Why does he keep calling it the "chinese virus"

Why does he keep calling it the "chinese virus"

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because it's yet another one of their hoaxes to tank the US economy, like global warming

you're right, it's redundant phrasing

everything from china is a virus

Because Zhongshan is in China you fool.

Shanghai shivers is the correct term

Chinese origin virus

Why do they keep calling it the Spanish Flu ??

Because it triggers his critics and makes them look retarded to moderates.

Because bat soup is a chinese recipe.

Cov fefe?

The correct term is sweet 'n' sour sicken

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The Wuhan Woozies.


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COVID-19 isn't catchy

To incite a war, of course

>2 minutes ago

Chinese Origin Virus Fever Fest = Covfefe

corona virus disease

Because the chinks spread disinformation about how the virus supposedly came from the US. Trump is doing the right thing by needling the Chinese fuckwits until they get their shit together.

because it's WW3 time boys. we're about to decimate those chinks. china will be occupied US territory. chang will hang.

because the world shouldn't forget that the global consequences are a result of an oppressive government with low health and safety standards, and learn from it

I love that he's calling it this.
It's good to remind people of Chinese (and by extention, Asian) subhumanity.

While we're at it, can we all agree to start calling it "American Obesity"?

This. It's a political move. Literally no one gives a fuck except for the colored hairs. The way the DNC will react is idiotic and will cost them votes.
>the first priority of dealing with the epidemic is ending racism
Well golly you sure do got my vote, said no moderate ever.

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t. Chang

I prefer commievirus

You know all those markets with all kinds of filthy animals (or exotic you could say) caged, slaughtered and skinned alive etc etc. That's all over china and their cities are packed with people so a virus that originated from an animal has a pretty good chance to be transmitted to humans. It's not an "if" but a "when" kind of deal.
China is fucking filthy.

The ching chong bung lung.

Spread this around as if the CCP was paying you to

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What else is it? Wuhan flu also sounds ok I guess.


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For the same reason you call it "ebola"

The Wu Flu
The Slant eyes sneeze
The chink caugh

Because it is a virus that originated in China.

Just eat fucking everything that breathes, what could go wrong?

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Cringe but redpilled.

the shenzhen shake

>call it chinese virus cause it literally came from china
>tried covering it up, bad look
>critics, dnc etc end up defending china, same idiots who hated china in 2019 cause of "concentration camps"
>majority of people are pissed at china, except left leaning sjw nut jobs
>dnc and the media does everything in their power to win over the left leaning idiots by defending china and attacking trump, they end up looking desperate and crazy as always
>trump ends up winning cause he, believe it or not, is not defending western civilizations enemy no.1, but standing up against the country that literally the entire world hates right now

Its because china is trying to blame it on the us now, to deflect from what they did. I call it chink aids and fuck them if they call me racist, I don't fucking care because I am racist. Cock sucking chink faggots.

covering for the real culprits

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To piss urban retards off. It’s working.

Why do we call the Spanish flu the Spanish flu, point of origin.

because it is

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Why the fuck do you care, nigger?

yep I think initially he called it the corona virus but when he realized how buttmad lefties get when you call it the chinese virus, he started to adopt that. I think it's awesome, these SJWs are once again defending an indefensible argument. It literally came from China, EVERYONE knows it.

Because the chinks tried blaming the US Army for it.

Same reason for all his other infantile nicknames. He's a petty manchild.
That and he's gotta deflect from his failures on this somehow, and playing on his base's racism is the easiest way to do it.

His fanbase thinks libruls don't want it to be called Chinese so he panders to them. They think it's based he's somehow triggering them and they forget he's doing nothing to stop it.

Lest we forget

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Because the Chinese are responsible for the virus. They're also responsible for trying to hide that the outbreak was happening. China is responsible for this disaster and China must compensate the rest of the world.

because he's childish

Not really, it's his manchild behavior that look retarded to moderates.
He's just counting on you shutting down your brain as soon as he does a racism. Which you did.

For me? It's the Oriental Bug



fuck off

yup, well it's two things: 1. establish that it's Chinas fault and that they are not to be trusted, 2. trigger people that hate him anyway

Because too many people are realising that it is the JEWISH CORONAVIRUS, and Trump is just a fat boomernigger shabbos cocksucker for the jews.

That’s fucking why.

Unironically this

You mean the uwuhan flu?

He's fighting chinese propaganda that seeks to rewrite history and portray the virus as western made.

Beijing bug

Do the chinese just go to the nearest creek in the early morning, empty their traps and then sell every poor critter they caught?

Call it the Zionist virus.
That's what it is.
To kill anyone who is a threat to the JWO.
It's the thin end of the wedge, I see war by June 2020.