MFW coastal city liberals are losing their minds because they know they are abought to be robbed and slaughtered by their precious nigger pets during the greatest and longest chimpout in US history.
Chimpout of the Century
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Trump and Powell enacted the right course of action by injecting liquidity into the markets. In times of crisis; it is fear more than anything else that causes social collapse.
No, happeningtards, there isn't going to be hyperinflation due to 500 billion getting pumped into the markets everyday. The USD is stronger than ever.
No, happeningtards, the economy will not collapse due to quarantines being imposed all over the country. People will still have their jobs and not get pinkslipped.
No, happeningtards, the US will not go full wuhan mode with hospitals collapsing and people dying in the streets thanks to the prudent decision by Trump and the FDA to roll out drive thru testing.
By April, this will all be a nothingburger meme. All this panic and emergency stocking up of TP and food for a nonexistent incoming depression is just low IQ people both on here and irl flipping out over fake news drummed up by the msm to destroy the Trump admin. We'll pull through.
Happening canceled morons.
One can only hope.
Youre forgetting that niggers are like pranhas when it comes to chimping out. All it will take is one nigger to loot before they all loot and then you have another LA Riots happening.
>coastal city liberals are losing their minds because they know they are abought to be robbed and slaughtered by their precious nigger
They'll flee to more conservative states and begin voting for people with ideals that brought their home state to such disarray. But hey, at least they're not racist, that's what matters.
now that's what I call cope! you must have been working on it all day.
I dont believe they are that stupid.
it's already happening, albeit on small and unnoticeable scale but it will only snowball from here
Have y'all checked twitter yet
Its gonna be LA riots again
I want to go back to normal I hope you're right.
I'm a cute little 21st century baby I need to be comfy.
I'm half nigger I won't chimp out I just want a humble lightskin life
Riots incoming
Stop it
Good news is they will be dead or dying in about a week after infection or so.
...and they are finding out it is much harder to get guns than they had been led to believe.
No everybody go back to normal except old people it's okay
Thats the white genes in your brain talking.
I live in a rural area and there have been 4 grocery related home robberies in my village of 200 or so. Everyone has guns but no one is using them.
Its ok god, I only take in the solace that the governments will no longer have money to pay the shlls to shitpost. Only the truest of shills, shill for free.
Why contain it? The niggers didn't prepare, and they will go after Asians and Whites for supplies. You know it's true.
This. Liberals usually have the means to escape the niggers they farmed for profit.
Does your family know you are off your meds?
>Everyone has guns but no one is using them.
What's the point in even having them if you're not going to use them.
Even whites can chimp out if need to.
Its already happening here mate. Londoners everywhere. They all vote labour. They all think the countryside is 'quirky'
You have to ban assembly. Any more than 2 negroes equals a chimp out.
Like that's gonna happen.
remember to live stream it for us white people to laugh at you
Idk everyone thinks they scare off intruders but they don't
Well duh no point having a threat if you don't live up to it.
Niggers only destroy their own neighborhoods when they chimp out, they fucking know better than to come to other peoples neighborhoods and pull that shit.
This. France too. Boomers benefitted from artificial gdp growth, then escape the urban dystopia of diversity, to the countryside. Real estate prices quickly soar to enslave the locals. Is there a more cancerous generation.
Quarantined city here. Niggers know rules don't apply to them. If anything, their packs feel like triumphant conquerors in the empty streets.
Imagine being American and not taking full advantage of the 2nd amendment.
>be nigger
>see another nigger
>It's just China
>It's just a flu
>It's just schools closed
>It's just shorter bar hours
>It's just all restaurants, bars, casinos.
>It's just 2 weeks
We are here
>It's just 2 months
>It's just cerfew
>It's just no right to assemble
>It's just FEMA fun camp
>be girl walking home from club
>have chance of being raped or mugged
>still dont own a gun
The one thing that could grant you true equality.
Rules are for white people and some Asians.
Raping and looting is time honoured tradition for black people.
> rape is for black people
Of course, every species has its behaviour. The obscene thing is that the cancer of liberalism has indoctrinated *whites* to accept nigger rules when niggers nigger, and to punish brutally the least sign of white virility.
Why contain it?
Doesn't need a hurricane, pandemic, or other public problem to cause widespread mugging, thievery, or store looting. They do it all the time year round. But it's true that natural disasters seem to cause them to have a much higher rate of looting.
Oklahomafag here. We've been getting a steadily increasing stream of Californians fleeing thier shithole for the past decade or so.
It's true, they're like locusts.
>Why contain it?
because many people like their parents and grandparents and don't want to inherit early due to all their age 60+ elders dying off.
>People will still have their jobs and not get pinkslipped.
Tell that to the people I'm renting this house from or my roommate. Anybody in the service industry is mega fucked for at least a year, from dumbasses who can barely flip a burger to trained chefs who can scratch make five-course meals. Pretty much any restaurant that isn't stupidly huge or well funded is going under if this goes on for more than a few weeks.
>No, happeningtards, the economy will not collapse due to quarantines being imposed all over the country. People will still have their jobs and not get pinkslipped.
got let go yesterday faggot
looters are going to be portrayed as working class heroes who were victimized by Trump by the judenpresse this time though.
They're just poor unprivileged black people.
>Basically saying they're children at any age
>Not responsible for their actions
>Nigs nig because they're nigs
>Only superior white leftists can help the Negro race.
t.Live in a >50% nigger city
Doubt having a gun is going to do that, if a rapist comes up from behind and grabs your arms then how are you supposed to get the gun out?
Checked and keked oh and memeflag
When white people chimp out it's going to be at an entirely different level.
Use a spoon?
I don't understand how everybody makes a single roll of toilet paper last so long. I poop at least four times a day, and I need a roll of toilet paper every time. First, I take a bunch of TP to layer the toilet seat so my butt doesn't get cold. Secondly, I place a wad of TP into the toilet bowl so that the water doesn't splash up. Thirdly, I can't poop all at once, so I go through multiple stages of pooping out a little nugget, and wiping everytime I do so. Once I'm empty, I take the rest of the TP left on the roll and cover up my poop, so that I can ensure that everything flushes properly. I can't be the only one who does this, right?
Yeah, I’m not going to pay attention to the opinions of people who can’t spell five-letter words.
The rapist will have to let go when he wants to take your panties off.
I'm actually glad I'm not the only person that is reminded of District 9 when viewing niggers native and natural behaviour.
>live in the Bronx
>in a nice neighborhood, 2nd floor of an old wooden house
>projects a couple blocks away
>started stockpiling resources as soon as the Chinese quarantine failed, I know how this shit goes
>just finished updating my little ready room, gun & ammo (all "totally compliant" with the municipal gun laws set by our fearless leaders) ready to go at a moment's notice
I'm praying to our Lord in Heaven Jesus Christ for a Rodney King level chimpout
>an old wooden house
they'll just burn it down bub
First post worst post, nice cringe picture too faggot
yep they are very good at organizing.
even in peacefull economic times you got like 100-200 get together to loot the local gas station
theres still too many cameras around. you will be tracked down easily by the police