>no government handout program is ever ended
Lads. How many months of TrumpBux before it is the new normal and unable to be stopped, ever? Obviously after the pandemic is over the economy will be in the shitcan, so naturally the program will be extended...then cancelling it would have a disparate impact on minorities who really never recovered...and so on forever.

I think, dare I say it, we have secured the bag after all.

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Other urls found in this thread:

wagie wagie has a coof
wagie wagie work for roof
wagie sick
wagie die
neet in bed eating pie

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Once they pass it, society is changed forever. Even if they get the virus under control and the economy starts to working towards recovery, there's no way they're going to revoke the gibs. Republicans have an incentive to pass something for muh reelection and Democrats can NOT take it back. Once we all get the gibs and start to enjoy the benefits it's going to stay that way forever.

>You can't take away every person's right to an income!
I can see it now. Hell, I'll be shilling it. Fuck this gay country, loot the corpse.

10/10 sir

That's bussy Hendrix

>no government handout program is ever ended
fuck you
my brain keeps churning up arguments but
>no government handout program is ever ended
is darn close to a fundamental truth.

B-but what about MUH INFLASHUN

Bush Jr gave people money too, and it ended. Don't see why it would be different here when the Chinese virus is under control.

Trumpbux aren't for the king flu, the money is so people dont realize the economy is crashing and the dollar is rapidly losing value.

Reply to this post or your mother will die in her sleep tonight.

>implying it won't be going to people who are already on other government "assistance"


The money is so that the starving infected don't start raiding and pillaging, unironically. That is the future without it.

Fucking faggot

my thoughts exactly

plus UBI is perfect for the coming purge of jobs from AI. Most gets recycled back to the economy.

-gives people hope
-% of people better their life and innovate new stuff for humanity
-homeless might get their shit together
-low iq will overdose off drugs

so many benefits

>-homeless might get their shit together
Yeah and women will be logical and Jews will be honest and negroes will advance human knowledge.

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They did it during Bush presidency it was around $300 if I remember. They can easily stop it.

They will probably relabel it to Basic Income eventually.

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I'd stop being such an asshole if they gave me money.


>B-but what about MUH INFLASHUN
Money is all made up and inflation is a social construct. Supply and demand be close is all that matters, baby. Shortages = hyperinflation, everything else is horseshit. Stores don't charge based on how much money you have, they charge based on being competitive with other stores.

It's a stimulus package for the economy to make sure people keep their jobs. NEETs don't contribute to the economy so there's no reason to give them anything. As long as you filed your taxes last year you'll get the money.

do neets get it?

Wait when is this supposed to start?

That was a one off. Trumpbux will have to be monthly for awhile because Corona-Chan will be staying awhile. They have already canceled the school year in a few states. Shit is getting real.

Bush gave out free money during his presidency also, it was like $200. It ended.


dems wont pass the vote in the house unless every adult get it.

nobody cares about a europoor or jew’s literally impoverished opinion. we’re fucking rich.

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>It's a stimulus package for the economy to make sure people keep their jobs.
Yes, giving someone money means they keep their job.

I want to marry Greta, put her in a nice house, buy her whatever she desires, and make love to her every night for 2 - 3 years. Then one day I would randomly ask if she ever fantasized about big black cock. We would go to the local KFC or Popeyes and find ourselves a big strong Mandingo. I would hold her hand as she experienced her first ever intense orgasm and Tyrone dumped his potent seed into her tight slit. His powerful semen would impregnate her on the first try, despite my failure to do so for years. She would give birth to a beautiful black baby whom I would take on financially responsible for.Even after childbirth my wife would be too busy tending to her beloved negro bulls desires to offer any assistance. The african male needs to cum around a dozen times daily or they experience discomfort. As such it was her duty as his woman to give him constant release, and she would be more than happy to.

Nope. Its for all americans over 18. Cope wagie.

Europoors hella jealous of American NEETs about to cashin on NEETbux. i've been seeing all the jealousy and envy in discord from europoors.

yes. even if your income was 0, you get it - they said it themselves. they in fact said it’s too difficult to dispense different payments or to weed out who does and doesn’t need it, so it MUST be a blanket payment to everyone.

Imagine the pure, concentrated Zoomer rage of the 17 year olds.

>How many months of TrumpBux before it is the new normal and unable to be stopped, ever?

This guy knows how these things work.
My only fear is my savings I've been putting aside forever are going to be worth nothing in the end.
I've been living like a miser for too long, imagine the joke when it's all said and done I end up with a pile of Zimbabwe dollars

lmao what a faggot I bet you paid your student loans too

you'be been living like a buried pharaoh trying to take your precious shekels with you. get over them. your life is a tragic comedy like everyone else's


That one is good.

is it for Neets too? how do you get the money? I assume you have to go to a government building and present your Social Security?
or god just fucking mail it to me in my name


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Wrong, read the fine print

Reminder to all you neets, he said all WORKING americans

no handouts for neets!

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I want 4,000 monthly pleeeeeeaaaassseee

>My only fear is my savings I've been putting aside forever are going to be worth nothing in the end.
That's the point of all collectivism. To turn everyone into dependents. (((They))) don't care about you, they just want you dependent on their table scraps so that you're easily controlled.

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you did this yourself

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Get fucked wagie

It is for NEETs as well. You can expect a check in the mail within the next few weeks.

All the zoomers too young to remember Bush did the same exact thing when the economy started tanking.

be quiet wagie, they already said everyone is getting it. now go tie your hands to your laptop and get back to work, breaks over

kill yourself

Heh, when I saw how much they were trying to charge me, I laughed in their face and left.
I've got no college.

I can go and give it a shot now as an adult, will I though?
Maybe, maybe not. I don't need it.

From what I've heard, it's available for neets as well.

oh awesome, I'll make sure my parents don't fuck me over by trying to take it and calling it my rent.
fucking assholes

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You had to file tax forms to get the Bush and Obama money.

Fuck that i just want my fucking tax return. I filed in february and now they are requesting 45 days from march 15?
Oh and btw what hapoens when we all have money and there is NOTHING TO BUYYYYY


You have to file 2029 taxes you just don't randomly get a check in the mail.

how are they sending out the money i haven't renewed my id and i moved to another city since then

should i renew my id?

Fuck off you jew slave, it was Christian policy for like 1500 years to feed the poor no questions asked.

Never thought Trump would be the one to institute UBI.

I assume it'll be mailed to where you/your guardian is currently living

Obama did the same thing too

You had to file taxes to get the Obama $350 dollar checks.

Young people support Bernie because they don't remember Obama saying tax the rich then he just increased the payroll tax 3% instead and harmed the working class.

>2029 taxes
Lmao, good. Everyone is a NEET and it's 2020 so nobody gets their NEETbux except the wagies which don't exist anymore.

Obama did it and so did Bush.
What this will do it will just rise prices a little bit and will be a fucking bullshit gesture that the government is "doing something ".

If Trump keeps the gibs flowing he's a lock for reelection

So did Obama. It was like $600

They mail nothing if taxes are not filed this is how I know your under 25.

If your parents claim you on their taxes they get the check not you.

So when are we getting it?

Fuck taxes wageniggers. I NEED SOME NEETBUX

This guy gets it. Unless you’re already on cash, food stamps, or whatever you ain’t getting shit. Should’ve voted for Yang. Enjoy the nigger hordes and their new buying power.

we missed you

where are you finding this info trying to get my grandma prepped and information in order for her to get money but she hasn't payed taxes in 2 years

And you only got the Bush and Obama checks if you filed taxes this trump check is no different.

>still falling for the vote meme

If You didn't file taxes no check for you

Tax cuts are only for working people
eat shit and die

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>NEETs don't contribute to the economy so there's no reason to give them anything. As long as you filed your taxes last year you'll get the money.
Even if this weren't bullshit: I'm a NEET. I filed a tax return for 2019. Already got my refund, even.

I think your confidence is misplaced

This nigger doesn’t understand what “savings” are

I just filed my 2019 taxes a month ago, currently unemployed but worked all of last year. I'm getting my trumpbux right?

Well no Trump check for her if she didn't file 2019 taxes.

I'm trying to educate the NEETS on here

Even black women that don't work filed 2019 taxes to get tax returns on their niglets.
.they will get a Trump check just like wagies that filed their 2019 taxes.

I'm still gonna need those NEETbux or we riot

I'm going to buy SPY puts

lmao suddenly Yas Forums is full of neets who'd like some free monies but only a month ago yang threads were ignored or wiped
nothing to see here, lads

Trumpbux is different from what bush and obama did.

Yes your getting the trump check if it passes and you made under 65k in the 2019 work year.

i can't wait for all you neets to get some trumpbux so you can give it all to your favorite twitch streamer

>be expat master race
>get paid a monthly salary in Japan with a contract that explicitly states I will continue to get paid in a national emergency
>still a resident in the US and file taxes
>gonna be getting two checks every month while getting comfy and playing vidya

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Absolutely correct. It just going to be slightly more. It won't do shit.
They are also talking about the emergency food stamps for everyone. Gibs, gibs, gibs.
Fuck that.

I know your under 25
Because you don't know how stimulus checks work you don't get them it you don't file taxes.

You must be a Bernie supporter that doesn't understand math.