next unsubstantiated story. The problem with shilling bullshit is they indirectly and unwittingly associate true conspiracies with this fake shit and in the minds of normies make it ALL untrue. So maybe that’s the goal. It just really makes me angry when there has been loads of investigative work by people in the real world, myself included, into all kinds of horrendous shit involving child ritual abuse. It ALL gets dismissed because they are pushing a bullshit narrative. There are those of us doing real work LONG before Q user existed. It’s a fucking LARP. None off what the faggots orchestrating that has come to pass. Absolutely NOTHING.

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Hopefully they all fuck off when Trump doesn't release the secert Q money or whatever it was he is supposedly going to do on the 30th

He's doing it, he tweeted it.

People who work and live in their cars will be able to rent a room

It’s true

What did he mean by this?

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Don’t ding ding

It’s to keep you pacified with the system as well

Redpill me on some of the real stuff

Crazy Bernie

Shut up. Just lean back and relax bro, your secret champions have already won, it's just that winning is indistinguishable from losing. Trust the plan.

I heard Oprah got arrested at the LA airport for carrying 50# of crack.


I'm confident Oprah is both involved with some level of fuckery with other elites but that this current arrest/seizure news is a meme. With that said, anyone could be tweeting on her behalf if something did actually go down so her tweet is proof of nothing.

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The system in place will never be stopped because it keeps the facade in place. Intelligence agencies (whether they be rogue sectors or not, I don’t know) engage in maintaining many different forms of control via blackmail. It just so happens a primary tool is blackmail of not just officials, but leaders in science and globohomo corporations, seems to be a proclivity for underage people. Now, that’s not to say everybody is fucking 4 year olds. Most of the time it’s a scenario where a politician fucked a 15 year old girl and got caught on video. To avoid having his life destroyed, he capitulates. We all know about Epstein obviously. A less talked about one is Playboy and Hugh Hefner. Hefner was likely an intelligence asset. let’s say you go to the playboy mansion, end up getting laid by a bunny there. some glow in the darks sit you down with a recorded tape and tell you she was 16. You’re in there good graces so long as you do what they say. This goes on in every country in the world. These people are largely all controlled. I’m not trying to blackpill you or destroy any hope. I got really blackpilled after pizzagate and realized the general masses don’t care. Until it affects their day to day life. As for more specific things, I’ve only engaged in investigating these things on a local level in my home town. I figured I couldn’t do anything on a bigger scale, but thought I could do what I could where I was. Between my work and a few others, it led to the end of a local level politician’s career. He was engaging in the exact things I described. What was interesting is once pressed he cracked under public pressure and police investigation and began talking about how he didn’t mean to get caught up in it and alluded to higher ups pulling strings out of his control. Once this got out, the police hushed it up and the whole thing got memory holed. My conclusion was you could take that and likely apply it to a country and worldwide scale

post the hotdog clock

lmao Oprah has to respond to Yas Forums schizos

That's not even her fucking house that that stupid roastie on twitter posted that got this whole thing started. We need to publicly shame this woman, it's the only way to get this problem under control!


FB posters btfo. Now stop spamming the most retarded larp I have ever seen on Yas Forums.
>if she says it's not true...
...then she is not in jail without her phone/computer.

Q will save you, goys. Trust the plan.

You know what a Q upside is?

So this is mass depopulation then... The time has come...

>same tweet
>different time stamps
>one of them was tweeted from a PC
something isn’t adding up

>people get evidence of satanic practices of politicians via wikileaked emails
>hordes of retards looking to get in on the action flood in and shit eveything up with unsubstentiated bullshit
>trump plays along because he's either part of the psyop, misinformed, or wants to prop up his cult of personality
>normies now knee-jerk discredit everything
>Qtards sabotage the "Great Awakening" they supposedly wanted so bad
As written in seedj - morons are man's most potent weapon for destroying a movement. It was also written that people thought Reagan was going to be /ourguy/ coming after the very hatable Jimmy Carter, but the author thought he would just rock the masses to sleep as part of the Left-Right false dichotomy.
It's all so tiresome.

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Guys. This one fake, real tweet was posted from web, only from web. The bitch is down, handlers panic.

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So someone else would decide to enter into the conspiracy that she is supposedly in so that they too could be arrested?

The funnest part is seeing if you are disposable to a lunatic elite.

She gonna post a timestamp?

Her last year of tweets were all from iphone
She has her fucking phone in her hand
Tweets via browser

This bitch is in jail, and her PR team are posting on her behalf because all Oprah's devices have been taken by feds

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That’s the thing. Many people were already doing this kind of investigative work before the “pizzagate” thing. Which I am entirely convinced the focus being on Comet Pizza was an intentional derailment of the whole thing. Once the focus was there, a glow in the dark goes there and shoots a single round into the computer. Now this does two things: 1. Convinces the public that pizzagaters are psychopaths, and 2. Convinces the conspiracy community further that there is something there because he only shot a single round into the computer. The natural progression of a lot of the insanity regarding pizzagate was this Q user thing. It’s all part of a large psyop to demoralize people when nothing happens. I’m telling you fucking people, do what you can on a local level. I know it sounds like a meme, but if you can have a direct impact on your local community, it’s better than nothing. You’re never going to be the one that takes down the global elite. It’s just part of the raw deal we were dealt in life. Focusing on this ignorant shit like Oprah (which in all honesty wouldn’t be surprising) is very stupid. People at that level are practically untouchable. So if you can impact your local community by giving them factual evidence that “holy shit this was happening in our little town, where else could it be happening,”‘ maybe we could eventually start waking the masses up. Until that happens, everybody will stay asleep and uncaring.

Fuck sake, 24 hours man

Guess you never heard of a lady called Marina Abromovic, Russian Asset who framed the entire global elite with her brother in Law Jeffrey Epstein.

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That's pretty tenuous shit.

Wait so if you just deny stuff on twitter you are not guilty? Sounds like a great system.

This. Well said

Shes sanitizing because shes holding down women for Wienstien 2.0 to take a run at.

thing.it has no DNS record. she is signalling that the records have been scrubbed.

Kek. They’re all gonna get immunity because ive been hearing this for 3 years

>Just got a phone call
>Posts from PC

So Epstein was a Russian asset now?


Well duh man

You're right none of these people have publicists or assistants that run their social media kys yourelf

Even considering all of her other tweets were made via iPhone?

How about Charles kushner blackmailing? Like father like son

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You mean Israeli Mossad

Checked and your logic makes sense

secret underground tunnels in former swampland. very believable

Are they really? Did you look at them all? Anyways, I just think you have to be pretty autistic to think "just had a phone call" means you have to have a phone in your hands. It's a thing people say that can mean anything from right now to a good while ago.

Fake and gay

Different time zones

How do you know it's a he?

Mossad is a Russian Front and I'm OK with that.

RT News is Mossad out it's brain.

Wow, you’re right. This makes sense. I’m not sure what I was thinking. Does anybody feel sleepy? I’m tired, I think we should just sleep.

Show your Israeli flag

That alone should make you think. We throw shit at the wall all day long. Does NDT have to go out and denounce flat Earth tards?

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Don't have an Israeli flag because if I did I would be growing figs and not posting on this shithole wall.

Trace 'Jesus Campos'

He's the key to unlocking everything you've ever wanted to know in regards to what lies beneath.

What do you mean?

I like it man, gotta say. Good proverb.

I also like Darpa's Scientia Potentia Est

Yeah, probably naptime for q-boomers, you snarky fuck.

did you always wonder how it feels like to get your ass fucked. i bet you did. how about i fuck it up just for you? i bet youll love this. you surely cant wait for someone who stretches your asshole like clinton stretches faces of children over hers. you cant wait for it huh? i can tell youre getting aroused by just thinking about it. yeah i bet you do. do you want to get your ass fucked? i can tell you. you would pay me to do so, yes? fucking degenerate.

fucking adrenochrome... i think it was poisoned Lady Gaga made the same fucking remark recently talking about vampire blood being poisoned. Shit man what if thats how they take out the deep state they know what they need to survive. Follow the white rabbit.

Well Campos can go too ways

If we are talking indelible in the hippocampus, we are talking about a sea monster/horse as is the shape of the brain component, like a seahorse.


But the Latin and yes I can capitalise and put but forth, you were lied to... Is "field"

a field agent


jesus campos is the security guard who was at the las vegas hotel when the pop concert massacre happened. he was the dead guy who was weekend at bernies'd on the ellen show.

And at the end of the day

The world is a stage.

Schroedinger said it best

“When in the puppet-show of dreams we hold in hand the strings of quite a number of actors, controlling their actions and their speech, we are not aware of this being so. Only one of them is myself, the dreamer. In him I act and speak immediately, while I may be awaiting eagerly and anxiously what another one will reply”

― Erwin Schrödinger, What Is Life? with Mind and Matter and Autobiographical Sketches

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>This nigga grew up after history channel
>About eight feet below the surface of one of the busiest neighborhoods in Washington, D.C., lies a massive series of tunnels. Snaking their way under Dupont Circle and beyond
You're going to have to try a lot harder then that Chaime

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>implying that is Oprah tweeting

The logistics

Q never said Oprah went down. People made assumptions based on a bullshit twitter pic. Q is real, 4 chan is fake.

>even acknowledging internet conspiracies, much less publicity
admittedly odd to say the least

DC isn't the same as a Florida swamp you fucking retard

>your reading this
what did he mean?

Shut your mouth

Yom Kippur rhymes with Your not You're

Sorry for bringing a shred of logic to the table

Did Q say anything about oprah? I stopped even trying to follow that larp years ago

Arrests soon!
>no arrests 2018
Midterms are safe!
>loses midterms
Trump is protected from impeachment!
>trump gets impeached

Anyone who still followed Q in 2019 is a confirmed retard/schizo




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