Name one thing he has ever been wrong about.
Name one thing he has ever been wrong about
Sandy Hook.
sandy hook was fake you faggots
lets see that evimadience
Chicoms control the Hollywood
all the evidence you need is right here. it is actual evidence mind you, official cams photos from the scene etc, and not emotionally manipulative hit pieces that lack actual investigation like you find in the MSM
what does pic have to do with anything? did your little shill brain break leaf?
sandy was a whore but she had a powerful left-hook
Calling 9/11 two months before it happened and saying they'd hit the twin towers and blame it on Osama bin Laden. Also calling the Las Vegas shooting before it happened which got him investigated by the FBI. And he rambled about Epstein's pedophile cult for years. His crazy rants about microchipping vulnerable people a decade ago and now they're microchipping the homeless. He's been wrong about a lot of stuff.
Basically posts youtube video as evidence. glhf.
Source on the last Vegas shooting?
we need to talk about sandy hook is the most famous SH documentary and most anyone who has been on this site has heard of it. real liberty media did not make it it’s just uploaded to that site and I only use that link because this doc is mostly scrubbed from google and it’s the best stream I could find. you can find this doc on countless other uncensored streaming sites like bitchute
fuck off shill
I'll take it! On to the next thing. What about Demons? Why does he keep talking about God? Just his belief?
Name one thing he has ever been right about.
>No tie
>Over coonsumption of food
>Suit jacket sizing
>Font choice
Just in this one image.
human beings are conduits for spiritual forces. If you're degenerate you invite goblinoid demons to mess with you. If they linger in you for too long, you become one of them
His Y2k Broadcast 1999 new years eve "the russians have fired 5 missles and Clinton blew up a nuclear power station" etc etc etc etc 3 hours of lies.
his entire Obama fear-porn he sold for 8 years.
nearly every single mass shooting was a hoax/or actors/and or, a false flag by the "globalists"
the Federal reserve is run by the MOSLEMS.
that China controls Hollywood.
That only "Democrats" go to bohemian grove.
That Bilderburg is "good now" - and Jared and Ivanka are real Patriots.
That he had a "high level CIA source"
>all total bullshit and lies, go watch his 2x depositions.
"everything we do is Opinion only, nothing is based on facts"
That he was in contact with "Trump" after the election.
That he was in contact with Bannon after the election.
Sandy Hook, Parkland, Iran did 9/11, Iran did USS Liberty, Saudis control Hollywood then it was the Chicoms, etc.
you actual fucking retard. all of the footage is official government footage from the event including state trooper dash cams, crime scene photos and real interviews. most Americans have not seen any of the actual footage from that day, and the most circulated photo by the press was proved to be fake
what determines being a degenerate?
Alex Jones is ultimately controlled by the shadow govt. the dude is controlled opp to make conspiracy theorists look retarded. I still love him as a character though and he says a lot of real shit along with the dumb stuff
gonna say it real slow for ya
Hes below pol level mate
You never wanna go lower than that
Gay frogs.
those frogs were actually turning gay because of the chemicals. it was fucking with their babies they’d be hermaphrodites n shit
when you turn to sin in lust, greed, envy, pride, gluttony etc. When your soul stinks demons find a home within
damn dude based
didn't he just say his Infowars toothpast kills coronavirus "at point blank range"?
He's wrong about jews.
I could name a billion... but, why bother when the his Flavor-Aid brigade are just an even more autistic extension of Dumbf's...?
his diet
>1776 will commence again
I'm still waiting...
Crisis actors have turned pro. Hanks, Elba and a few ape hoopers are the only people I know with Corona. Alex teaches even in his mistakes.
Never naming (((them))).
Fema camps
don’t speak so soon
That hes not bill hicks
>sandy hoax
Was a set up like kotaku slut was to moot.
>all the evidence u need is this
Also, remember the dozen excuses for having pic related on his phone?
>it’s always a meme flag
suck my dick flaggit
He lied about being sober. He said he never drinks a few weeks before his DUI.
what is in the blurred pic?
Chi-Coms killed Epstein.
This one sounded dumb when he started it until the past year i realised
Chicoms and the Saudis
Not wrong. Hillary IS a Chi-com.
This is beyond wrong. It's the reason they deplatformed him but the overwhelming majority of evidence points to it not happening. Go to, go to the violent crime database, and look up Newtown ct. They list nothing. Nothing at all. I doubt they just FORGOT forgot to log the "worst shooting ever"
came here to post this
reminder that we can literally "win the future" by having kids, liberals are already fully indoctrinated to NOT have kids, a lot of Yas Forumsacks have fallen for this trick sadly I'm one of the people that fall for it but now I realize...
imagine if all right wing people started having kids , more than 3, while liberals if they have kids they go with 1 or 2, even with that so tight numbers in a few decades we would literally inherit the earth, if that ratio goes up into 4:1 or 5:1 we would take over in no time...
>in a Catholic journal the theologian David Bentley Hart writes: the most SUBVERSIVE and effective strategy we might undertake would be one of militant fecundity and DEFIANT childbearing , given the reluctance of modern men and women to be fruitful and multiply it would not be difficult surely for the devote to accomplish in no more than a generation or two a demographic revolution
>benedixitque eis dicens crescite et multiplicamini et replete aquas maris avesque multiplicentur super terram
pic related is a good way to keep the no-kids agenta implanted within the left.
Soon you will know this was a hoax
You're drunk uncle is always gonna do that. He can't let you see him as weak, otherwise you might ignore his pearls of wisdom.
This. Wuhan manufactured adrenochrome
Tranny porn, it popped up during a live stream
The problem is what happens when you have a population that is entirely racemixed? Then you just create more racemixed kids with conflicts with natsoc ideology.
I just wish the Nazi Germanic Death Cult that runs the world would leave us alone.
I'm really tired of people blaming the Freemasons for everything, saying that the British Royals & their innermost associates are the head of Freemasonry, and their blood roots run right into the Middle East, as the kikes they are.
It's Das Germans!
But liking trannies is redpilled...
People hate him because he won't subscribe to the JQ meme. When you follow the money you always find yourself at some Chicom or saudi oil salesman. Jews are smart and well connected so we control some shit, but holy shit people are dumb when they choose to ignore how much control China, UN and the caliphate have in the world. Half this image board are muslims, not even kidding. I wouldn't be surprised if some of the janitors are moslem too. The real enemy is leftism in all of its manifestations. Socialists, communists and liberals are the enemy, anyone who is for open borders, war and abortion are all demons. Literal fucking demons, leftism in its essence is a demonic mindset. But what does it matter? Unless you are all hit by a hard boot of truth in the face you will just continue sucking arab cock and praise Islam and UN globalists as they rape your cultures and blame it all on us.
people dont understand him
you have to take what he says with a gain of salt an filter out his craziness