Why do Liberals love to use analogies from fantasy movies and superhero comics to reflect their political opinions?

Why do Liberals love to use analogies from fantasy movies and superhero comics to reflect their political opinions?

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Because their ideologies are childish and devoid of any real-world experience and knowledge.



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Because those are the only circumstances where their Utopian bullshit actually works.
Hey! it worked in Harry Potter, we should totally do it in real life.

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Except one of them is full of shit, and three of them have no flavour

The brown ones are segregated off to the right.

What movie or comic is that from?

Oh...., you mean repeating stupid terms, day in & day out, such as "redpilled" just like the hivemind-less little NPC drones that you all are?

The brown ones left out was a real subtle touch , man

because they dont have any grounding in reality, that's why they have no ability to relate to normal situations. they live in a fantasy land


Where the fuck are the brown m&ms?

Long answer, but it sounds reasonable.

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Why are the brown M&Ms gone?

>brown ones separate

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God I miss Infinity chan's rampant schizophrenic posters.

nogs got the right idea with their social distance

this, but in muh College...
and this but it worked in Star Trek...

because 13% > 50%

this pandemic and social breakdown is revealing that a large percentage of the population is sheltered electronically coddled and terrified man-babies that are not going to deal well with the coming storm.

would you want any of those capeshit loving open mouthed bearded npcs as part of your roving gang when shtf?

>Implying right wingers don't also obsess over children's media
It's just more bitching because they don't pander to your world views as much

But yeah, anime girls and muh god emperor is a lot more mature

They're usually privileged kids riding a humanities degree on their parents money. They're naive, they have no idea how world works, but they're also very idealistic so they slurp all that Marxist and communist bullshit about equality and whatever. The global elite have carefully constructed a world view where you can only be "modern" and "intellectual" if you agree to certain ideologies (hint, liberalism), so thus are clueless college kids recruited by global elites to push their agenda.
It's widely know.

The only thing I can never understand is how liberals manage to defend Islam. Islam stands for everything liberals claim to hate. Patriarchy, homophobia, transphobia, inequality and YET they defend Islam.

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Because, the deny God, therefore they fill the hole in their souls with something as empty and clueless as they are.

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>no one else noticed
fucking poltards

>Browns removed

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It only works becuase you segregated the niggers off to the side.

No one wants you.

subtle kek

The right doesn't do this?
>"LOTR orcs are niggers"
>muh 1984
>"Legend of the galactic heroes is so based hahaha"
>Starship troopers
>Planet of the apes
>Deus Ex
>Judge Dredd
>Redpill is literally a matrix reference

Because they are normies

Never point out the obvious hypocrisy of the Yas Forums hivemind.
It makes them feel sad...., kinda like taking away their participation trophies.

Maybe you're just trying to play doubles advocate but those analogies don't really work

That's the joke!

if you didn't separate the m&m's by color and then find the color with the fewest pieces and eat a piece from the color with the most, and then a piece from the next-most, and rotate through them until all of the colors had the same number of peaces, and then rotate through eating a piece in order from least-favorite to most-favorite until they were all eaten then you aren't human

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Because they cant think for themselves and so regurgitate programming

The difference is usually Yas Forums pointing out what the movie means in terms of what their globalist produces want out of it, or what they mean by it. Like "Eyes Wide Shut"? Was it really just a movie?
Such as...
>"LOTR orcs are niggers"
Replacement theory is real, so the connection was there. Can you into irony?
>muh 1984
They literally have "big brother" posters in England now. FFS are you retarded?

Whereas low information liberal democrats just go with whatever sounds good, because it somehow matches their ideology, not because it reflects anything of substance. Very one-dimensional, using any correlation available.

>Like "Eyes Wide Shut"? Was it really just a movie?
still haven't seen this. is it worth it?

>yellows and greens form self-segregated communities while oranges have blues and reds bussed into their communities

Only if you want nightmares after you figure out what everything in the movie means.

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but i'm not a norman

Don't think I'll ever be so numb that shit like this doesn't make my blood boil and depressed at the same time. Every time I learn something new it still gets to me.

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because they are uneducated

Ive seen so much, sometime Im not even enraged, or disgusted. Just saddened, and tired.

Its the type of thing that makes me just want an end to it all.

The one lone red one represents white people

All brown M&m's removed.
Completely isolated.

Yeah bro, art cannot criticize the current political tides. They all exist in a vacuum and hold no meaning. No bro, you can’t draw parallels on anything.

Eat shit and die. You probably like sneed.

Dude if you're going to off yourself take some of them with you lmao, because at the very least you might come out victorious and then you won't have to off yourself. The rush of victory is fleeting, but the knowledge that they wont hurt anyone again is warm and comforting.

Because they're retarded


Oh I'm sure we can still get far angrier.

Based Pajeet

>how liberals manage to defend Islam
Muslims have great PR (they lie) and they're brown and play victim. Muslims and liberals are the same in tactics and can use each other.

Based and Christpilled

Still in a dream..... glow niggeeeerrrr......

Because their opinion aren't based on reality


Playing this hand out as long as I can...

wut lol

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>perfect society

All the brown ones are segregated in the picture.

Yes, wanting to kill pedofaggots makes me a glownigger. Memeflag appropriate even, cathlicuck defending pedos lmao kys.

>All M&M’s
>No skittles, Reese’s, starbursts, or other candy mixed in

It’s simple really, they’re stupid people.

Wait. Why are all the browns isolated and not mixed with the rest of em?

congratulations you got the joke...

Because they like to think the world as a fantasy novel were they are the heroes and everyone against them are the villains.

congrats, faggot, you got the joke

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Indeed. We should just ban internet, TV, radio and newspapers, I'm fairly serious.

Look who is talking.