Redpill me on female witchcraft

Redpill me on female witchcraft.

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Has nothing to do with Satanism, as people often think. Witchcraft has existed long before any of the worlds major religions were even thought of. Some our ancestors practiced even "witchcraft" when they were pre-Christian pagans.
I don't mind it.

Women move backwards in time and smart men use them to distract dumb men.

There's no such thing as a real conversation with one, real emotions, or real communication. it's more like a wall, an edge of the universe, a hole of sorts.

in short, each woman is a man within their own frame of reference. the illusion of two genders comes from gravity waves affecting the local timeline.

I feel sorry for most men. Having never met respectable women must be really demotivating.
I know plenty of women who are smart and capable and I can even bring myself to respect them. They're rare, tho. Mostly eastern euros.

You don't have to know you're worshipping Satan for something to be Satanism, in the Christian sense. Because something is old doesn't make it inherently admirable. It needs to be both old and good. Paganism definitely isn't.

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>I know plenty of women who are smart and capable

And I know how to order a well-done steak in 99 different languages.

Doednt work if you rape em

You are insane. women are a inferiour sub-species that are taught linguistic phrases and mannerisms by homosexuals to appear as men.

literally my ex gf

being a witch has nothing to do with gender

Women were targetted because they are emotional creatures subservient to materialist whims

What a manly looking arm

lol what a waste of time

They're made of wood

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>Redpill me on female witchcraft.

its stupid.

that's right.

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> that’s a dude
Said Yas Forums

fairy tales
i'm more interested in that pic

>Paganism definitely isn't.
Can you even define paganism, you spiritual atheist?

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You know, I really like how mom jeans are back in style.

all of it involves menstrual blood.
women really do not know what they doing as it being witchcraft, but they are all involved in it in a matriarchal line, that is designed to appear natural.

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Big vagina or devouring mother archetype?

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you heard it from the witches mouth

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I feel like people here don’t think that women have emotions, ambitions or goals :/

Women are people too you know just like men are.

>he thinks people speak English in Australia

every day is pain user.

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You are insane.

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No I’m not :/

>Women are people too you know just like men are.

no they are not

witches aren't

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witches work in pairs of three as the archetypal:

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>when she tells her friends you're too small

Women have no power unless men allow it. So the only way their witchcraft works is if you consent to being bewitched. Don't be a simp and you'll be fine.

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“Satanism” is a stupid pseudoreligion popularised by a Jew named Anton Lavey, who in turn got inspiration from the mi6 informant Alestor Crowley.

Satanism is a religion for vulgar, contrarian teenagers who think being a satanist is rebelling against whatever is left of a Christian hegemony, while ironically thinking inside of a Semitic “god/satan” framework.

It’s as Jewish as Christianity itself.

I was seduced by a jewess who would write me letters about how she wanted to have my baby... I got her pregnant and she ended up getting an abortion...

She ended up banging half of my town and is now a elementary school teacher

I'm convinced it was some kind of sacrifice

Women are people, I hope you’re joking. :|
Witches aren’t real you dummy....

I don't want to scare you Yas Forums but I have to say it.

My mum has been going to a witch for the last 15 years, everything the witch has told my mum would happen has happened. There's just too many things she has guessed that turned out to happen.

She predicted that my mums brother-in-law will buy a house from her at an auction (he did)

She predicted my brother would goto the US and get a girlfriend there (he did)

She predicted my sister would have 5 kids, she had 3, and 2 late-term miscarriages.

The witch said nothing about me, other than she said I look at very disturbing things on the computer, horrific imagery of death and destruction, and that it has already consumed me, but I can still escape so long as I leave it all behind for good.

She told my mum a year ago that there would be a recession between 2020 and 2022, and not to leave her job, as her job will be secure in the recession, and that she will regret leaving her job if she does.

Funnily enough she got a $100,000 bonus in Feb, and her law firm is inundated with cases, and the firm needs her working 7 days a week, which shes now doing from home.

Sounds like something a witch would say

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>Satanism is a religion for vulgar, contrarian teenagers who think being a satanist is rebelling against whatever is left of a Christian hegemony
also, a good 50% of satanists are actually atheists.

You should be talking about women like that. You have to understand that even the word "women" is patriarchal and slavery. "women" means "womb-man". a man with a womb and some fat deposits that form female 2ndary characteristics. the truth though is that we are all females, and begin as females in the womb, and then some form into a "male". and the male brain and cognition is larger and more aware than the female.
in the bible when it talks about men or all men or mankind it is referring to all men as in males, women, and children. we are all the same.
>the truth is there is only one gender, and the only separation is temporary as the bible says that a the two become one flesh, husband and wife. in the union of sex the two genders become the divine one gender, hindu's know this clearly.
the male and female joined in unity of sex are a single gendered being and one being.

It's women being retarded and trying to gain power because they are weak mentally, physically, and spiritually.

they can read your mind, determine if you want to fuck them, then go off to fuck niggers in order to curse you with strife; which is medical term for blue balls btw

in the age of Pisces that was true but since 2012 we have been in the age of Aquarius

Yes, but they also use poisons and elderberries to lower a mans faculties or they try to catch him during a dim moon cycle or when he is sleepy, they put a man to sleep them take him semen from him, women use timing to enact their will in weakness, while men make their own time through brute force.

Attention seeking edgy LARP, obviously.

I’m not a witch.
Stop, men and women are clearly real and not the same.

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and what also floats in water?

Matthew Raphael Johnson is correct on this.
Witches are a female archetype, they exist in most cultures.
A witch is a young woman who charms men to do crazy shit and stir up trouble. The reasons being, men tend to go crazy after young single women, throughout history. A witch is a woman capitalizing on this, ruining families and using people for personal gain. They seem beautiful on the outside, but are actually old, disgusting hags, on the inside.

All kinds of newage trash you see nowadays is babby tier occult/heretic behavior and, while ridiculous, should be discouraged.

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Oh and if you're wondering. She does not give anything other than her first name to this witch. She does not know any specifics of my mum or the family. My mum has recorded it most of the sessions with the witch.

Its actually scary how the witch says almost NOTHING about me, as if I barely exist, except the few things about her not liking what I see on the "screen".

I would call bullshit, if she actually made me out to be some normie, but she doesn't, not once, not once has she said anything normie about me, but my siblings all get normie predictions.

If thats not fucking scary I dont know what is.

B A G I N A you meant...

Jerry Nadler's daughter

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>Witches aren’t real you dummy....
All waymen are Reptilian Grey Alien Witchs from the planet Zyklon B X

worry not child, I shall cleanse the devil from you in fire

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Pure delusions based on the same unquestioning self-certainty and selective memory that makes up female intuition. The only difference is the audience.

only females exist, and the male is just a enhanced female, with external gonads instead of internal. all zygotes and fetus being as females

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I don’t want to get burnt please don’t!!

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>The arguments made in favour of my personal belief existed before my time so I'll just sit back and take no personal responsibility for my own beliefs and actions.

witchcraft has existed for thousand of years.
if it's purely delusional, why have christians/jews/muslims/etc been so threatened by it to the point where it's a sin/haram and punishable by death? hmmm
>nowadays is babby tier occult/heretic behavior
witches for thousands of years have practiced astrology, aeromancy, hydromancy, etc.
That guys definition is new age incel bullshit.

Literally just pic related.

Made good music in the 90s though.

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You simply haven't engaged enough with them. I used to be like you. Now I believe 99% of women are essentially useless.

When have witches ever been a threat to anybody? The most evil religions are Judaism and Islam.

In the womb when a egg in fertilized, the embryo beings forming and growing as cells multiply. in the early stage all fetuses are female, then either remain and form as females or in the later stage develop into a male, which is just a enhanced female. this is why man women that have a larger clitoris got a bit of testosterone in the womb.
africans cut off womens clitoris in female circumcision so they will be totally female.
male and female are general terms that are really a spectrum or continuum.
if you look at your chode, the area between your scrotum and anus you may see a line that feels and like similar to a raised scar, especially when you are younger it is distinct, that is where the area that would have been a vagina sealed up, and the area that would have been a smal clirotirs grew into a large penis and instead of your gonads being higher up as ovaries that remained lower, and then descended into your scrotum, which is why your testicles drop once your get more testerone and your voice begins to "crack" during puberty.
the vatican used to cut off the testicles of the boys in the boys vienna choir so they would not produce testosterone and their voices would remain also and angelic sounding instead of deepening.

obesity is one of the 7 deadly sins

But men and women aren’t the same though...

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>witches for thousands of years have practiced astrology, aeromancy, hydromancy, etc.
hardly, such things typically have been done by the priest-caste who have had the resources and know-how of the state and generations of tradition.
making herbal cures and shit would be more correct.

Also my point was that any modern expressions of "witchcraft" will be asspulled newage shit.

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Its just watered down Satanism. Generally dont rape and murder children but are essentially the same group.

a duck!

homosexuals invented the craft under intoxication and then shared it with young girls they kidnapped and raped.
>the bible forbids it.