> Marvel has apparently decided that comic book fans need new, “post-ironic” (their words, not ours) heroes. The entertainment company unveiled in a new trailer that their ‘New Warriors’ line-up includes psychic twins named Snowflake and Safespace.
Snowflake is obviously non-binary and “goes by they/them,” Marvel noted. The gender-fluid twin vanquishes enemies with “snowflake-shaped projectiles.”
>“The connotations of the word ‘snowflake’ in our culture right now are something fragile, and this is a character who is turning it into something sharp,” the comic book company helpfully explained.
> Safespace, who identifies as male, is able to create a defensive force field – perhaps to shield people from being mis-gendered, for example.
>The magical twins are “hyper aware of modern culture” and see their super powers as a “post-ironic meditation on using violence to combat bullying,” Marvel wrote.
Marvel recreates new non-binary heroes to fight online trolls and bullying
Very funny joke, hold on while I google this just to ch-
oh no
>We grew up listening to Great music watching Sasuke beat Itachi
>They will grow up listening to Mumble rap watching Snowflake and Safe Space
>and they're black
Fucking based marvel calling out the darkies
Begging for it, they are literally fucking begging for it.
Can't tell if this is real or satire.
remember how gay all that post-irony shit was
>and binary.
Fuck this shit!
The creator
Boringo and Bancrupto
These reads like a joke one of you guys wrote.
how can something post-ironic be so ironic?
what a bunch of faggots
I can feel the unhealthiness and cuck aura emanating from him
So basically modern Deadpool.
>connotations of the word ‘snowflake’ in our culture right now are something fragile,
No it comes from the belief that every cunt is a special and unique snowflake
We are doomed
Woman Pelvic Bone Heroine, anyone...
pic very much related
Capeshit is retarded anyway. It always was propaganda. When it began it was about being manly and patriotism and now it got infiltrated and is about being the biggest beta.
I bet there are a lot of good, non mainstream comic makers that have good stories and no kike agenda. If you really feel like you want some capeshit, support them. Not fucking marvel.
it's literally still a bald girl and a guy with flipped colors
He looks like a fucking asshole
This looks like sarcasm to make fun of leftists.
If i catch anyone shilling this shit to my kids I swear on my honour they are endangering themselves
clownworld is not funny, it is sinister and insane
Is there hardcore porn yet?
Tomboys are girls, not non-binary. Wtf Marvel? I'm gonna step up the gas.
You guys know capeshit was Jewish from the beginning right?
So just reconfirming that black women look like men more often then not
"stop dont touch them there, that is their no no square"
Oh, what a cohencidence, he is wearing some egyptian related jewelry.
>muh symbolism for the kike overlords
What a silly little faggot.
this is april fools... right?
kek I feel sorry for dumb zoomies. It was great back in the 80s we had real music and real entertainment everything wasn't jewish produced garbage like it is nowadays
Believe it’s real meng
Capeshit fags will eat it up because all they want is action and reddit tier humor.
>Literally gayniggers from space
Good luck. Trolling is happening offline now.
Damn... wftf.. just dann...
>everything wasn't jewish produced garbage like it is nowadays
Ummm, actually, it was.
More by him
Trolls :
Marvel : gay niggers from outer space
let's give them some adventures
Warhammer in the 80s wasnt. Get fucked zoomer
There isnt a lot of media quite as cheap, repulsive and braindead as murkan comic books about capeshit
Only a completely cultureless nation without history, philosophy or basic brain capacity could have created such garbage
I hope you guys realize, when you here at /pol take these concepts and then pervert them, you are actually doing magicka. You are stealing conscious thought forms and are transmuting them by addition. Hilarious power you have, and such little wisdom. Keep up the good work!
Trail of cake crumbs
>if you dont agree with us we'll just call you names to try to ostracize you from society, because that's what tolerant people do, they ostracize those who dont conform
fucking Fridgeblazer
checked, and pretty based, but you still have to go back
They're just early for April fools, right? Right?
>those designs
>those names
Are we sure this guy isn't some secret bigot that just stumbled onto getting paid to make fun of them stealthily?
spread the motherfucker
Um. Did he skip anatomy in school?
This is awful on every level. Why is he getting paid?
>"t-t-thanks trailblazer, by eating all the metal in this place we now have a clear path to go and rescue Buttboy and Dicksuk3000 from the evil Captain Whitey"
the Jews are really pushing the whole Niggers are faggots thing
Can't believe how retarded some niggers are
lookes just like another controversy bait
Is post-ironic code for “they use meme references”?
The only part of this that is evenly remotely surprising is that they're not fat.
Keep scrolling nigga
at this point i think marvel is trolling.
the level of art is subpar
Game for fags, I used to play uno, snap and go fish in the 80's
I recognize that bulge.
Is he a kike?
>Soi as fuck
>White as a sheet
Every time.
>makes cringe instead
these fucking Kikes are just taking the piss now
Kek 2 tranny nigger superheroes are coming for us. It'll only be 1 before they even make it to the Chan's.
Comic books are gay,jewish and degenerate.Every person who likes them deserves their child to be gender swapped.
The comic book industry since day one has shitted out tons of pro-zionst,pro-bolshevik,anti-white pro-beta propaganda.
This has to be satire or some kind of publicity stunt for the dying comics industry.
you can't really have unatractive characters beeing protagonists in comic books, after all you are supose to sympathize with them
Ok Boomer
I spoke too soon.
That's better.
Yeah but they look masculine and feminine though
I searched but no evidence; others might have more luck. He is from Buenos Aires.
We're approaching peak Judaism at this point.
And we’re just gonna ignore “Screentime,” I take it?
>Actually naming them "Snowflake" and "Safespace"
I was rather shocked to see an actual article come up when I searched this. They're like parodies of themselves.
>cinema hasn't become worse, it's only nostalgia talking
God damn it.
Made me larf
Meant for:
This is like calling a black superhero Nigger.
Marvel just entered my BoycottAndDivestment list
I see this propaganda as a win. They're trying to twink-i-fy the blacks now too lmao. You faggots cant get enough
>shit brown fridge with classic caucasoid facial structure and buzzcut neon hair
I thought these simps valued diversity? They certainly hate beauty
this is why i want the planet to burn
i still miss comedies , it's trully a tragedy new generation doesn't have their own Leslie Nielsen, even bigger tragedies I don't have new ones anymore it all got destroyed and devoured by those "romantic" comedies that normie bitches loves so much
Well, I guess we make them into Master Melters, part of a team of expertly skilled Crematorium Operators.
>Snowflake & Safespace
You are taking this seriously? You think this is unironic? You are retarded.
Niggerman. Works on two levels.
Gay niggas from outer space
this is all so tiresome
they never learn, the comics industry is finished and they still keep doing this.
They should call them Mutt & Muttina. Or Feminazi and Faggotus.
Honestly I dont care if you have fat or gay superheroes if the story is compelling then they can be whatever. But since the entire narrative of these characters is to back up progressive ideology these comics will sell like shit and marvel knows that but at least they can signal to other progressives
they have nothing on Captain Sweden
Tariq is gonna have an aneurysm
Alright, not gonna lie, Screentime and B-Neg are fucking cute.
Life mimics art again.
Mulatto Goblins From Outer-Space.
Honestly Naruto is probably worse.
Equally gay IMO
Be nig ahahahah
the memes are converging, the end is truly near
T. Zoomer
We grew up listening to great music and watched goku beat frieza
power ranger lesbians
>Meaning anything
This is blatant copyright infringement
probably just employed by one
You might be right.
I love of zoomers I know listen exclusively to 80s pop hits like Cyndi Lauper and Bonnie Tyler. The only ones I’ve met who like lumber rap are clinically addicted to pot.
Strangely, each zoomer I met is just locked in on one genre of music. A couple listen ONLY to Motown (Jackson 5, Otis Redding, etc.), a couple listen ONLY to 90s/00s pop-punk/emo (Brand New, My Chemical Romance, early Fallout Boy), and some only listen to jazz or classical.
I suppose it’s hard for them because every generation says “older music was better”, but they never had to deal with constant deaths all the time from gangs, drugs, suicides, etc.
Gen X had Kurt Cobain get killed and everyone shat themselves for 10 years. Zoomers had Lil Peep, XXXtenacion, those other faggots, all die within 2 years of each other. And then Manchester bombings at Ariana grande concerts. Etc.
TLDR we should be nice to zoomers. It’s rough out there. They’ve been raised in late-stage clownworld.
How does an idea this awful get funded?
I can not tell if this is some sort of satire or its actually real.
What are the super powers?
let's be honest ... naruto was retarded
>sells less than ten thousand copies
>This group of all-new characters were created by Emmy-nominated writer Daniel Kibblesmith (The Late Show With Stephen Colbert)
>Be nig
He's literally white as snow though.
it's just a man and a woman. what the fuck does non binary mean