Quebec leafs only speak the obsolete useless annoying French language.
Why can't these faggots speak English?
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French is a dirty language but it is better than spicspeak
With English comes the Judeo-American subversion. The further you are from speaking it, the better you will be.
>obsolete useless annoying French language
Sage goes in all fields anglocuck
Lol, English is some kind of french anyway
The Quebec have a tradition where they drop newborns on their heads. This is to com0lete the transformation from larva into a full Frenchman. Same with acadians
No nonononon. You do not understand. Here. I will show you Canada's "French".
Nobody would call this language a successful escape from English.
France is pretty fuckin Jooed if you ask me.
All those pakis and other shitlings winning your baguette contests doesn't look too good to me.
Yeah that is true, the Francosphere isn't really better.
It is better.
Did you go in some hoods ?
Walmart ?
It's far worse in anglo sphere....Imao!
There is a real love for the Negro in France, it's a religion. We also have strong hate speech laws and ethnic statistics are illegal. So in some aspects we are more sane but far more crazy in others
Haiti. Nuff said
French canada > anglos canada .
They all know it and that's why they hate us
Quebecois Franco's are the worst
They can, they just refuse to
Lmao you fucking mutts use at least 50% french words you niggers
English is based off the Germanic language, retard
it's their culture and keeps immigrants out, pretty based desu
you would understand if you would have a culture
It's not medieval English anymore lol.
Civic Nationalism (fake nationalism)
50 percent of the english vocabulary is french
just try to get rid of french words from english
This is Acadian frenglish.
From a quebecers point of view, they sounds horrible, from a englishman point of view, they also sound horrible.
They are the children no one ever wanted.
>Thinks he still speak like a pre-Guillaume Anglo-Saxon
This, we can be nationalists all we want and when some kike tries to shame us for it we go full
There are 3 words of french origin in your sentence.
Why do he useless anglocucks only speak english? Learn to speak french faggots.
Base , language , retard .
Anglos are so stupid lol
French speaking faggots are jus like niggers, both get the rope.
Your country is named after Germanic occupation forces
>Who are the Normans
quebecers are actually pretty cool. they have elitist like anyone tho and those fucker can suck a dick.
says the canadian who suck trudeau jewish fag cock all day.
only in quebec we stand up to musulman and juifs who tries make us hate our culture.
vive la quebec libre et vive la langue francais
The worst people in Canada are English speakers in Montreal. They make an identity out of being a minority in Quebec even though they are the majority in Canada. This makes them always care about minority rights and shit like that.
Examples being the Trudeau’s
This I used to think québécois were fuckers, now I see they are the last bastion of white culture in North America with the mormons
Yours too.
OP is an American. They don’t understand culture, they see places that don’t speak like them and don’t eat McDonald’s everyday and they just get mad instantly because they subconsciously know they will never have a culture and want to make sure everyone else can’t either
>Germanic occupation forces
Em mäkää :D
Ya Montreal Anglos are pretty much the most self-obsessed, worthless people on the face of the earth.
>T. former Montreal Anglo currently undergoing Catholic excruciations in the depths of the of Laurentians
Quebecois are some of the most pathetic faggots I’ve ever met
That's such a new and interesting viewpoint on America, I never heard it before.
I'm so glad you exist, to grace the world with your incredible knowledge.
The worst sounding french is from haiti niggers
You forgot to change your name and flag, mapple chink.
Everyone should read French so they can read the superb works of Louis Ferdinand Celine, a man far to the right of Hitler.
Les Laurentides! Representing!
im sure there are English translations
They should get it over with and secede from Canada
It's creole, barely french. This is amusing to see how niggers were utterly unable to learn conventional french while the rest of the oil dialect speakers became united under the regular modern french language (that includes the québécois, the swiss and the walloons).
Of the pamphlets? Unlikely, and I doubt they could be as enjoyable
From my experience, almost every frog can speak English, and almost every educated white Canadian can speak Quebec or Acadian French. Not sure what you’re on about OP
Canadians are literally the same as Americans culturally
for any thinking of defending quebecers, realize the whole provinces economy is based around how much money is filtered to them from Alberta via equalization payments.
Why hasn’t Alberta seceded yet then?
What are they chicken?
The french language is terrible. And most of their writers are shit.
You need to get fucked cunt your getting ornery
Equalization payments = 11 billion
Transit fees through Quebec based on Suez, Keil and Panama canals; 18 billion.
Fucking just separate, Alberta, we'll follow and then we'll both be happy.
Because of YOU. Quebec still has culture and some places in the maritimes and Newfoundland. Free trade with USA has hollowed out English speaking Canada.
>Even the term "Canadian" originally represented the Quebecois and the Not-Americans stole it
Imagine not being paid for existing
Canada or Kannada comes from what one native tribe called village, the French took it as they were calling the whole land Canada.
Salut c vous la pute?
t'es rigolo toi hein? connard
Suddenly everything makes sense.