Is there any reason for a woman to not have children at a young age?
Is there any reason for a woman to not have children at a young age?
yes. if she has a family history of violence or illness, you must not give her even half a pity root.
Arab women = best women.
I lmao at women who focus on their careers and then they hit 30’s and either act all sad for no babies or they act obnoxious to cope with the fact they are an empty egg carton
kids are expensive.
Well, as a rule white women don't want to. It's more fun to go partying and get infinite validation for looking good. Raising a child can be hard work.
Is she Arab? I thought she was Mexican. Also giving up a normal life to be a twitch thot and live in perpetual high school life is sad.
depends on how young. 18-25? Not really
she's from Morocco I think
Who cares. I'll ejaculate in any vagina available unless it has an STD.
Due to cost of living, you need a top 10% income to have a stay at home wife.
90% of men don't earn enough money to have a stay at home wife to have kids early.
Its why people have kids at 30-35, when they spent the last 10-15 years moneymaxxing to buy a property and pay a lot of it off, before the wife stops working to have kids.
Dont get me wrong, Im an incel, I cant get a woman, and I dont like how women behave, but I look at it objectively and I know for a fact there's no other option.
Shits fucked for everyone
Moroccans are berbers.
Makes bank though
Also streaming seems to be a pretty ezpz job
A third of them are.
Middle Easterners here have children young and they tend to earn less. They don't travel, party, eat out etc. however.
They are also raised pretty poorly, have fewer of the comforts and products we expect.
Also they get ridiculous levels of welfare not open to white people.
They are 3rd world people who live like it even in the west.
Isn't this a feature, not a bug? The truth is that most of the world is extremelly overpopulated.
As long as you won't let in free gibs niggers and pay for single mother fuckups housing price should effectively control population, either old die off or new housing gets made dropping price.
are you saying they are not raised as consoomers
the older they are when they have kids the more health risks both her and the kids have.
Its not affordable to have a child anymore for most people. Unless you're combining two average wages or have one person making close to six figures (much more in cities like NY and SF) its tough affording a decent, comfy family life. Boomers used up the american dream.
Do you really think immigrants have special privileges? It would be much easier for me to get NEETbux than for some immigrant from MENA.
There’s tons of reasons, maybe she doesn’t feel ready for it, she hasn’t matured enough, she can’t afford kids, she isn’t educated enough, she hasn’t found a husband yet and also young people especially young men tend to not want to settle down.
>most of the world is extremelly overpopulated
South Asia, parts of Africa, what else? That's not most of the world
overpopulated? when the majority of the land on the planet is locked up by government and unused? i will kill you myself you fucking retard.
Yes, to become a prostitute instead. Childless woman = whore, there's nothing else for them to do with their sex.
Its not, theyre just exaggerating.
You cant even get neetbux unless youve been an Australian citizen for 10 years.
they are raised as subhumans with subhuman expectations. white people built civilization and all other races have been tearing and biting and ripping at civilization ever since. of course its degraded, white people were subverted by who we thought were our allies genuinely. this is the last betrayal in the history of mankind that jews will ever perpetratethough. israel will be nuked and soon. jews will be hunted by a million hitlers across the planet and it will be beautiful.
Basically this. As a boomer this post is accurate.
But I thought people with brown eyes aren't white
no idea what you fucking typed as didn't read or care but her name is pokimane and this is her footpussy
in america they do. you can live as a family of five on wellfare here. just not do anything just by coming to my country the government will house and feed and clothe you and your kids and let you vote. cant wait for the war, ive got a list that might be too long at this point its not like im alive forever. better start blasting soon
who said that again? i think a jew somewhere...
Have you seen her without camera filters and makeup? Looks like dogshit
>white people built civilization
I do not believe you. You sound like a boomer redneck who doesn't know anything.
nah. Not much more it has increased my monthly nut by about Three fiddy
youre right white people didnt build it, white christians did im sorry i misspoke.
18-25 is kid age for men. Thats really fucking old for women though
All women do
Soon enough not really. $1000 a month NEETbux incoming.
I bet her farts are spicy
God bless the USA.
All women don't look equally dogshit
>can literally hit her on the back of the head and at least 1 kg of makeup will fall to the ground
>this thing passes as pretty in the burgerland
also im 25 how can i be a boomer? ok mohomad, hows your pedo prophet?
It's a state of mind (low IQ).
ignore all roastie posting
anyone talking about women is a kike sliding real topics.
ok boomer
glowie, kike, nigger, muzzie, whatever you are, youre not white, so stay mad.
I mean how do poor mexicans have tons of kids and seem well to do? Welfare
Semper Fi.
I feel you Bruce
it doesn't help that college is a slog and any skills I want to learn cost so much money, and to top it all off this damn virus is gonna cause an economic collapse I just know it so I'm triple fucked and I'm gonna be stuck in either the passive aggressive tyranny of my parents or the possibility of endless wagecucking to pay rent
Excuse me for the mass reply but Bruce and Jim speak the truth
Young white people, especially men, are fucked so hard and will still be taxed with whatever little money we make and get fucked out of advancement
If there's any solace in the collapse at least I have my guns to kill any bastard wanting to take my life
you ignored me when i asked how your pedo prophet was. you raped any 12 year olds today mohomod?
>Young white people, especially men, are fucked so hard and will still be taxed with whatever little money we make and get fucked out of advancement
Any evidence that white men are taxed harder, not as eligible for benefits etc. ?
Is obesity an STD in your book?
well given that we are the only net positive on the tax deficit, have the least amount of identity based social programs oriented around us, yeah i was gonna go on but thats all you asked for isnt it? before we talk about underrepresentation of white men in the zeitgeist in general, and the general expectations being artificially generated about them?
Yes, if she doesn't want to be stuck as a single mother. And I don't date naggers.
we are overrepresented in suicides for a reason, comrade khan.
It's called work in any place that sells groceries or food and the most EBT/WIC users you will see are niggers, single mothers, immigrants, and hobos
Also at my current job the higher ups are all women or nonwhites, only ONE white person in the position and he's old, and I suspect that he's jewish but he may not be
t. someone who used to work at Publix
Not true. With 3 kids and a stay at home wife your tax return can increase your take home pay by 30% or more. You save money on gas, insurance, food, day care, etc with your wife raising your kids. I’m a little above average income in the US and even though money can be tight, I save money in various ways and my wife is frugal as hell. It doesn’t hurt that we pay next to nothing for food since I buy in bulk
So what you're saying is that there's no evidence and you want to play the victim.
I for one am glad to be white. I look high class, people trust me, I can shoplift with impunity and get away with crimes. I feel that brown men have it much worse than me.
Yes, because most white men are soft.
But whites are still wealthier than blacks or spics on average, so it would make sense to say that whites have better prospects even despite the discrimination against them.
lel. all i gotta remember is that ww2 was fought so white men could be murdered off enmasse to be replaced. anyone trying to tell me white people arent being systematically oppressed and murdered is probably not white anyways so why the fuck would i listen to them? *looks at black on white crime statistics and jews who ship blacks in enmasse*
thats literal evidence. white people are the only positive on the tax burden. white people have LITERALLY LESS SOCIAL PROGRAMS THAN ANY OTHER INGROUP. thats exaxtly what you asked for you fucking low IQ nigger.
Jealousy of older women who only when 35 decide to have children but their peers are chasing 20yo skirts.
Yes, an insufferable cunt
I was asking for laws that actually discriminate against white men. All you're telling me is that white men are very wealthy and hence pay most taxes, you victim slave.
you didnt ask about LAWS, once again YOURE A LOW IQ COPING NIGGER. im done here, youre pathetic.
I don't believe one word of your post
>But whites are still wealthier than blacks or spics on average,
Yeah because we have to be, we actually believe in living a higher standard and also working for it while the average nigger or spic would either prefer to live in squalor and smoke weed or buy Jordans every month and buying the latest FIFA or NBA2k game as long as they get hush money in welfare
Why do you think the Jews want to replace whites so badly?
Not to mention that companies are getting tax breaks for hiring nonwhites and corps like Wells Fargo wont even make companies public if they all have white men
100 years ago this would have started an armed rebellion
Affirmative action, nigger, ever heard of it?
Keeping the vagina tight I guess
Based. What part of switzerland?
please go read what you asked for. everyone else is except you apparently mister nigger.
Feet are gross.
My question:
>any evidence white men are taxed harder
And they aren't, they just have more money.
The world's getting shittier and your kids are going to struggle or be slaves
So whites have worse prospects relative to their expectations? Ok, maybe, but that was not the thing that was being said earlier itt
Goddess tier tootsies!
>Is there any reason for a woman to not have children at a young age?
Because modern women are children themselves.
She's an e-prostitute.
Kids are expensive user. Most guys in their twenties won't earn nearly enough to provide for a family on their own in this economy.
Besides, they don't want to. They'd rather whore around until they're 30 to "find themselves" or whatever.
Yes you slavnigger
People in the west were born to Boomers who have lived in the best time to be alive since the reign of Hadrian in ancient Rome
Of course we would expect to live a standard of life that they enjoyed and what did we get?
>Mass Migration
>Big Government
>Divorce laws
>The most disloyal/hypergamous women in the modern era
>Destruction of Community
>Draconian Gun Laws in some states
>The possibility of a Civil War
Boomers had it all and fucking wasted it
Man up you sissy
Child benefits are actually higher than ever before here in Germany, but the birth rates are still plummetting.
Your life becomes your kids as soon as you have them. It warps your brains and your bones. Some people would rather use their youthful energy to see the world and have adventures
I want it all to burn
Also women aren’t breeding cattle or something so such treating them as if they were.