is trump programming the american people for war with china?
Chinese virus
No, this is just his way of blaming somebody else for his problems
Glow niggers are getting hoisted by their own anti racism with this latest retarded propaganda campaign against China
He's only been calling it the Chinese virus since the Chinese put out disinformation that the United States is the cause of the virus. Notice it's "okay' for the Chinese to casually blame the us army for bringing it it. But trump is not even allowed to call a spade a spade
i heard you go to hell if you blasphemize science
Forget science, what is irrational about noting that the virus originated in China? That's the truth, the pandemic originated there.
What a crock of shit.
That must suck for the CIA to see the mentally retarded army get credit for their work dropping that next to a Chinese lab right before chinese new year
noice seethe
> Virus came from china
> Patient zero was Chinese
Nooooo you cant call covid Chinese virus noooo
Damn what Id give to see the PLA paradrop millions of chink soldiers and occupy the wh*te house and begin an immediate crackdown on US glownigger agencies.
Come on president Xi, Nuke General Zang, Tank General you can come too.
I sure hope so. We need to incinerate a billion chink insects for giving this to the world and for killing our friends, family and loved ones. Burn them all in a nuclear fire as they have committed an act of war upon the world. It’ll give anyone thinking of sitting down to a bowl of bat soup something to think about next time around. Fuck the insects who brought us chink flu.
"washing they hands and feet" Know how I know this was written by a nigger?
The US liberal MSM is enemy of the people and they side with foreign government to attack towards the US own government
Calling it by its origin, like we have for centuries is RAAACCCISSSTTTT REEEEE
Shut the fuck up
COVID19 was created by Trump and the US military and a bio weapon against China. That is why Trump so aggressively pushes the “Chinese Virus” meme. That is also why he deleted the COVFefe tweet. Co V Fefe - corona virus fear!!!
I'm sure the virus originated from another country and some guy went to fuckass china where the cases exploded all the while not doing jack shit where it actually originated. This looks like the work of Science!, not science.
No, obviously not the fucking virus SARS-CoV 2 originated in china and is a problem in part because the chinese government let is spread in the beginning and surpressed people talking about it
is china a race or a nation?
>oops I just btfo'd the whole china racist bs.
It's the goddamn power word and it makes leftist and chinks seethe.
Just ask why it's okay to call the spanish flu but not the chinese virus.
Is chinese food anti-science and racist as well?
Fuck Trump for not calling it by it's real name:
> Dirty slanty eyed yellow virus
Almost every worldwide pandemic originates in fucking China. Instead of bitching about MUH RACISM they should be thanking the rest of the world for not nuking them off the face of it. Degenerate slit eyed gutter oil gargling yellow niggers
Maybe this whole thing is a drill to get Americans prepped and armed for a more serious conflict.
>Spanish flu
>German measles
>Hong Kong Flu
>Swine flu was referred to as the Mexican flu in some circles (the WHO used North American flu)
Calls to not call it the Chinese flu are just Chinese propaganda
actually the zipperheads are programming the commie herd for war saying the Americans gave them Corona.
Trump knows the chinks are either going to unite and go to war with the west or fight one another
War with China is the next happening
I just find it funny we're seeing a pandemic vs. PC culture in an actual death match.
I think we are already in an economic war with China. When people of the future study how China rose and fell in modern times, they will learn how the USA and Euro powers basically put pressure on them and forced them to play by the rest of the worlds rules. Once they were forced to do this, they declined as an economic power house.
I am personally glad this happened because China is beginning to influence American culture and it is not a good trend. They have a say in what movies normies see, and what is ok in video games (cheaper to make a chink friendly version, rather than make two versions, one that is localized for chinks and one for the rest of the free world). The cultural influence chinks will have will become more and more pronounced if something isn't done soon.
CHINA CANT FALL they are anti Israel. Corona virus is here to put us against them they already got Palestine trumps a puppet stop this madness now
The problem with China attacking America is that Russia will join them. Not that they like China, but they want to take America down a couple notches and become top dog. And then American allies will join, and that's WW3.
Chinks act like my dad. They fuck with you til they force a response then blame you for starting shit. Fuck em
WRONG Answer. Not even a remote fucking Point of any stature. You're cognitively Intuitively Fucking Bankrupt. Deactivate your Shit Queer TRASH Apologist Account. You're a LITERAL Fucking Regress Deep State Kike Sucking SHILL Inept Fucking LUNATIC. To even Vicinitively CONVINCE your own Warped Mind of what you're saying. KILL Yourself. KIKE NIGGER CHINA Single Handedly DERAILED This shit of any stability Prosperity whatsoever. You're a literal Blind Rat Tantruming Chink Coiled Carcass. Kill Your Entire Family Fucking Immediately.
call it the chink aids flu, instead.
I think China will go for Taiwan and some shit will break out in the Pacific and the Korean peninsula and then it will all be de escelated before nukes.
There are too many angry plebs right now but the guys at the top don't want to die
can't see Russia wanting to get involved, could be wrong
Calling a virus that originated in China anything other than a Chinese virus is Marxist and anti-geography
>calling things from their origin is anti science
This virus has a very convenient timing for some countries.
"science denial" lol wut? Whoever wrote that shit should be put in a sack with a monkey, a dog, a snake, and a rooster then tossed into a river. He is calling it the Chinese virus to counter the CCP propaganda attempting to label it the American virus.
A trade war perhaps. If Trump wins another term then the China slurs will mean Trade War 2.0
Chinese: Originating in China
Bad example frog none of those are of French origin.
It's an escaped bioweapon.
Once the planet has dealt with the virus, the planet is going to deal with China.
is this an Onion article?
Not war but it is definitely building capital for a political move. Rightly so, I think. Most epidemics start in China. We can't take any more of this bullshit.
So calling something anti-science is now meaningless. A new leftist term to describe something they don't like.
But it's okay to keep calling the Spanish flu, even though it was originated in China.
Well can you define Chinese?
>From China
OK then
As it has been for some time. Anyone with half a brain trusts science as an idea or institution, but modern science has been corrupted by politics and capitalism. With enough money or influence, you can get studies that support anything you want.
>chink soldiers
drop a million. a single marine with a butter knife will take them out before the cross the lawn. chinks are the weakest of humans, too weak to squeeze a trigger
>china causes fires across the world
>wow, your president is just mad he can't put the fire out
all long con domestic Chinese spies better consider a one way trip back to their insectoid land, once this all clear up
Why do retards say this? They use the word "science" like it's some magic word blessed by a priest even though they sure as hell are not scientists and typically don't even know the "science" behind what they're saying.
This, as a number one priority - i'm not even kidding.
China has a dominant infantry. They could be invaded by the West, but it would be with heavy losses. What China lacks is air or sea superiority. The US alone could dominate the Chinese seas and skies. With some losses, of course, but in the end the powerful Chinese infantry would mean very little.
Of course, they know this. So maybe they have some other plan up their sleeve. The US infantry would be hard pressed against the Chinese infantry. Many countries have focused on defense as a form of offense.
>it's real
lol, thank you, Trump
fuck of for using Yas Forums as a test website.
As an eco-fascist, I welcome this plague, even if it takes me too. I hope not, though.
Not what we found during the korean war.
>China is a race
Historically, no.
China likes to claim that they've been an unbroken empire for 5000 years or some gay shit like that, but it's bullshit. China has been conquered by numerous raiding civilizations who usurped them and only took the Chinese name for purposes of legitimacy and renown. The modern Chinese are the descendants of cowards and rape-babies. That is why they are so submissive and weak.
Just because it rings true in your heart doesn’t make it real.
they were literally enslaved by Manchu barbarians at one point, even though they outnumbered them 1000:1
Yes, Wuhan Lung Fever is a more exact name for this disease. COVID-19 isn't something anyone will remember. It sounds like some entry in an accountant's ledger. The name needs a more human touch. Wuhan Lung Fever will achieve just that.