Americans don’t believe COVID 19 is real

Why are my fellow burgers so stupid. In a weeks time we’ll have martial law and the people will be dying in the streets.

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Years of positive psychology and self-enforcing ego's about greatest country on earth, God's chosen, humanist propaganda (you can do anything you want) has inflated ego's to the size of skyscrapers.

Global problem, but especially visible in USA and less so in Asia.

Coronavirus Pandemic, day 16.
If anyone is still out there, I’m alive but struggling. Food is running low. Down to only 459 days worth. My hands are super sanitized and my butt is super clean. Down to 1599 rounds of ammo (dropped 1 round down the heat vent while doing daily inventory). Power still on, but for how long? Missing human interaction but I have my dogs.. for now.. (I'm soaking their food in BBQ sauce in an attempt to marinate them from the inside in case I have to eat them) . I fear dark days ahead. News is all bad. Neighbors have attempted to leap from windows to their death, (or near death... most have single story homes so they are badly bruised). Blew through most Netflix series so may have to rewatch some again..Basic Survival is a definite challenge. I vow to persevere to the end, I am a survivor! Please, if there is life out there, communicate with me to help preserve my sanity

>Why are my fellow burgers so stupid.
Ironically enough, a question mark ("?") is used at the end of a sentence denoting a question.

>your answer:

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Inflated ego's, while able to defend one against negative emotions and doubts, do so as well as against rational doubts.

Our immigratns from ex-Yu show similar traits, they don't care about Corona, as they believe they are "stronger than ever" (jaći nego ikada) or "unable to be hurt" (ne može nam niko ništa).

Or maybe it is because after years of shilled hype around things that ultimately weren't that deadly, we became desensitized when something potentially dangerous did rear it's head, we were no longer concerned.

Im American and I know its not real.
I can be convinced with pics/vids of any westerner that has fallen ill
>post proofs only

Where does that hype come from? From belief that we are in essence, super humans, which is the foundation if humanist psychological belief - on which new world order was built after french revolution

eat shit nigger

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I seriously don't get where you guys get this from. It's like you've never been here, or studies Americans in any meaningful fashion.I haven't met a single American that thinks we have an innate superiority over foreigners, or doesn't believe that massive catastrophes won't his us.
The attitude of "this will blow over," in regards to things like corona, comes precisely from the 24 hour news cycle, advertising, television, etc. Even people who said Trump would unleash SS death squads have this mentality in the back of their head, an vice versa for Obama. But this exaggeration has become common in discourse, so regular people have learned to tune it out. Every single time something like this happens (at least in the last 10 years), it fizzles out.

I haven't met a single American that thinks we have an innate superiority over foreigners, or doesn't believe that massive catastrophes won't his us. People fantasize about the apocalypse here. There's an innate fascination in the American conscious over world destruction, and it's permeated everywhere from video games, to movies, to Pentecostal TV preachers.

The numbers seem to indicate the Wuhanic Plague isn't so bad:

Fuck it my dudes I'm gonna go see my Indian bro at the smoke shop for some puffas whose probably had contact with dozens of infected within the last week. Wish me luck.

We woke them up user.

>459 days worth
Same here. I checked and my butter supply has dwindled to only 4x per capita yearly consumption.

they look at me weird when I bring up conspiracies but believe every country decided to work together to lock us inside

They are not wrong

>started with only 1600 rds of ammo
Not going to make it

I have. Half of the country is like that dude.

Based America questioning their lies

>I haven't met
Anecdotal, discarded. Y'all sound like faggots and your shits retarded.

My cousin went to Sandy Hook and she has it. It's very real

if gov says sky is blue, odds are the sky is fake

I went looking for the Las Vegas shooter's motive but all I found was this stupid virus.

> In a weeks time we’ll have martial law and the people will be dying in the streets.
I think not.
Calm down.
There are silver linings to the corona virus:
Americans learned that we are dependent on China for 90% of our generic medicines
We see how much of our economy has been outsourced
Forces older Americans to realize how unhealthy they are
It is revealed just how fragile the financial sector's Ponzi house of cards really is
Shines a light on China’s horrific animal abuse
Highlights how useless professional sports are
Brought awareness to how many really die during flu season
Exposes politicians that politicize public health and the scam artists that price gouge
Forces people to stay home and to take stock of their emergency preparedness
Correction of the stock market/price discovery
Decrease in gas prices
Parents are forced to spend time around their own children.
Make us more resilient and self-sufficient.
Increase our appreciation for brick and mortar minimum wage grocery store workers that are giving their best effort to keep us all fed
The EU is exposed as the unelected, self-absorbed globalists that they really are
Open borders just became a really bad idea
Renewed respect for the second amendment
Working from home saves money, gas and time
People begin to question the need for international travel and the health risks it brings
The advantage of being able to homeschool your own children is recognized
Recognizing the importance of hygiene and hand washing in everyday encounters to prevent disease
People finally realize that government is really not equipped to help everyone and basically you are responsible for yourself

What is your silver lining?
Stay safe, count your blessings and be American and look out for your neighbors.

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CNN said it will be bad
Fox and Trump downplayed it. Now that they ridiculed others for making it a big deal they dug their heels into the ground so now they don't want to lose face.

>Why are my fellow burgers so stupid.

They have an entrenched normalcy bias, and it's very upsetting. I need to find some real prepper dick to suck off right now.

>we’ll have martial law and the people will be dying in the streets.
now THERE, bernie tards, is where you legit get your "free shit", money ammo food water rifles shoes dildoes, whatever faggots are carrying when they die

You’re right this is hoax. Shills should kill them selves

If I've learned anything in the last 20 years it's that the media is fake and gay.

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desu they need to hang for inciting such a panic.

Honey get of that computer and come down stairs Im making nuggets.

What do you cucks have such a fetish for dystopian circumstances?

>In a weeks time we’ll have martial law and the people will be dying in the streets.
I really hope that

its literally just a new strain of the common cold and billions of people got it without noticing.

kek good one leaf

But how can we impeach Trump with this information?

I wish I was as optimistic

it is not optimism, it is looking on the bright side. Optimism is hoping things get better.
Looking on the bright side is not necessarily hoping for a specific future outcome, but looking at what has already happened and learning from it.
There is a difference.

kek. too true. the american education system is a mess

Looks like they are asking very valid questions, and are hip to the fact that the worlds a stage and media is bullshit. You getting triggered about it is more telling than anything.

I am not saying in this post that the coronavirus is or is not a hoax, because I don't know the answer to that question. What I will say is that a worldwide economic collapse was predicted by Austrian economists to happen in the year 2020. Here is Peter Schiff predicting it in 2018:

And in picture related is Ron Paul doing so in the same year. Mike Maloney has also been saying the same thing consistently.

Can you imagine the carnage and chaos in the streets when fiat currencies became worthless paper, pensions were wiped out, and the stock market plummeted to zero, if the coronavirus couldn't be blamed as the cause of everything?

The coronavirus is also being used, in a worrying way, to deprive us of our civil liberties. Quarantines, along with draconian punishments for breaking them, have now become common in Western democracies, and we are already hearing of forced vaccinations. As Ron Paul says, "It is ironic to see the same Democrats who tried to impeach President Trump last month for abuse of power demanding that the Trump Administration grab more power and authority in the name of fighting a virus that thus far has killed less than 100 Americans."

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As far as coronavirus scepticism goes, the most prominent advocate right now is the German physician Wolfgang Wodarg, whose video is going viral on Youtube right now. I invite anybody on this thread either to confirm or refute what he says.

These are some of the arguments which he makes on his website:

"The current Panic has nothing to do with illness or epidemics. All flu-watch indicators just show baseline data. (normale Werte)

Neither in China nor in Italy nor elsewhere extraordinary cases of severe illness are registered. (see above)

China alarmed its people and the world just for two months in Wuhan and staged how to detect and fight an epidemic. European states follow that example and are isolating each other.

In Europe the economy is breaking down and human rights are forgotten, while China has shifted its testing to its frontiers and declares the crisis from now on as a foreign problem.

Europe is paralyzed by panic and China is smiling."

Ron Paul, who is a doctor as well as an economist, also argued similarly recently; see his video "The Coronavirus Hoax":

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>Two more weeks bro I swear, you're not scared because you're stupid
Not buying it

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>what are they trying to distract us from
fucking boomers, I swear

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Based Anthony

Smart people.

you mean we got wiser.
seriously when it comes to people doubting the veracity of national or international events, the best argument one can make is the literal current year argument.
it is 2020
we have a fuck ton of history to reference under our belts. plus we have access to the internet to question and challenge shit that people say.
the application of the current year argument will be even stronger in the year 3000 too.
we have no choice but to accumulate knowledge and information about repeating events.
the way the current yer argument is defeated is by memory holing everything.

>Mike Petraw Sr.
>Debra Rodrigues

Why can't boomers mask names properly?

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This philosophy is the worst in Boomers.
Millennials have it too because at a psychological level millennials are basically boomers version 2.0. It is related to both groups narcissism.
Gen X has it the least and I suspect so will Gen Z, because they are Gen X version 2.0.

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kek which one am I?

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the current year argument is misapplied though when people use the year as the sole reason for why X is true or not true.
>it's 2020 therefore trans women are women
this is normie use.
the current year argument is best used when invoked in relation to all of time and the accumulation of knowledge.
>its 2020, we have experienced at least 10 global virus outbreaks over the passed 100 years, let us analyze our outbreak through the lens of passed outbreaks


bc too busy supporting their useless millennial offspring.

It's due to a combination of two things:
1 - Not seeing that it exists in your own social circle
2 - Immense distrust of the news/media industry

There is apparently a super dangerous and deadly virus out there in the world. I don't know anyone who has/had the virus. Nobody I've talked to knows anyone who has/had the virus. There's nothing in my own personal experience that tells me it exists. The only information I am getting that supports it's existence is being pushed at me by a news/media industry that over the past decade or so has demonstrated itself to be untrustworthy and willing to flat out lie to us to push an agenda. For these reasons it is very easy to see why people in the US could be skeptical.

The heart of the average american conspiracy theory is a deeply malicious and Jewish liberal malice. Most conspiracies are laden with fears of secret Nazism, or fears of autocratic clampdown on 'muh freedoms'. While conspiracy theories are pushing the dumb boomer memes of jackboots crushing dissent, the government is doing the total opposite. The US and British states are simply doing fuck all. Liberalism is anarcho-tyranny, where institutions are simply there to appease and enforce Jewish and neo-aristocratic interests. The People get nothing. These institutions aren't for us. The CDC and FEMA aren't scary autocratic excuses to fulfil some Illuminati destiny of bringing about some new world Nazi order, they are in there to just spend money on big pharma and other Jewish-owned companies to make profit. When these billion dollar institutions are actually needed, they're completely incompetent, unreliable and act on nothing. Look at the testings in the US vs the rest of the world. Look at all the FEMA camps and FEMA expenses. They were built for this exact scenario and they go unused.

In reality, the public is begging for jackboots, autocratic clampdowns and quarantines. They are begging for welfare to deal with loss of employment and debts. Yet, these big powerful institutions do nothing. Meanwhile, these boomers are spreading dumb fears based entirely upon this liberal Jewish premise that chaos brings about autocratic tyranny. The very word 'draconian' isn't even applicable when such measures are absolutely necessary, but they all do nothing.

Within these boomer conspiracies are Jewish-laden myths of the holocaust, 'camps', 'exterminations', 'crushing political dissent'. The only dissent that has ever been crushed is used against the very people who desire autocracy, order and emergency measures.

The heart of the conspiracy is how these conspiracies develop. They're Jewish control mechanisms to stop boomers actively seeking power & inclusion within institutions.

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And she works at Nintendo

Screen capped for when it doesnt happen

This is your brain on Christianity

Here's a thought retards: We could have just all chilled at home for 14 days, and this would have ended. Instead, our governments are going to force us to stay home for months, and when that's over nobody's gonna have a fucking job. All because you wanted to nothingburger until the bitter end. Good job.

Wouldn't that be upstairs?

Indeed. Martial Law would be preferable to anarcho-tyranny. There are areas where the national guard is being organised, but I think it's coincidentally in the black-majority areas. It's almost as if this anti-racist, anti-white diversity-driven Jewish-controlled state is acutely aware of how violent certain areas will get if the schools are closed. This is why black schools will remain open as they are nothing more than holding areas to stop blacks 'wilding out'.

We wont see martial law anywhere else, and no doubt, radlibs will call this racist and blame whitey.


My silver linings
1- people realize the importance of nationalism
2- people realize the importance of socialism

Best timeline is Trump outlawing private sector news for creating an ecenonic collapse

>Where does that hype come from?
Sensationalist and alarmist media who make money through fear mongering due to a ratings system.

Remember Sars? Swine Flu? Bird Flu? Etc all over hyped pandemics. Its the boy who cried wolf in real life.

You are a pseudo intellectual retard.

I'm in NYC, my coworker was sick on weds thurs fri, stayed about an hour then left. He was found naked on the floor of his house with a 105 fever. Hes in CCU at the moment with a fever of 103.7 fever (after tylenol) atrial fibrillation and pneumonia. They took the corona test on sunday night and they still dont have the results back. I been shitting myself for the last 2 days.

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