Please explain?

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Trumptards literally lack any and all self awareness.

Who the hell needs a $1000 note?

Trump has changed his opinion on literally every single thing since 2016. Anybody still supporting him only cares about the cult of personality, not the issues.

one is tax rape to allow niggers to be NEETS
the other is a tax refund

Political zealots
They don't care about policies, they only care about who proposes them


i want all jew dead including that nigger faggot in your image

yangbux were a good idea. It's just that yang was trash on literally everything else and failed to energize or do anything else beyond that initial position.

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Fuck insectoids firstly
Secondly he was fine until the whole anti-white shit you Jewish shills try to make us forget with this new whataboutism. I hope your entire country gets farted on you kikes

You fucking faggots really don't understand the difference between free money for life at the expense of the tax payer vs disaster relief? People like you should be tied up and dropped in the middle of the Mojave.

Yang is asian. If he gave us 1000 dollars it would have corona virus. Trump's 1000 dollars is disease free.

Yang was going to give 1k every month, Trump is going to do it only once?

I only care about who will drive some lunatic to kill people over politics.

fpbp and /thread

1. Democrats play up this fake disaster to make Trump look bad.
2. He initially tried fighting them directly by pointing out that only bugpeople get sick and for Americans it’s far less severe than the common cold.
3. He realized that he’d be far more successful if he plays along with their game and beats them to the punch.

The democrat party is still a leaderless cesspool, so all he has to do is weather this storm in order to get re-elected.
I don’t really like the helicopter money, but it beats just giving it away to jewish banks. Now that stock prices are almost to historically realistic levels, non-niggers will sink this gibmedats handout into stonks and make gains on the economic rebound.
Of course spics and groids will waste everything on shoes and donk wheels.

Or maybe they see a difference between short-term emergency payments and a permanent $2000/month tax for $1000/month benefit. Communism kills everything it touches.

We live in Bizarro world. I’ve come to embrace it

Yangbux were a monthly installment handed out for nothing
Trumpbux are for an emergency situation for those that can't work during the quarantine but still need to pay rent and will not last indefinitely

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Democrats are faggots.

We get Trumpbux UBI without the autistic Chinese technocrat.

This isn't a permanent solution. Just a bandaid

>Please explain?
Trump was all "It's just a flu bro!"
Then the DOW went -2020.
Then he shit himself because his whole campaign for reelection *IS* "MUH BEST ECONOMY EVAR!!"

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kek dumb libtards mad that trump does yangs idea better than him. Besides if trump gives everyone $1000 and I hate to say this because it sounds racist but he will probably win over a few African American voters that way. 2020 is gonna be a landslide MAGA!

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this. America is about to be reborn

Not only is Trump better at capitalism than liberal pussies, but he is even better at socialism than they are XD

>but muh temporary measures
It's still a form of redistribution, only proves you have absolutely zero standards when it comes to policy proposals and you will literally eat up everything coming out of Trump's anus.
>more corporate tax cuts, zero tax cuts for the middle class
>trickle down economics, economy doing better than ever, thanks Trump!
>the biggest military budget in years
>our country is safe, thanks Trump!
>another bank and stock market bailout
>perfectly fine, thanks Trump!
>Trump shits himself at the prospect of a possible recession, starts flirting with outright redistributionist policies strikingly reminiscent of Yang's key policy to cover his own ass
>Trump really cares about the working class, look at this magnanimous policy proposal, thanks Trump!
>shut up shill, Yang is a commie chink, KAG 2020!
And I get that UBI was supposed to be a permanent change to the US economy and his political platform was based on a bunch of other bad ideas apart from the UBI, but the mere fact none of you even attempt to call Trump out on this is remarkably sickening, but not exactly surprising. You never care about the substance of whatever Trump does, you only cherish that it's Trump doing this. He makes your panties so wet he could literally grab you by the ass and you would drop your pants for him and let him fuck you in the ass because you're so fervently infatuated with his persona. While I grasp various rationales for the whole situation and it's not like the other side has a better man to do the job, I just find your ability to excuse his every move absolutely fascinating, you do realize all your talk about inflation, communism and all of that goes out of the window now, why is it that now you've chosen to abandon all those talking points? It's not because you've changed your views, it's because you never really held these views in the first place and you will discard whatever notions you purport to have the moment Trump decides to go against them.

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Trump bucks are for laid off folks.. welfare niggers don't qualify

>not wanting chinkPox money
Don't see a problem with that. People who vote for non-whites should be executed as traitors anyway.

>brainlets and aussies can't differentiate between temporary stimulus and permanent ubi

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>The US has billions of treasury notes in vaults
I hope they're ascetic like in the pic, not some new age bullshit looking money

It's going to be permanent UBI.

Mojave is nice place though.

>Thinking your taxes would go up 2000/month
Holy shit do people actually believe this

If my taxes don't, then the prices of goods do. Either way, I'll pay waaaay more into it so commie leaches can get paid to do nothing while I have to work more and work harder to maintain the same standard of living.

Three months, apparently.
Governments have a habit of not stopping emergency measures though, so if they do this it will probably still be a thing in ten years.

>citation needed

How does it nullify their point? If the UBI was such a bad policy proposal to begin with (and the argument about the inflation happens to be a valid point to make), don't UBI drawbacks also apply to a temporary implementation of such a policy? You don't give a shit about inflation or any of that, you're perfectly okay with everything introduced by the government as long as daddy Trump approves it.

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Emergency funding is good. If people were given this normally then it wouldn't have the same effect.

>don't UBI drawbacks also apply to a temporary implementation of such a policy?

Get raped to death by a pack of wild emus, criminal scum brainlet.


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we can just do this temporary implementation helping economy again and again for maximum helping then

There used to be one and they took it out of commission

how does the left conflate emergency processes and normal ones?

angry gangbanged yanggangers trying to convince themselves that the rest of working America actually wants to get $1000+ of their money redistributed back to themselves and yang was THEIR GUY. pro tip: they don’t and this meme is retarded

Won’t work vs can’t work/thread

I'm middle class and I got a huge tax cut.

I agree military spending in this country is misdirected. We need military on the southern border, not the middle East.

What would you do in a moment of stock market free fall like we have right now? You've got a better idea?

Trump bux just rolls off the tongue better than yang bux

>Trump was all "It's just a flu bro!"
The chinese and the media conglomerates they paid told you "just a flu bro" when they wanted all focus on the impeachment. We would've been on top of this a month sooner had it not been for you obstructionist cucks.

>don't UBI drawbacks also apply to a temporary implementation of such a policy?
>You don't give a shit about inflation or any of that
no, because a shock that decreases consumption is not inflationary

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Been stated multiple times here. I don't even like trump. I didn't think that the yang plan would work though.

Yang: 1k a month forever for everyone
Trump: 1k a month (maybe) for people who suddenly don't have jobs to help pay their bills until this pandemic blows over

I'm fiscally conservative. This is one of the few places where I'm fine with running up the deficit. The alternative is far far worse.

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>What would you do in a moment of stock market free fall like we have right now? You've got a better idea?
Yeah, how about not giving free money away to banks and the stock market yet again, it makes no fucking sense. Corporations, banks and stock markets receive free shit and are completely unaccountable to the same rules of the market as ordinary people, how does that make any sense?


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You are an amazing idiot if you don't know the difference between temporary implementations and permanent implementation of the neetbux. No, seriously.

>no tax cuts for middle class
>trickle down economics

wow, you really are an idiot. dilate hard tranny. Everyone got a fucking tax cut, your tax cut is in proportion to your income, but since you don't work you didn't notice. And because ypu don't work, you don't understand supply-side economics.

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read the rest of the comment.
explain why you think temporary stimulus in response to a shock will have the same effect as permanent ubi.

>UBI is communism
So you don't know what you're talking about

>explain why you think temporary stimulus in response to a shock will have the same effect as permanent ubi
It won't have the same effect as the UBI, it will most likely be less damaging to the economy because of its transient nature, I just don't get why Trump supporters were so ridiculously, overwhelmingly opposed to the UBI, but don't mind this new proposal at all. The solution is not necessarily so bad in view of the nature of the situation, it's just that Trump's fanbase initially was so absurdly, hyperbolically opposed to Yang's proposals, yet you don't see any of them complaining about this now. With that being said, it'll definitely increasing your public debt.

hur dur its not socialismz when dumpf does it
*wipes mouth with sleeve*
...MA...GA tweentty tweeenty guuuuys.

>free money
dumpftards are now the same as the left and AOC!

UBI is the product of a successful capitalist society.

You mean the shareholders of your company?


Joke I don't hate the wealthy... Yet.