Brit/pol CVG predicted this Edition

>Dogged Scots cop refused to let Glasgow grooming gang escape justice

>Police and immigration officials would be able to place people in "appropriate isolation facilities" under plans.

>Youths trash children's playground before setting bins alight...and their parents could feel the repercussions

>Man barricaded ex-girlfriend's home with wheelie bins before setting them on fire as she slept

>Car dumped then torched in new Swansea playground

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Other urls found in this thread:

>starts timeteam Phil posting and narrow boat posting, pjw uses his memes

I am forgotten


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Get me out of this craphole country I want to be a US citizen today away from this virus

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kek, i love this

People aren't following the CV19 guidelines at all. They're not taking it seriously, I've seen several people with serious coughs in shops, ect. I've heard stories of super market employees and teachers who KNOW a household family member have likely cv19 and who are still going to work.

At a 1.4 x growth rate every 2 days, in 7 days the NHS will be at capacity for ICU beds, and in 7 days the people catching the virus TODAY will only just be starting to show symptoms.

We're buggered lads. I seriously suggest you guys consider locking down as much as humanly possible for the next 3 or so weeks, minimum.

Stay safe. Look after your family and watch the world burn I guess.

are you reachinnn out for me
im reaching out forrr youuuuu


Is this the /bant/ discord in your image?

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Starting tomorrow, lad. A couple of weeks ago, I was pretty fucking erect at the prospect of staying at home. Now though..

>I seriously suggest you guys consider locking down as much as humanly possible for the next 3 or so weeks, minimum.
lmao this is going to last about a year minimum assuming a miracle cure isn't found.

Even if that cure is found, people still need to get sick to be treated and hospitals will be flooded. I think a vaccine is off the table. Maybe we will get some combination of drugs that stops the virus from being transmitted, that or a cure is our only real hope and that will take a year minimum to go through tests etc.

Can confirm.
I have some symptoms but more likely to be a cold hopefully. Sneezing, sore throat, no temperature.

absolutely based ivan shitposting. fuck BrItAiN

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>a third split

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Aye, 10k dying a day by peak in early-mid may if they dont do something.

That image is from the last tripfag meet up

>3 or so weeks

That'll be just when the peak of the curve starts ramping up if they dont get it under control.

Yea if someone has mild symptoms they are going to take no notice

why does everyone envy my twitch career

Reminder that the virus need not affect the whole country equally, London should be quarantined off now and forever.

I'm expecting it to peak late april into may and fade back out by the end of june start of july, then it will swing back for a 2nd wave around 6 months after the peak april/may so just in time for christmas when the weather cools and people tend to spend more time indoors around other people and working in warm buildings in close proximity.

there are already schools closing for "deep clean" and they were talking about 12 week total shutdown before they noticed i was listening

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My wagie neighbour works in a call centre and he's been made to extra shifts, he said he feels a bit rough but as he's self-employed (always used to boast about it, has a brand new 'company' leased car etc.) there's fuck all he can do.

What you bin streaming eddie brah? any plans on streaming DOOM on friday or Half Life Alyx/RE3 soon?

Have you read this yet

Scary part is they say UK governments strategy up to now (not closing schools etc.) was based on the assumption that peak surge for ICU would be half of what is actually going to be. Boris might have fucked it here.

steam red dead redemption 2 for pc is discounted but fucking hell it's gone to £45 from £55 absolute fucking ripoff would be comfy to play for the next 12 weeks lockdown but fuck those prices

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>works in a call centre
>as he's self-employed

He's streaming right now

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can't wait to be unemployed, homeless and dying of the Kung Flu. the governments response is a fucking joke no support for renters, bail outs aren't gonna stop mass unemployment, NHS is gonna be a capacity soon, they won't test anyone unless you're already dying in a hospital bed. haha just keep everything open sure will work out fine fucking joke of a government. can't wait for the mass protests that will probably just result in more people dying. I'm ready to go larp as an antifa super soldier outside of no 10.


Yea as other people were saying this ain't going away any time soon, lot of people taking time off to early as well to skive off work, are gone be fucked if they do catch it after

3% mortality rate you fucking schitzo

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I work in the NHS (not clinical or critical) and my office which is entirely setup to work from home with some of us doing a couple of days a week already, were told yesterday we had all to keep coming in as the office shouldn't be empty and the government advice from Monday was being overruled by our management.
Fucking clown world.

Putting prices up when everyone is off, bravo steam

Yeah its like something to do with claims/PPI, when I first met him he said he worked in Finance kek and told my other neighbour he (who actually is an accountant) was a junior accountant.

Boasted about how he got more money until other neighbour pointed out how about the no sick or holiday pay?

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plenty of UK gold reserves will see us through lad Gordon was looking after them last I heard

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Brexit = me pretending to be Australian on holidays out of embarrasment

cunt won’t answer he phone

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yeah don't come back mate thx bye

pretty sure I've got the Kung flu gamers, ill as shit, been in contact with people that have been in contact with others who have it. feel like my chest is gonna collapse into itself, feels like the flu x2. country should be be in full lock down, we aren't taking this serious enough, look at Italy, look at how fucked they are.

Sounds like a right deano

18th march
>still pushing larpvirus

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Brexit isn't even relevant anymore

I said a few days back it was a massively risky strategy, desu i dont see what else they could have done other than essentially close the country down for 3 months and economically that was just not viable, possible or desired.

Personally i think the herd immunity strategy is to just let a few hundred thousand die now, rather than a and wave by years end kill half a million, but they cant exactly just admit that on television, but thats what they are saying. gonna be real weird in 4 or 5 weeks when you literally cant get in the hospital for anything, anybody falling and breaking their neck is in for a bad time.

>24hr superstores are now closing overnight to restock
>Limiting people to 2 of every item
>Queues around the corner at 6am for multiple shops

I'm scared

Dooms not out yet is it, thought it was friday?


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Post xrays

everybody knows biggest threat to the world is catching flu

Did you ever bang her

neither is Britain...thanks to Brexit

so she's in las vegas time zone

hello shill :)

You're a known nonce

nah just finger banged her, she was pretty ugly. got her in bed and started going through her draws and taking the piss outta her and she kicked me out lmfao
she’s in canada

He ticks all the Deano boxes, has a white BMW 1 series with some cheap Chinky black bits stuck on, has a thick chavy girlfriend, watches Love Island etc.

Yeah I work for coronavirus
If anything you're shilling for the people who are profiting off the fearmongering

>started going through her draws and taking the piss outta her and she kicked me out lmfao


wtf its the fearmongers fault now lol

Hoooooooooooooodoggy this zepplin be dank

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free speech bad

naked attraction is lowkey jokes t b h

doctors bad

lol I don't know a single person who reads Sputnik or even knows about its existence

vaccines bad

alberta state time zone
random place to go to
i assume she has family there

the worst thing you can do is keep contacting her if you want her back
im being a hypocrite tho, cos i suck at doing this too :(


Shucks yall bein here naow this is good shine on

>captcha now slowing me down
gee im so bad huh

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Moat good

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Bet moat would have been immune to corona

i hate her you fucking mong, it’s funny winding her up

PAki shops and the little Go Local shops are well stocked

I appear to have made you a bit angry

This was posted on 8kunt. How fucked are we. Some online shops are no longer taking orders. Delivery slots a month or more away. No stock anyway. Some supply lines from the EU not moving. When we get locked inside and the goverment asks everyone to just shop online the system is going to fucking implode.

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Alberta is beaut mate, banff is probably the nicest place I've been

He'd tell it to fuckin do one

really thought that post would make you virgins mad t b h

No that's -8.
She's on mountain time.

tripcunts lol