>Police and immigration officials would be able to place people in "appropriate isolation facilities" under plans.
Deus Ex timeline confirmed
Shit OP, low effort
Cringe first
just use your trip Karen, we all know it's you
Third for are Moaty
Is this a dy run for the oil production collapse?
Can't wait for all the faggots who asked us to react like China to complain about "Nazi Boris"
simple as
>Everyone who bullies me for being a sad wanker is karen.
Hahaha just joined Eddie's stream, he's getting a number done on him
seethenonce still seething
Schools open, no lockdown, no travel restrictions.
Britain is going to get this worse than any other white country isn't it?
Really fucking tempted to install and play that shit again, guessing there are some good graphic mods for that shit these days.
You think if that guy ends up coughing his ring up and at the hospital he will blame the government for not having enough ventilators?
I'm thinking i should stock up on popcorn and watch London soon.
Seeing how nuts shits getting and this virus hasn't even close to peaked.
Coronachan is nothing tho compared to what would have happened if war with US & Iran kicked off in janurary.
Right now there'd be massive fuel shortages, price of everything going up 4 fold, looting, etc
financial markets would have been obliterated too.
Also what going on with UK sending a carrier to China? Is that the carrier with no planes? LOL
this. hysteria fags running around buying bog roll by the ton and freaking out over muh climate crisis hoax. absolute state of broken Britain
everyone I know who knows anything is saying there will be a complete lockdown on Friday
Holy shit the 1950s were so depressing. Why do western Yas Forumstards worship this era?
FUCK its over, EASTENDERS has stopped filming.
Just heard on the radio "emergency laws will be put in place to give the police powers to arrest and isolate people".
*cough**cough* oh no gooverment please take away all my freedoms an responsibilittis i just want to be a numbered tax unit
Will she save us lads?
death penalty for coofers
you never had any freedoms, you've been a commodity since birth
For years now jews have been demanding that various things be shut down, especially the internet, so as to combat all the “hate” and “anti-semitism” running rampant. Now they have the excuse to shut down almost everything – the economy, public gatherings, internet sites they don’t like, etc. – all under the guise of fighting the coronavirus. Many places in the world are already under martial law, which is the ultimate shut down.
If there is any reality to the coronavirus, and it’s not just a combination of the regular flu and 5G, then it is a bioweapon brought to us by the same people who unleashed the StuxNet computer virus on the world. They appear to have been planning this all for a long, long time. They can use the Coronavirus as a scapegoat for the economic crash, so that people don’t blame the (((bankers))) like in 2008, as they make out like bandits.
They are running the old problem-reaction-solution model to further their agenda once again, but this time it seems like they are going all in. They are creating incredible chaos in order to institute their totalitarian order. This will give them the opportunity to finally get rid of the pesky first and second amendment in America (along with other rights) and remove the last vestiges of freedom remaining in other countries around the world. They are playing for keeps.
If things keep going according to plan, everyone will need to be injected with a vaccine and microchip, just like in Bill Gates’ ID2020 program, or else they won’t be able to get their food rations. Everyone will be on lockdown, food and supplies may have to be delivered by Amazon, robots will be rolled out in a big way since they cannot be infected, and no one will be able to meet with each other to discuss the situation or protest. We will be isolated, making us all sitting ducks for the neo-NKVD, which could easily take out all of the political opposition to the jew world order without much resistance.
she's a keeper t b h ed
imagine reading any of this
This is what's coming. Meanwhile all of you genetic failures are still sitting here shitposting and posting dead memes. You all deserve what is coming.
because the retards on this site think that less immigrants = better
had a dream once where a woman like her was a giantess
The VIRGIN supermarket submitter
The CHAD greengrocer/butcher/baker barterer
Naaah he'll want lager delivered via an IV drip. Simple as. Shit will only HTF if there's panic buying at Greggs.
I know someone who complained because the cider shelf in his local shop was completely empty. Hard times at Bargain Booze.
god i wish that were me
I don't but the 5G theory, Iran doesnt have 5g becuase sanctions but they are hit the worse
lol, supermarkets letting pensioners in early and the old bastards are buying all the toilet paper and panic buying too.
>'oh its for my friends and neighbours incase they cant get any'
Imagine showing anyone this front page last year
the only butcher near me is halal. that or the sainsbury's butcher counter
stop making me hard, it's only 1pm
>panic buying at Greggs.
fug, didnt even think of that, anybody keeping an eye on greggs?
is this a ski slope?
she's pizza'ing when she should be French frying
>cvg predicted this in 2019
isnt she a proper barrel, like 5.0ft and thicc.
Guys, I just saw a living, breathing Norf in Jackson, Tennessee Monday. He was the meme. Works for a wrecker service.
Also, get right with Jesus before we're all deadnof the Chinese Death Flu.
>tfw no Pretty Patel giantess gf to sit on you with her massive fat arse
Tim farron is self isolating poor fella
The United States government did this to destroy Europe. They and Israel want us and the rest of EU destroyed economically and flooded with rapefugees.
Patel works for them.
well, she wasn't huge. I was just some tiny little autist on her bed
Can any fellow bongoloid tell me how supermarkets are currently fairing?
I want to get some whisky and pasta this weekend.
Be gone jew.
>The milkman
That's a blast from the past.
imagine the smell btw
You work for them.
Any normie who only heard about this shit when it hit Italy in January
Bet it smells like week old curry
some of us are job searching still
please give me a job
this entire situation has given me tension headache because I have been wanting to prep since jan
the virus isn't going to kill me, the depression is and I don't mean the economic one coming up
Try a motorway service station with a supermarket. I got a bag of dried pasta the other day in the Waitrose on the M1, just passing by.
>Breaking: Schools in Wales and Scotland to close from Friday, may remain closed until summer holiday
Must mean the government is going to announce this later.
Absolute unit with a thin but pretty face
>tfw no pop up pirate gf
Just threaten to start randomly gobbing. They will leave u alone 4 sure
>please give me a job
How cute can you look in a french maid outfit?
Imagine being trapped for all eternity surrounded by jews. That's the "heaven" Christians want for you. Jews for eternity in heaven with a god that demands foreskin tribute.
Consider yourselves warned.
not very
become a renegade in the hills
Jews don't go to heaven according to the bible, friend.
>AI helping us spot Jews
kek, AI confirmed again as /OurGuy/
classic Tay's law
>pop up pirate gf
Be gone you.
Thinkin about starting a mask-maid café
chinky bitches in masks are actually quite cute
Imagine dying and being surrounded by thousands of peter hitchens.
> become a border forcer
> lock up muzzies with covid-19 suspect laws
> torrorism solved
very considerate of them to put the 1000 mile scale on there
i see you just meant normies.
Asda, Tesco, Lidl, Sainsburys and Costco all mobbed from opening time this morning here in the north-east. Poundland, Home Bargains and B&M not much better.
Just pat a Mick, happy days.
she would look much better if she lost some fat.....
kind of more to peel off. first the mouth th=ing then knickers. one layer of extra fun
Americans started this as part of their America first policy of global economic warfare. They seeded it in China and Europe to cripple their largest economic competition.
you weren't preparing when cvg told you wtf???
She might have teeth like mileena
my local corner shop still has pasta and rice and the like
Yeah. its all one blokes fault.
Cheer up.
Because social distancing you don't need to go and sign on. Just get cozy and hunker down.
Farm foods in Pompey had full shelves but that was at the weekend.
>Tim farron is self isolating
Will anybody notice?
makes sense as iran has a hotspot as well
Going to get 10x worse now they have announced the schools are going to be closed.
Universal Credit seems to be pushing towards staying at home now. Just saw a message in my journal saying starting the 23rd all future appointments will be over the phone unless you want a face to face meeting. Not sure how they expect us to actually hunt for a job during all this, no-one wants to fucking hire anyone.
Yeah, how much they charging tho?
lmao was this you?