Is it only me?

>Log onto pol. Read about Jews and Blacks doing bad things.
>Get angry and hate on kikes and niggers. They're all evil.
>Go out and socialize with the same people who I curse online.
>They're normal people just like me, realize generalizing is bad.
>Log onto pol.....

Rinse and repeat.
Anyone else wish they never discovered this god forsaken site?

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I simply don't believe you.

i would fuck that jewess

>Log onto pol

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wew lad if that qt jewess gave me any attention I’d promise to stop hating on Jews

They secretly hate you, just like you hate them

I take it you don’t live in Chicago, Baltimore, Detroit, or St. Louis. You probably live in some upper-middle class White majority place with maybe a decent amount of high IQ Asians. The one or two niggers/kikes you know are rich, smart and on their best behavior.

The niggers at my work are totally different than the ones on the street. The ones in your life have probably been vetted to have normal human characteristics.

See the girl in OP’s image? This is her now. I knew her semi-personally, so let me tell you what she’s been up to:
>started school at penn state 4 years ago
>tried to catch no less than 3 PSU football players (all black) in rape cases
>none were ever substantiated
>essentially forced out of Penn State
>Got kicked from her sorority(kappa)
>Moved to Tallahassee, started at TCC
>did the exact same thing with 2 other(black) football players
>neither case went anywhere
>got into FSU after a year, reaffiliated with FSU kappa, was kicked out >weeks< after doing so
>worked as a bottle girl at GVO for like 3 years
>supposedly graduated this past fall
>moved to Miami, is still a bottle girl
>has literally been shunned from every social circle imaginable

Oh and obviously she’s jewish, not white

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pretty much. Last time I went out was new years and I met my good friends other friends who were from Yemen, Libya and Kenya, plus many others from south america and asia. Most of them were chill af and aren't afraid to call out fags and kikes. Funny enough the most intolerable people I met were 3-4 white Canadians who were hyper libtard douche bags doing more drugs then anyone else.
Extremely anecdotal but yeah.

>Log onto pol. Read about Jews and Blacks doing bad things.
>Get angry and hate on kikes and niggers. They're all evil.
>Go out and socialize with the same people who I curse online.
>They are horrible people who drag society into the gutter and rob, rape, murder and steal as much as they can
I wish I had never discovered niggers and kikes

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You take you lessons from this board? You are one dumb fag.

Notice how nobody on this board is white enough for anyone else? I mean this is the place where the notion of "snow niggers" came from.

>things that never happened: the post

I only realized this well after the fact, but all the lowest degenerates and money grubbers I've interacted with at all were jews, and all of the people I've met that have gone to prison were niggers/aboriginals.

Also: Nobody says that 100% of the people in those groups are bad people or worthless. Get your demoralization tactics fixed, glownigger.

They are simply not one of us. It's not about behavior or quality of character.

It's ridiculous to share your "nation" with extremely different people, and it will end in a bloody, hellish mess. It's a matter of when not if.

and yet judging from her profile she seems to not have been punished for it.
There is truly no justice in this world

citation needed

Your online personality is the real you. You're simply confirming with society when you're out in public.

But the real you hates Jews and niggers because you know they are a plague on society.

you sound like a little bitch

She's fucking hideous.

So you allow them to manipulate you?

Not exactly a source with an article but I was a barback at the same club when she worked there. Talked to her personally several times. I can’t really give you more proof without doxing myself

People on here aren't actually racist and anti-Semitic. It's all trolls trying to get a rise out of sjw.

Those good and normal Jews all donate to Jewish-supremacist organizations which want you and your family dead. The global Jewish mafia doesn't count every Jew as a member, but it does count every Jew as a supporter. Just something to think about.

Yuck man. Fucking yuck.

A lot of bait threads with 1 post today.
Remember to sage all fields.

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I learned to distrust Jews and nogs by dealing with them in real life, pol simply highlighted that the problem is universal.

And yes I know a few "good ones", but there exceptions are not the rules.

its a psyop.. but.. they are becoming a catalyst for us, to fight through negative thought forms and advance. they ironically made us stronger. A good nazi trap creates a better nazi.

Never relax. You'll be robbed and beaten.

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I would melt the sons teeth to make Luger firing pins.


>be too terrible for niggers
Man that’s pretty bad.

She was probably raped by those niggers, they just brush that shit under the table to protect their football program. Even if she wasn't, aren't we supposed to #believeallwomen?

"Nazi" has never existed.
Only NatSoc.
You have to go back.

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Asians are the scum of the earth. Ever been to those shitholes ?
We tuned up about 2 million of those parasites in japan Korea nam china etc.

# mass immigration

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All I got from that was that she tried to get a bunch of niggers locked up. Sounds pretty based to me, whats the issue?

I'd be careful about relaxing. Work niggers often snap and rob or murder the place

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Why do leftist create this strawman posts? Anyone who has gone to school with blacks knows 80% of them are dangerous.

go fuck yourself. you arent awake when you say shit like that. you are either a shill yourself or some overweight loser who thinks sabaton is edgy rock music.

Jesus says question everything

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They have to be locked up from about 15 to 35. Unfirtunately that's their best working years, so you need good overseers and chain gangs etc.

>Niggers are just like me
Sounds like you're a nigger

>Log onto reddit. Read about Jews, sandniggs and Blacks being the master race
>Get happy and love ISIS and niggers. They're all, too good for us.
>Go out and socialize with the same people who I adore online.
>They're they're mostly criminals and sneaky psychos unlike me, realize generalizing is bad.
>Log onto pol.....

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Yes, because they act the complete same around you as they do around their nigger homies. Trust me, they hate you and have to tolerate you in public.

Well did you at least fuck her you pussy?

[citation needed]

Wow she’s 23? Now and already hit the wall haha Hahahaha
I wonder if daddy bought her new boobs

this is incel cope

This would be a nice troll tactic if it were actually true.

If you’re hanging around all the blacks in your Silicon Valley AI startup then it might be different to street niggers.
Can’t imagine that working for Jews tho. I was shocked how similar they are to 1930s German propaganda.

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>implying they won't slave you if they were 80% of the population

Pls bro

You obvioysly havnt met jews irl

She's hot

I hang out with Jews and the are evil like we talk about It but it’s in their nature

>They're normal people just like me
Fuck off nigger

this is an obvious case of being abused by her father

>father fucks her as a child
>treats her like his gf
>gives her drugs and passes her around to his friends
>she gets older and tries to get away from him
>he manipulates her and forces her to go out with black dudes

it probably actually is rape but her dad is manipulating her with drugs and psychological abuse. probably spends money on lawyers to stay out of jail and not leave evidence that could incriminate him.

Go to Philly. Have a time.

Germany must mobilise.

Does a barback get laid from customers and is it easy money?

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