This is why I'm refusing to self quarantine, I want this to spread to normies.
We will mental outlast the weak NPCs.

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Other urls found in this thread:

We already came together in racial harmony with the negro race in order to accuse Oprah of kidfucking and sorcery

A small voice in the back of my mind, the one no doubt in charge of causing me endless woe, the one telling me that having no friends to hang out with, no tangible career and no yearning for love is killing me inside. The complete apathy to dating, bars pubs and parties, gatherings of all kinds and socialization of all calibers.

That voice? That's the faggot normie in your heart C O P I N G with NEET supremacy.

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>“Hundreds of thousands”

Fuck it, let em die. I’m willing to offer coronachan up to 20m people before entering a year long quarantine.

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I lived for years isolated 99% of the time, after a while you don’t care at all anymore. A week and they are already freaking out? This country is fucked.

normie normie get in home
all day long you sleep and get bored
NEET is comfy
NEET is cool
NEET has games and waifu to hug
Normie trapped and normie dies
NEET eats tendies, sauce and fries

Fasten the Bulkheads. See u on the other side.

yeah I'll do this for the next month or so, but fuck sitting here for a year
I'll take my chances with coronachan after that

>people can't stand 4 days self-isolation
>I've been isolated for the better part of my life
This is the new normal, they need to get used to it

This is awesome. No one is hassling me for being a shut in, no one is trying to convince mento go drinking repratedly on a weeknight, no more obligatory hugs for social reasons. This pandemic just made the world better for autists.

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thank you.

I mean, just go the fuck outside. I'm going hiking with my girlfriend this weekend. I think by the end of all this I'll probably be more creative because I wont depend on bars/restaurants to give me a setting.

Beautiful, very moving.

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howdy u got a hiking loicense m8?

Based kike

No greater ignorance than education...

But what happens when everyone becomes NEETs?
We'll no longer be special and edgy.

Re-education is only possible this way

I didn't leave the house for almost a year when I was younger. These guys are babbies.

>a year
this shit disappears in the summer

Comfiest post ever

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You won't be allowed to go hiking for long, the US is going Italy style with the quarantine.

on one hand, i really don't care and wanna stay at home as usual at maximum comfy level.
on the other hand, i should get out and get infected so i can spread it among some boomers.
it's really a hard choice.

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>tfw fucking huge 5-year backlog of vidya to finish, entire seasons of pony to catch up on, and tons of clop to draw

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>npcs don't know what do do with themselves when facing a couple of weeks of social isolation
>meanwhile, I've been in social isolation for my entire life
Finally, being an autistic recluse pays off.

24 hour ban incoming


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Imagine all of the fucking addicts dropping like flies because they cant get their shit.

Is this their endgame?

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That is not normal. You have a mental illness.
We will be removing you before the virus.

in the self isolation land of the thots and chads, the lone neet is king.

I'm pretty sure the cure is going to end up being way worse than the disease here. Should just let nature take its coarse desu.

You’re one of the good ones.

Please give me the caronachan disease i wanna die


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Do this fucking boomer faggots seriously think we are going to just stop the world so the can suck air another year?

And they say millennials are the most selfish generation!
Fuck this niggers

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for the first time in my life i'm glad for be a social retard trying to live in a basement only by myself

wtf? You know how many lives would have already been saved if they did this before? You know how many lives would be saved if they didn't let people drive over 30 mph? This is dumb, but ok. I guess this is a way to prevent breeding.

The inner NEET is dancing on this voices grave at this point

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What a year? So they finally want to enslave us with chips.

I like pony as well. Jannies are fags. Enjoy your ban tho.

And a new meme has been created

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>fucking tranny says we're the ones with a mental illness

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When the qts leave their isolation they will be in heat from a year without male interaction. I can't wait.

this pandemic will be the start of a new renaissance for hermits

Pony faggots get out!!!!

As soon boomers found out this virus targeted them they wanted to lock down everything until a vaccine was out.

They don't care about the world and what happens, they literally only want to save their own skin.

a very good reason to yell very loud
everytime you even see one at a distance

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Same desu

> government says you cant leave the house
Agoraphobics, it's our time to shine!

People in my neighborhood scream from their windows:
Adult people.
This gets imitated by kids doing the same.

Its incredible how not used they are to being shut in


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Bro I've been so blackpilled since 2017 that I've been isolating for years now. These fags are fucked

there are no good jews, well ones that entered the oven

>hundreds of thousands
awww, that's cute, they still think this isn't worse than the spanish flu

I'd say we just let hundreds or thousands of people die

>event 201
It was planned

Fuck the normies nothing will change for me

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NEET, NEET beat your meat
pathetic and dirty youll always be
Wagie has children
Wagie has wife
Wagie has actual meaning in life
We all live, we all die
NEET does same, that is no lie
So until then, touch yourself to pictures of pony feet
Youll always be the same, dirty filthy NEET

Incels are mentally ill and should be removed from society

Hello? Based department.

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>We already came together in racial harmony with the negro race in order to accuse Oprah of kidfucking and sorcery

And more of this needs to happen.

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just let the suicidal zoomers, misplaced extroverts and retards run around and spread it. stay in, it's comfier that way

Day 3 now and wife and I have been taking our 6 month old daughter for daily 2-3 hour walks through the deserted streets of central Vienna. She sleeps for almost the entire time in her pram, and it keeps us from going crazy.

At the end we pop by a Lidl and pick up some groceries for the days meal, not wanting to deplete our supplies of pasta, tomato etc.

The emptiness of the first district is amazing and we feel we should savour the city being free of tourists while it lasts

yell back
>mata te: haz lo, maricon!

It's much longer than 24 hours. Accidentally got myself a 3 day ban for that shit

Let them die

ya the sad part is the only people i have spoken to besides my parents in like 5 years has been store clerks or nerds on gaming discord.

The normie is like a single celled life form on a pitri dish, always needing to move, always spinning, and always bumping into others

>NEET supremacy.

They ridiculed their own future leaders when they had only to listen.

Hail KingNEET!

Jew posting jew media, ofcourse.
You seriously that much of a pussy you won't type fucking? What the fuck is a mindarino? God I hate weak kikes like you.

>extroverted normies SEETHING
kek fucking pussies

Based fuck the untermensch

Hundreds of thousands die worldwide each year from the flu and we don't shut it all down. Corona-chan's score had better be in the tens of millions.

Or treat those who suffer severe enough symptoms to present to a hospital with Plaquenil, which has been shown to have >85% efficacy and move on with life as normal...

>"This is why I'm refusing to self quarantine"
>makes fun of normies
>can't even handle one day of quarantine himself

Littlepip excellent choice

>year of social distancing
Oh, no. The absolute horror of working from home.
Except, I've got a wife and children already, so I was done socially anyway.
I love staying at home and not going out.
It's what I did normally.

It's pretty fucking comfy knowing that all this misery doesn't faze the NEET

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The flu comparison is retarded.

The real comparison should be made to Tuberculosis. It spreads in the same fashion (droplet) and is about equally as deadly.

The Chinese were using it, read their protocols, and they are still doing a shit ton of other stuff to save people.
Its not a magic pill give it to people and they are fine
neetbux and social distancing are about to become the norm

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>mfw I've been living with "social distancing" for 30+ years

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>protein printer go brrr

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This poster is a fucking shill

Studies out of France and Japan suggest it will make enough difference that it will keep enough people from getting severe enough symptoms that hospitals will be overwhelmed.

Based and clickpilled

>nothing changes
The only danger I see is fucking normies invading out neet hobbies and fucking them up

Rookie. I did 10 years and 9 months.

>deserted streets of central Vienna
Sounds comfy as fuck. I'm thinking about taking a stroll through my nearby major city too

can you link to one that is not an in vitro study that says anything like that?

I’m more worried about old folks getting all the groceries before I get there

>Event 201
The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation hosted Event 201, a high-level pandemic exercise on October 18, 2019, in New York, NY. The exercise illustrated areas where public/private partnerships will be necessary during the response to a severe pandemic in order to diminish large-scale economic and societal consequences.

>Event 201 simulates an outbreak of a novel zoonotic coronavirus transmitted from bats to pigs to people that eventually becomes efficiently transmissible from person to person, leading to a severe pandemic. The pathogen and the disease it causes are modeled largely on SARS, but it is more transmissible in the community setting by people with mild symptoms.

What the FUCK

This. This is the real danger.

Over here we are barred from going to old folks homes for visit. I want to see my gran :(

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The Neet BVLL shall inherit the earth!!!

Kek, saved. 99% of the world would probably say that you're racist.

>forcing your grandmother to live in a home and not with her family
That is some cruel shit user I thought only careless Americans did that


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>anyone who is sick needs to self quarantine
>no wait, everyone who has been in the same general area as a sick person needs to self quarantine
>no wait, everyone needs to self quarantine
>except for the tens of millions of people who work in healthcare, public safety, food service, retail, transportation, airlines, etc
>also it's still ok for the majority of these people to use subways or ride shares to get to work
>but everyone else needs to quarantine for 15 days
>i mean a couple months
>i mean until the end of summer
>i mean for up to a year

By the way, does anyone here personally know somebody who has tested positive for this virus? My gf is a nurse at a fucking hospital in Boston and we don't know anyone who has it, or have heard of anyone in our social circle who knows anyone who has it.

How long until normies start to question the validity of all this?

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Yeah but your wife is going to slip out when she can't go see her boyfriend.



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Your ‘rhymes’ are wack

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But unlike Americans they actually visit them.

If you live somewhere with a nice walkable downtown environment then go for it.

Once a lockdown has been ordered it clears out all off the riff raff, tourists, beggars etc. You will see police patrols enforcing bans on gatherings but if you are alone and aren't having a picnic or whatever you will be fine.

I don't imagine they will ever ban us and force us to stay inside because of the baby, but even then we still make sure to go shopping and have bags etc on us just in case they stop us