BREAKING: People with blood type O LEAST susceptible to coronavirus

People with blood type A MOST susceptible.

According to the paper, a blood type survey of 1,775 new coronavirus patients hospitalized in Wuhan hospital revealed that A type 38.8%, B type 26.4%, AB type 10%, O type 25.8%, and A type B Type O, type AB, and type AB were higher in order, and compared to the percentage of blood types in non-infected individuals, it was found that people with type O had a lower risk of infection than other blood types. Research conducted by the research team in other hospitals in Wuhan and in Shenzhen has shown similar results, with people with type A being at greater risk of infection than other blood types.

Someone post infograph of blood type percentages by race.

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Other urls found in this thread:

makes sense since A and B are antibodies and this virus is basically hijacked AIDS

Latinos are immune

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This actually make sense, south america have been fine for a while now.
Unfortunately I'm A+, bye bye anons.

>blood type percentages by race

Its not that simple.
Apes and aboriginals have type O blood, the oldest type. From mother Africa to the tip of South America, native people have O, it goes well with a caveman Atkins diet high in meat low in carbs.
6 to 10 thousand years ago, the agricultural revolution happened. Skeletal dental patterns, fecal fossils, and artifacts suggest mans diet changed drastically, from a hunter gatherer existence to a farmer or village. This caused an evolutionary adaptation, A blood, A for agrarian. They get fat and unhealthy from too much meat, but can thrive on grains like wheat and corn and rice and quinoa.
Deep in Asia, another mutation happened a few thousand years later. Type B is for barbarian, these were horse riding nomads. There is a pretty clear line, following the ancient Roman border in easter Germany, where east of there is a majority of Bs and west is Os and As. Ashkenazi jews have a lot of Bs because of the oriental lineage.
Maybe 2000 years ago some freaks evolved AB its a weird hybrid of the others.

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now redpill us on + and -

Type O- and 'T' master race reporting in.

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My father is type O negative. I hope I have the same bloodtype as him.

What's it say about B+?

I'm 65% Euro and 20% Native American and 15% random but I am O- what does this mean? Am I immune?

Do we shit-posters EVER stop winning??

>feels good, corona-chan

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O- here, redpill me on this? What does it mean? Are we immune?

wife O neg child A pos I’m B pos I’m foooked

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Bloodlines really matter

Based tan brethren

O negative
A, B, and AB fags are the sacrifice for Corona-chan, have fun.

post transvestic fenis or GTFO

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LOL spic mutt

they always have -- O's are the master race -- O+ are gods walking among insects

Attached: type-O_master_race.png (581x309, 13.41K)

Not gonna make it

>Middle of the Corona Pandemic in USA
>White women still in my DM's
Kek stay mad

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Pls continue, I want to hear more.


It's all to do with the ACE2 receptor. Apparently, the bugs are more susceptible to the damaging effects of Corona Chan, but Europeans aren't. Then you have the 'T Master Race' who are very rare in the Europool who are near invincible to her flirty manner.

How do I know if I have the Bullet proof tier T-type?

Actually, by that chart, AB+ is master race, can only give to same type, but can receive blood from anyone and be fine.

If you've ever tested on 23andme, FTDNA, etc.. then follow the instructions in the pic here

never tried self educating eh

>Not being -O to able to donate blood on the fly to your wife, children, family members or your bros regardless of blood type
>Not being able to save the lives of those you love if they're bleeding out and an immediate transfusion is required

A and B are antigens.

Groups O produce anti A and anti B antibodies.

T. Medical scientist

You are litreally retarded.

>take any old AIDS nigger's blood and be fine
>master race

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Tfw O Positive
I’m immune

Is this post bait? Your kid isn’t yours

I wanted his schizo version of the info user

Buy a blood typing kit. They're like $10, and you can do the test yourself.

tfw B

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>Apes and aboriginals have type O blood, the oldest type.
I'm Magyar master race -- literally, the "Engineers" of this species.

Albino nigger, please...

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>Don't even know my blood type
Who here /dice roller/

oh you’re right user. my wife’s son is a pos.

Has anyone seen an israeli flag on this site this last week? I just noticed they're gone

You must have master race blood... Why are you posting with a disgusting mutt flag tho'...?

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A- here, how JUSTed will I be?

mfw 0

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Well that's neat, shame I have the G allele though

>wife -o
>son A+
>you B+


Feels good to be part of the Master Race.

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Based. Firing up 23&me to see

>they're gone
They've barricaded themselves in... they knew about this happening long ago -- because they had their chink servants release C-virus.

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This nigga knows basic haemotology/genetics/punnet squares

Who else /0+chad/ her?

Nice pasta, saved.

I came back from China in mid-Jan - had a weird cold, but nothing that bad.

I'm O negative...

Hate to break it to anybody here, but if you have a wife/girlfriend who is a negative blood group and you have a possitive blood group and your wife didnt require a anti-D immunoglobulin injection during pregnancy, the kid isnt yours.

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>One of us!

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Ayyylmaos have come back to purge the mudblood humans with no alien genes

What a time to be alive

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Just be positive man

This is bullshit. The Chinese certainly don’t have A or B blood, they’re 99.99% O. A and B blood (and AB) are almost exclusively European blood types not found within niggers or East Asians.

It’s SARS, it’s a coronavirus. There is no room for anything AIDS. It’s not a genetically modified coronavirus containing HIV, that’s not even possible in the way you are claiming. How would that even work? You’re parroting a Sorcha Faal bullshit story.

>Chinese certainly don’t have A or B blood, they’re 99.99% O
C.O.P.E. 2020

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O Negative master race checking in.

>type O LEAST susceptible to coronavirus
>O type 25.8%
>AB type 10%
leaf logic is nigger logic

Blood donations must be low at the moment. Might be a good time to give some blood to find out my type.

My kids, wife, and I are all O+

Probably bait but compare to the rates in the general population.

I have blond hair and blue eyes and blood type O though

>AB-negative isn't rarest blood type
Nice burger logic

I think I have that blood type that can be donated to anyone no matter their type. What kind is that?

>70 replies and not reference to one of the greatest bands eber!!


I wish I knew my blood type. I have no idea. I asked my doctor and he said he does not know either. Even though he has my blood samples to check for diabetes and other sicknesses. Feel like it is impossible to know.

They give it to all negative women as a precaution

You seriously dont know your blood type?
>absolute state of mutts

They didnt even test it on my version

> Columbians

Americans are insanely retarded

I seriously believe this. I know you're bullshitting, but this is beyond any doubt an Israeli thing. They have a history of doing disease warfare, so it's on them. They need to be bomed to death.


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Answer is literally in this thread
fucking burgers

My blood is special. I am immune for sure, we had shlomo and victor add the jew immunity to the virus before selling it to the chinks.

A+ is what% kill

If you've ever done a DNA ancestry test you can find out by doing

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blood type O is an alien trait inserted into our genome. Since ancient aliens descended across the world, it is seen across countries especially in south America. it did not evolve naturally. if it did evolve naturally, it would be confined to a single race.

let me give you a quick rundown
>be ayyylmao
>want to blanda up with humans
>antigens on our blood makes this hard
>genetic engineer humans to have type O blood
>maybe make a few more tweaks
>release humans back into the wild

So which blood type is objectively superior? O+ or O-?

O- obviously.

Big kill, same train I'm on. Watch your back A+ brother.

there is very little research done about the Rhesus (RH+ or RH-) group.

It does not appear to affect resistance to disease like the A/B/O antigens do

but it is an antigen. So what said is generally considered to be true.

O+ not-quite-masterrace reporting in

Its like how an old vidya console can be converted to be used now with hdmi, but hdmi consoles can nrver go back to vga

>Universal donor
>Literally good goy blood


Gone? I am fighting the UN anti israel shills here since the first meme war.

I have memeflags blocked, but I can still see Israelis. Maybe they all switched to memeflags since they know they're guilty as fuck and want to lay low.

Look what I found

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>Soros's lab in Wuhan
>chink-jew tied go back 1,500 years
>jews built shanghai
>chinks worship the NY kike -- the worst of their daemonic kind
>key strategic port being being handed to chinks in 2021
>chinks to move on Taiwan at the same time (100-year anniversary of communism)
>mutts will be debilitated for, at least, the next 2 years...

I've given up on trying to red-pill -- others are doing that anyway. I now just shit-post truths with tongue firmly in cheek...

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