lmao the absolute madman called it chink virus again
Lmao the absolute madman called it chink virus again
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Good fuck the Chinese. Disgusting people.
Based. Trump going full NatSoc in that tweet.
jews are preparing the american goy farm for war with china.
hopefully they'll put the chinks in canada in concentration camps as a security measure
Chinks want us to forget where this shit came from. Too bad, everyone will remember this shit started because some slant eyed bugman ate a fucking bat
I’d gladly kill as many of those dog eating fucks as possible. In Minecraft of course
Virus is not your fault. So.. who fault is? What he meant with this? He is protecting us/you 'muricans.
I kinda want to genocide the blue marks in the comments. especially since the chinks try to blame america for the virus, which is far more ridiculous
>shanghai shivers
The Russians were blaming Britain for it yesterday. This blame game could turn very nasty very quickly. Wars have been started for less.
he just won't stop :DDDDDDDD
I know it’s not popular on this board, but I’m actually fairly liberal and have been very critical of the president until recently. But with the onslaught of this pandemic I have been very supportive of him and I have an unrivaled hatred for the Chinese right now. I think times of crisis just turn me into a fascist.
Wait so it went from 1000 Trump bucks for everyone to now only including the fucks who get to sit safely in home isolation while already receiving unemployment gibs anyway?
He needs to send toilet paper not money
As much as this boomer is a good goy, his shit posts are top bantz
The real virus is communism. Chinese communism to be exact,
Communism spread the virus, an ideological disease that works hand in hand with the Wuhan virus.
Why they blaming us UK? lol
Most user here were libs or libertarians.
He's so fucking butthurt holy shit
>m-m-muh eee
>muh economieeees
Hmm, think he will announce some FDA approved therapeutics for corona?
They tried saying it came from one of our chemical weapons labs and that it was a retaliation for the novichok attack. They are clutching at straws to try and deflect blame toward the west. They're up China's asshole basically.
He's literally trying to start a war
>out of work
B-but what about the, ahem, "permanently" out of work??? Yas Forums told me NEETs were getting the free money too!
Now the cure for the nigger and spic virus
Good, the chinks need to be shat on. Maybe we can bring them back to their pre Mao roots before they became totally shitty. Although apparently chinks were still shitty back then. My great grandfather used to say not to trust the yellows which was odd a hundred or so years ago.
I think he's just hammering the point because of the accusation of it originating in the US.
Yes but this should have been the narrative day one. Fucking hell he listened to that smarmy 666 owner and not Navarro.
The chinese started a war by releasing a bioweapon on the world. Then trying to shift the blame to the US.
It was a policy of the province of BC before we joined Canada in the 19th century.
Hopefully. I'm bored as fuck
based orange man
Jordan Peterson mentioned it one of his old lectures, that there's a very strong link between authoritarian political opinions and the prevalence of infectious disease in a society
Actually based wtf
it used to be actual right-wingers and left-leaning libertarians pre-2018, but now yes we are currently being invaded by leftypol.
God I hope so
I usually dislike Trump quite a bit, but I like his insistence here. China shouldn't get away with this shit. It's their fault from the start, and they should be punished
based, bring the napalm.
He's trying to bait them into telling on themselves.
This, the Chinks stack up exotic animals on top of each other in cages pissing and shitting on each other and are surprised another new plague comes out of that hell.
good goy, do it again!
Seems like a war is about to go hot.
>implying he was wrong
fuck China and fuck dirty fucking Chinamen
because "chinese virus" is the only think he understood from all the briefings.
there will be no war so sit down you lazy faggots
COVID19 was created by Trump and the US military and a bio weapon against China. That is why Trump so aggressively pushes the “Chinese Virus” meme. That is also why he deleted the COVFefe tweet. Co V Fefe - corona virus fear!!!
This .. fuck all the chinese..disgusting subhuman insectoids. Exterminate them like the roaches they are.
god bless that rashist hero
What an obedient goy, die for israel. Your hate for chinks is totally based and we should really kill them all.
Definitely wouldn't be surprised if it was planted in Wuhan, near the bio facility, by the CIA. The wet markets and facility provide perfect cover. Although it's perfect cover cause it's very possible.
Nice time stamps
>It's 7 am central time zone where I am
They also literally attacked Trump so hard when he first banned travel from China back in early 2020, so he has every right to defend himself right now.
China is now also LITERALLY blaming the US for the virus (this was confirmed and it's not a rumor anymore), so what the fuck do they expect Trump to do? Just allow it?
Link the video please
A spade is a spade
Nothing mad man about it it’s not even extreme it’s just the truth
ong trump said a word holy shit this is gonna trigger the libs so much cough cough
He works for zionists as a blackmailed pedophile
Israel created the virus
Him saying chinese virus is because his Israeli handlers instructed him to
Ok Chaim, what time is it in tel aviv? 2PM? what did you have for lunch? Maybe clock in early today, you don't want to catch the wuhan flu.
China fucked up intensely and the least of their worries is a president who at least has the balls to call their bullshit the bullshit that it is. Chinese bullshit. Bang Ding Ow. Suk Mi Dik.
Pretty sure he actually said conservatives are motivated by disgust rather than hate or fear, the same disgust which germaphobes have towards germs.
Then he talked about how Hitler gased all the rats and didn't like impure vermin within the great German body.