Alcohol and Caffeine is acceptable, any other drug = degenerate

Alcohol and Caffeine is acceptable, any other drug = degenerate.


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Alcohol is super retarded and should be prohibited.

>rabbi worshipper kills other rabbi worshippers
those desert cults, man

Weed is ok in small amounts. Amphetamines are good but stay away if you a weak person with no self control.

Agree except for ketamine and amphetamine

Alcohol is degenerate...

Caffeine is only degenerate if you take it almost daily. It can give you a pretty good boost in the gym. Should still be avoided 99% of the time.

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coffee is fucking trash and if you drink it you are a cuck

as for alcohol see

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Levodopa is a drug

we should ban it

Alcohol is degenerate too, the most annoying retards ive met were always drunk. Give me one reason why being a drunk retard is better than being sober in any situation.

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shut the fuck up american cocksucker, anything that alters the way you think even a slight amount is fucking trash and you are a fucking weak piece of shit for consuming it.

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Psychedelics is the way to throw off Jewish brainwashing.

Mushrooms in particular.

Next thing you'll tell us HRT to transition is degenerate.

LSD should be mandatory at least once in your life

adderall too, but i dont really care ill take anything u give me

They're all fucking Jews. If you want to spend your life sucking off a Jew, better to go with Jesus.

Uh whites? Does that commie faggot liar mean (((whites)))

Alcohol is degenerate as fuck and no burger wants to admit it

OP will never know the rush of coffee + weed, the poor mans speed ball

>Give me one reason why being a drunk retard is better than being sober in any situation.
It's the only way to shut my brain off.

Alcohol = fucks your mind
Caffeine = fucks your body


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Freedom is acceptable, any restriction on that = degenerate.


very nice. to be honest people dont really consider how bad alcohol is for your body, if I was offered the choice of dropping acid once every 2 weeks or getting drunk every weekend, I would take the acid

You need to learn self control

Jewish hoax

Anything consumed inside your home is acceptable
The moment you step out of your door while drunk or high, you deserve to get shot


Don’t leave out my boy Nic.

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I kind of agree on this one.

no, he meant wh*tes, balkanites, slavs, meds are not white, germanics, anglos, nordics, they are wh*te

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alcohol is pretty bad, I disagree
caffeine - mostly harmless, but at some point you're drinking it out of a habbit and it doesn't gvie you good energy, just nervousness

Caffeine, alchohol(simply because it's so easy to make and thus impossible to prohibit), and cannabis.

Not that I am a dudeweedlmao, but I don't want more medical cartels dominating the market. Fuck big pharma

Started supplementing with creatine (3g), Acetyl-L-Carnitine, zinc, Mg, vitamins and other micronutrients everyday. That + excercise works better than any goy pill I have ever been prescribed for depression. Yas Forums should start supplementing like I'm doing to boost T, dopamine and look like pic related.
Also the governement has no business in deciding what I can and cannot put into my body AT ALL. Prohibitionist are cucks.

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how are your fenatyl supplies, druggie? Did you hoard some for the inevitable shortages?

Im taking such a steamy shit right now.
God HELP meeeee

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>tfw never had any effect from caffeine
I'm still not sure if this makes me superhuman or defective. I'm told it's a result of ADHD but I'm not sure if I completely buy the legitimacy of it given the only diagnosis is behavioural (wow rowdy child must have something wrong with him) but on the other hand I took stimulants like Dexamphetamine and still didn't feel a damn thing.

It sucks being immune to being wired, I just want to perform at a higher level dammit.

Enjoying nature while under the effects of psychadelics can be quite a spiritual and fulfilling experience if your mind is prepared properly beforehand
However, if everyone did it then the woods would just be full of babbling retards. It should be punishable with a fine to gatekeep normies out of it

Finest fucking drug in the world, honestly. You can cure any addiction at all by simply substituting with nicotine.

Go to any AA meeting if you don't believe me.

What a coincidence that only the drugs you personally use are the ones that aren't degenerate.

Alcohol isn't degenerate but being an alcoholic is. You can say the same about most drugs. Stoners are the worst but there's not really much wrong with tripping balls every so often if you don't bother others

Problem with alchohol is that it's well ingrained in society and it's very easy to make. I very rarely drink tho, last time was last summer.
It fucks with your test, and doesn't have any health benefits that vinegar can't do.
If it was easy to ban it, I would be for it, but it's unfortunately not and would just create a huge black market


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Make u feel nice plus give the no fear

Seems very arbitrary.

Any thing is acceptable if you do it in balance, you must not go out of balance. The man that owns his mind can do anything he pleases and his will is not broken by his mind.

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I am addicted to both weed and caffeine. Without weed I cannot sleep. Literally slept 2 hours in 4 days because I use it as an anti anxiety measure and sleep aid. Addictions are addictions, I just choose my withdrawal symptoms.

Alcohol is worthless poison. Redpill yourself, brother.

>Alcohol and Caffeine is acceptable
no, degenerate.

Acceptable? I'd rather call them necessary because without them Finland would collapse in less than a day. It would be the greatest European chimpout since world war 2.

read coffeine as tabacco tho, couldn't even think it was caffeine there. Weird fucking christcuck, caffeine is fine.
Alcohol should be banned however, along with nicotine.


I think getting lost in psychedelics and coming back allows you to notice the madness of so called "sane" people. The game of life is revealed and drugs gave me a peek behind the curtain so to speak.

All drugs are degenerate. All drugs should be legal. Not a single cent of public money should be spent to protect people from drugs. That is to say, no publicly funded healthcare spending on drug overdoses, no publicly funded healthcare spending on health problems caused by chronic drug abuse (such as liver and kidney problems, lung problems for smokers, etc.)
What this would do is allow people to use the drugs if they choose to, but it also forces them to acknowledge the consequences of excessive or habitual use. I'm not even a libertarian, but I do believe that this is the best way to deal with the drug problem. If the consequences are clear, undeniable and something that you have to deal with by yourself, dumb people will die or become chronically ill within a few years of this plan, and most smart people will learn to use prohibited drugs in appropriate moderation, or abstain entirely.

Make you feel nice? Have you seen some drunk retards, especially women who after just drinking a few become unhinged and angry? Seems to me you havent been around drunk people much while sober yourself. The no fear part also contributes to this. Truly degenerate behaviour. Worst part is the culture accepts it and people tend to get away with shit they do because "hurr durr i was just drunk lmao dont take it seriously bro" and in the next sentence people will say that "Jack danies will get the truth out of anyone"

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>Alcohol should be banned
Not even in those sub -30°C winters?

at the end of the day, drugs are just tools like any other
use them as required to push yourself to do what needs to be done
people think drug addicts are bad people but the truth of the matter is that most drug addicts are poor people and poor people have low IQs and bad behaviour whether they are drug users or not.
I know many people, some who even work white collar jobs, who use cocaine, amphetamines, psychadelics and cannabis regularly.
They lead normal lives because they are not lumpenproles

alcohol only does worse to your body in cold environments, your body tires to constrict the peripheric veins to keep the trunk warm, alcohol widens the veins.

I've never seen someone on caffeine or nicotine commit a crime or lose their job because they were on that substance, but I've seen plenty of pot-heads and drunk do some incredibly stupid shit.

I'm fine with this. I'll take responsability for my black lungs if the fat fuck takes responsability for his Snickers addiction.

Christcuck thread

Yes, I should have added this piece as well. I would call it the "personal responsibility omnibus bill" in Canada, and would try and squeeze as many changes to existing legislation as possible in the bill.

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hitler did drugs.

holy cringe

>needs a hit of a stimulant to get through the day
>somehow not degenerate