Why does user like "Red Pill" and Guy Fawkes?

Red Pill: Comes from Alice In Wonderland, a book written by a pedo. Popularized by The Matrix, a film that elevated women and people of color, written by two transgendered women. Same two who made the "user" mask.

What's the deal here user?

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Satanic pedophiles ran Hollywood before selling it to the bag holding Chinese. So all culture which derives from tv and movies is poisoned and must be purged.

As a result we will need to very quickly
Recover a library of entertaining and satisfying “classics” so we’re gonna shorten copyright to 3 years and lighten tons of intellectual property restrictions.

Ultimately it comes from Plato's Cave.

That's what I'm curious about - why are we using their language?

Then why not "unchain me" instead of "redpill me"?

Because a lot more people have seen the Matrix than have read Plato in this day and age.

It's a term they understand.

It's just a concept that people are familiar with.

If we called it something different people wouldn't know what it was. Redpill = information that wakes you up.

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>written by two trans women

user those are two mentally Ill men there is no such thing as a “trans woman”

Shut the fuck up newfag, if you don’t like it go make your own board with your own vernacular

Same reason you see these fascist conservative puppets walking out at political rallies blaring "Born in the USA" while hordes of brain dead suburban cucks cheer them on. Is it any surprise when these sekrit club hive mind types fail to comprehend the source material of their own pseudo rebellious language/memes. Hey guys let's rebel against the crowd by defending the status quo and doing exactly what the ruling elite have wanted us to do for thousands of years, directly contradicting the messages/warnings of all our heros and favorite stories growing up. A complete fucking lack of self awareness.

Here's a mindbender for you: You can use material in ways not intended by the original author.

Consider what a meme is.

A solid point, I'll give you that.

Damn right, spastic.

>written by two transgendered women
actually it was written by two men who were sissified by BDSM sex and ketamine injections

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Eh, this entire board is reactionary spastic garbage, I feel no shame

there's literally nothing wrong with being reactionary toward progressive liberalism

Towards liberalism* fixed that for you

>*wank* I'm *wank* so *wank* high *wank* on *wank* my *wank* own *wank* farts *wank*

Because it is easily to access for the masses.

We took "red pill" and make it something real, that's why. The same is true for "based". Words are just words, what is important is a meaning, and most important is that meaning shared by many!

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no other type of liberalism currently exists.

>Ultimately it comes from Plato's Cave.
Could you elaborate more on this user, I want to know

> I still think liberals and progressives aretl the same boat so I'm going to react like a retard when anyone corrects me

Ok retard

>Come in
>Regale us all about how everyone is so dumb but you
>Get shut down in once sentence
>No really, it is you who are the dumb ones!

>Still has no idea what liberalism is

that user has some major anal retention issues


Plato has Socrates describe a group of people who have lived chained to the wall of a cave all of their lives, facing a blank wall. The people watch shadows projected on the wall from objects passing in front of a fire behind them, and give names to these shadows. The shadows are the prisoners' reality.

Socrates explains how the philosopher is like a prisoner who is freed from the cave and comes to understand that the shadows on the wall are not reality at all, for he can perceive the true form of reality rather than the manufactured reality that is the shadows seen by the prisoners. The inmates of this place do not even desire to leave their prison, for they know no better life. The prisoners manage to break their bonds one day, and discover that their reality was not what they thought it was. They discovered the sun, which Plato uses as an analogy for the fire that man cannot see behind. Like the fire that cast light on the walls of the cave, the human condition is forever bound to the impressions that are received through the senses. Even if these interpretations (or, in Kantian terminology, intuitions) are an absurd misrepresentation of reality, we cannot somehow break free from the bonds of our human condition—we cannot free ourselves from phenomenal state just as the prisoners could not free themselves from their chains. If, however, we were to miraculously escape our bondage, we would find a world that we could not understand—the sun is incomprehensible for someone who has never seen it. In other words, we would encounter another "realm", a place incomprehensible because, theoretically, it is the source of a higher reality than the one we have always known; it is the realm of pure Form, pure fact.

the translation is a bit shit

Appreciate it.

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Whatever happen to "put on the glasses"?

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Let's say none of us has visible chains and our eyes are open. Red pill is an allegory of freeing mind. Dont know what Wachowski intention was, but it work for me. Knowing deeper meaning withPlato's cave is great too. Yas Forums is an educational resource, I knew it

That's another goodie, but you have to be old to know it.

We ran out of bubblegum...

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trite pseudointellectual masturbatory garbage


keep masturbating and thinking you're accomplishing anything at all, it matters naught to me

Have you ever heard the term "start with the Greeks"?

Guess what Plato is.

>it matters naught to me
lol cringe.

licking some 2500 year-old cum off of a dusty book doesn't make you a genius


Does help a lot if you are trying to be intellectual. It's literally the foundation.

based double digit "it's poo if it ain't a haiku" davido

wtf it's true, I just checked and the Matrix is literally written by two trannies!

a highly-educated idiot

>doesn't make you a genius
LOL it's like high school philosophy, why are you so butthurt about it ?

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So why are you using the term "pseudointellectual"?

you seem upset :^)

>semantic games
looks to me like i've won this one

I'll take a wild guess:

It's because you're a fucking pseud.

lmao check this out

no u

>It's because you're a fucking pseud.

>no u

>And now he's just rolling around on the floor flailing his arms and screaming

wrong. i am sitting on the floor but not rolling. i'm right again :^)

So this is how they originally looked like when creating the Matrix? So we can safely say the Matrix wasn't created by trannies after all!

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Two dudes for sure, I guess they are even balding

The twist to the Matrix is this: Freeing your mind from the cave is bleak, depressing and undesirable. Remember the guy choosing to go back into the matrix to be happier?

Plato's cave, however, leads you out into the light of all that is good, pure and true. You find true meaning in the light of God. Hollywood elite take advantage of the fact that most youths will want to come out of the cave. They want to make it seem cold and undesirable; a dysyopian truth that's better off never examined.

Hey while you're at it, see if you can get someone to make an uncucked Star Wars Trilogy so we can retcon the last few cinematic abortions.

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Nailed it

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>heh maybe if I hang out on this nazi imageboard I can change a few minds

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I was always looking at it as a metaphor for fighting for better future, even if the reality is grim

Unfortunately no one can be told what the cave is; you have to see it for yourself.

>everyone on Yas Forums is the same
Fuck off. Using the word "redpill" seriously is cringe and gay.

>Lives in Asia
>talks about pseudointellectualism
oh i am laffin, aren't all cultures in Asia based a guy that preached social stability>all else like the good goy he was?