Russia's Coronavirus

Zero deaths? Still? Something doesn't smell right.

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All that Vodka is making the Virus too drunk to do anything.

Cuz we gud, not like you, eurocucks

The people who die are stripped of citizenship, so they aren't going into statistics

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They are working with the US to take down globohomo bloodsuckers

russia stronk

Over 400 infected in Israel with zero deaths

Putin just lies. It's easy when you know how.

>being Russian
>believe your gov shit
>believe the virus is not ramming the asses of thousands people
>getting infected
>still believing you are safe

Can't die to corona if AIDS kills you first.

Dont trust official numbers,
Much less numbers from totalitarian goverments.
They have to put up a 'strong' act so the peons dont get ideas.
Lies allways crumble tho sooner or later.
A lie will allways be a lie.

They drink themselves to death or get killed in road rage incidents before the disease even shows symptoms.

Doing a lying contest with Germans

Well we closed borders very early, instead of hugging diseased chinks like you did.

It seems they are taking the threat seriously.

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>Well we closed borders very early, instead of hugging diseased chinks like you did.

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There is no radiation

this is how a real country does things

Kissing holy things helps
but only after the 88888888x person

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They just write them off as pneumonia deaths
There's no proper decontamination thought, it's all for show

I love those threads, they're full of pathetic W*stoid cope.

Same with Cambodia and Vietnam
Something's off with the number of cases too

You know we have internet here right and their relatives would be whining about that on day one?

didnt chernobyl tought you anything? They always hide disasters until they can't

They have no relatives, they only have duty
On a serious note, most Russians are absolute npcs, they don't know shit and don't ask questions.


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I assume its like india and africa in that simply no one cares to notice. Life is cheap in shit countries.

Everything is okay here dude, the problem is you all are eurocuckolds living in absolutely cuckold states

Putin wont allow his slaves and peasants to stop

The shit is gonna explode in a few days

>Russian libshit and westerncucks coping

go jack off to your vk cuckold porn slavcuck

Based Russian bro

He's right you know.

Its probably the alcohol blood content of your average Slav

keep sucking commie dick, sergej

After perpetual common cold it's kinda easier to shrug off respiratory diseases.
Also, most of our boomers are already dead.

russia is the biggest cuckold country in history. You fucking jack off while your women bang foreigners for the last thousand years.

Slavs are resistant to corona, 0 deaths and fastest recovery rates in all slav countries

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ok Taras

Simple answer, slavic master race.

>posting on Yas Forums while Olga fucks foreign men for money
Sergei more like sogay

Funny slave. Take of the shelf your cow's anus

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I see Russia is infected with q tardrdness too.


The hospital in Chabarovsk (500k population) is reporting for duty.

Look who's talking

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checked and Rusvodkabased.

sigmund freud was right and I hit the nail on the head by your inadequate reaction. Go to psychiatrist, australian cuckold.

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They didn't fuck around and basically closed borders. Though the major cities are starting to get large clusters. Not to mention, no one goes to minor or rural cities much to begin with.

>look who's talking

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We were the first to completely cut traffic with china so our infection timeline got delayed significantly, and by looking at what the fuck happens with other countries we prepared better
Nothing special really, just early reaction

Statistically you cannot die if you arent being counted.

suck my dick, faggot. Like you had to do during conscription

Yep, you are prepared very well, also jesus gives you strength.

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Awesome, now we know where the cure is! Russfags, our governments are deliberately exposing us to a deadly virus, help us out!

Coronavirus is fake and Russia refuses to participate. The "Russian" cases are all people tested by the WHO.

India seems low....

>Russians waiting to pray in churches before confinment
>Westerners waiting to buy drugs from niggers before confinment

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The russian jew outs himself in pain as he cries to jewmund Shekelmund Mindbender and banter master freud for DNA help.
you are not even white you are a dirty stinking vermin believing in freud.

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>all that projecting
This coming from russian is amazing. How many centuries have your women been banging foreign men?
You have a social media service full of cuckold porn enjoy by russian "men".
Your media uses it for advertising
Slavs are natural cucks.
Cucked by every race in the world.
Your women will sleep with ANYONE but russian "men"
Every russian famous woman boasts about sleeping with foreigners and russians love it.

Anglos are the biggest producers and consumers of cuckold porn
In fact you started the entire fetish about it

dude the public in russia only found out now that they have HIV problem and do you want to pile a coronavirus on top of that

Based Slavs.

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>all those faggots seething that we are better than them
what a wonderful sight
get fucked non-russian filth

You clearly don't know about the afghan/russian drug trafficking that's been going on for a decade or more.
The arabs are drowning the russian borders with heroin.

Only Russians have an official Russian facebook that hosts cuckold porn for russians lol.
During the world cup russians actually encouraged their women to have kids with foreigners. You are cucks!

Liberashkas seething

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>that one assblasted aussie

you love non-russian filth in your sister

The coronavirus got depressed and died of alcohol poisoning. Coronavirus is too puny to survive in Russia.

Testing of everyone from corona countries (122k so far), everyone who coughs wears a mask, tens of thousands under basically house arrest, both those suspected of contact with corona and their family members, facial recognition (and probably cell phone signals) are used to find 200+ evaders. Next stage, mass testing, is being rolled out. Big companies already have everyone work from home. Borders with China closed within days of corona starting, borders with ex-USSR also closed as corona spreads there and they have no resources to contain it. Basically just acting in advance and having sufficient capacity.

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More lick кyкoлдoшизик on vpn.

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I know that Russia have serious drug issue, but i doubt they are at our level desu.
Litteraly everyone took drug during my scolarity.

>The arabs

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the virus cant kill another virus

They are just stronger people. Not scared like other races.

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