Is he insane? Or has the mask slipped?
Dutch PM wants coronavirus to spread
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I am 100% sure you either didn't read or misinterpret the article. Virtually every country is currently practicing a "controlled spread" as we can no longer contain the spread entirely.
You mean uncontrolled. Because at the moment that's how it spreads.
i'd say it's a major slip
>muh herd (i.e. goyim) immunity
Everyone has given up on containment, everyone is looking to control the spread.
Herd immunity theory. Same thing Denmark is doing
That's basically the only thing anyone can do.
All we can do here is slow it to the point of not overflowing medical services. That's what the conferences lately have amounted to, and frankly I dont disagree with that.
Until we perfect a vaccine all we have is our own immune systems and that's kind of a roll of the dice for all of us. Even the ones that "should" make it through might not. That doesn't mean we start pissing on one another on the streets because we cant afford for all of us to be sick at the same time. The recommendations to keep distance and tighten up hygiene are just a way of slowing it, and we should slow it, but we're well beyond the point of containment.
I dont really think keeping the sick at home with their families is a great idea though. That could easily make things unintentionally worse.
That only works with vaccines. The Danes are insane.
I think you may be shocked to learn how vaccines work.
>he thinks you can vaccinate for this
You fucking mongs Denmark has had tanks shutdown the borders and in a full and complete lockdown for 7 days now
You’re the mongs doing herd immunity
I was scrolling to ensure this was indeed posted.
Good job.
meanwhile Italy wants migrants to spread
a controlled spread is exactly what other countries are doing right now with quarantines and blah.
it just means you slow transmission down and this way your hospitals and ICUs never get overwhelmed (or you buy time to make the required improvements)
We are pretty much on lockdown now, gatherings of above 10 illegal
Bars, haircutters, restaurants, cinemas, shopping malls shut down
Alcohol gel mandatory in supermarkets
A million people sent home, schools have been closed
Borders closed to foreigners
Is this the board with lowest reading comprehension and critical thinking skills or is there one that's dumber?
>Import brown people who rape, kill, steal and murder
>Give them money
>Jail whites that say anything bad about the process
>Infinite other transgressions against the native people
That's not the way it works
Lockdown is a controlled spread. Lockdown will come inevitably, when people start dying in queues for the hospital.
Fake news, liar. Go eat bat soup, Chang.
The virus is not going away so what he says is we have no choice but to get used to it. ( develop immunity ) but slowly so as not to flood hospitals all at once.
Hungarian posters are incredibly low IQ they consumed so much Orban propaganda they think every headline they read is about the destruction of the world
thats because they fucked up already.
Herd immunity now or herd immunity later. It's the flu, bro.
Sociopathic politicians deserve to get vaccinated with heavy metal in quick dosages while lined up against a wall.
Kek, just now, our head of the Dutch CDC Jaap van Dissel said; "A controlled spread is not possible.
>Herd immunity theory
Isn't that exactly the same as doing nothing and waiting for the natural equilibrium?
I am glad there is at least one half-sane nation left in Western Europe.
It is the same principle as crumple zones in cars. Spread the impact over a longer time.
you first dummy. if you can get reinfected, this plan doesn’t work.
These people have absolutely no clue how human body or immunity works, even less what a virus is. They been spreading flu viruses for decades, only create more sick people, not immunity.
Worked out in wuhan, I guess.
If you don't mind having millions die.
then why is it happening
Those swampfucks think it's like handling a dam: better slowly letting the water in than having it break.
It's propaganda words, governments (mind control in Latin) have to appear to have control. Saying that they control the spread basically means they want people to get it. Because if they had control and didnt want people to get it, they wouldnt.
I don't understand why we help cure Africa of smallpox and malaria and AIDS then, let it spread. We save economy. The problem is these evil people create economy by stealing and selling native land to hungry niggers.
Herd immunity chads present
You know what the funniest thing about this is?
Him saying this guaranteed his party winning the next elections.
Which is what it should have been done in the first place. The reason they're so adamant in defying nature's law is this God complex humanity has developed, thinking that our science and technology can oppose it. They're only delaying the inevitable, causing an enormous global recession on top of it. Of course there is lots of power and money to be seized in this once-in-a-lifetime chance, so why let it go to waste? The governments are taking advantage of this to show us that even in the first world we're never truly free.
Literally doing nothing and letting the virus run its course would have been the best solution.
Close the borders to this open air insane asylum NOW
Enjoy your virus then.
Why don't we take sacrifices then and take gloab recession? So you basically saying you prefer economy over people. Great to know, but next time don't complain when i rape a toddler.
Those crazshy Dutch! That's what happensh when you shmoke too musch hash
Y-you too.
I really hope those asshats get infected themselves.
Let them have a taste of their own herdimmunity.
pretty much everyone in the eu is a psychotic
Lets sell Rutte's children and family to sexual slavery. When we rape his children every day by pack of niggers we will make a lot of money and save economy, which will produce economic growth.
They are saving their jobs and protect their banking buddies, they have zero clue what work or real life is all about.
>millions die
>from very mild flu-like symptoms
based. pozzing you guys with HIV-Coronachan will ensure him an election win.
>Until we perfect a vaccine all we have is our own immune systems and that's kind of a roll of the dice for all of us.
Coronaviruses are unvaccinable. The common fucking cold is one and we just roll with it. They don't care about our lives, they're just trying to save face and whilst they're at it show us who's in charge.
Where my /herd/ bros at?
EVERY Covid death is the fault of our greedy corrupt globohomo traitor manwhore elites. As soon as there were reports of millions of people being quarantined in China they should have closed the borders INSTANTLY. But they didn't, they didn't give a shit and now thousands are going to die or be crippled for life. If anyone you know dies, REMEMBER EXACTLY WHOSE FAULT IT IS, THE CORRUPT OPEN BORDERS ELITES IN FINANCE AND GOVERNMENT
>mild flu-like symptoms
Like pneumonia?
Have you noticed that the whiter the race is, the less containment they're willing to do on this virus?
Unless you’re going to shut down society and wall the country off from the world for a year or more (waiting for a vaccine) this is the only way out. You need those least likely to need medical care - kids - to get it first, then start going up the age/health range - 20s, 30s - until you’ve established a herd immunity that life can return to semi-normal.
Bold of you to assume Rutte has any children
It could have been controlled, but every western leader decided to sit with their thumbs in their asses for over a month while believing the commie chink data
We need to gang rape Rutte's children and if they don't develop herd immunity then they didn't contribute to economy. Lets start there with herd immunity, why should i be the Paki herd immunity victim? Rutte's children need to be part and parcel'd.
It's the same with mass immigration, our countries are ran by GLOBALISTS WHO HATE US
Well i am sure we will find some ISIS fighters who can herd immune his ass somewhere.
I know full well why he wants to do what he wants to do. It's just that people won't be receptive of the idea because the "leadership" has destroyed all social capital through globalism. "I'll go out there and risk death for my wonderful country of browns." Not happening.
Yeah if you're over 70 or immuno-compromised.
Calm down, nigger.
We get it, you get off to rape fantasies.
You don't have to share your fetishes with us.
>I dont really think keeping the sick at home with their families is a great idea though. That could easily make things unintentionally worse.
This is well known now. China has succeeded for the time being because they’ve forced people into monitored quarantine at facilities away from their homes/families. The problem is the discipline needed to do that.
>something is happening, therefore it's uncontrolled.
Retard alert. Ever hear of control burns for forestry? Same here. We're all minimizing peak so everything doesn't collapse, while pushing through it with herd immunity as fast as possible.
Its a tightrope every country will walk. Inevitably some will fall off. The UK will obviously hit critical peak soon. We'll know in a couple weeks if the US will. Some major cities will I predict, namely the giant urban coastal areas with high illegal, homeless & nigger populations. Middle & southern Florida will simply because of all the boomers.
Yeah we are fucked, most people here don't even take it serious, barely anyone wearing masks outside, extreme shortages of PPE in hospitals etc. etc. Our CDC says we are on the red curve right now.
That Thierry cringing. He knows we are screwed with this incompetent RIVM. Just watch how we start lockdown next week
Absolutely this. If this gets worse I hope that their mansions get burned down and they will finally get the cruel deaths they deserve.
(All my posts are satire)
>The problem is the discipline needed to do that.
That's true but have you started to POO IN LOO?
Or unlucky because many 20/30 years old are now under respirators
I don't care about the economy or what crimes you commit, I care about my own future. Before this shit I had decent chances of building a career and future in my home country, now there is a huge chance it turns into Greece 2.0 and completely alters my plans.
Let's not pretend everyone isn't out for themselves here, I have seen this solidarity charade way too many times to fall for it again.
Slips like this occur when there isn't time to condition the message from their reptilian overlords.
>The problem is the discipline needed to do that.
Some femshit in gobberment today said socializing is still encouraged albeit with social distancing in mind
This shit will ghrow uncontrollably. They are still sending out mixed signals to the people. Only thoser with ernough braincells can see the shit storm coming while all the retards are out and about. No one is even wearing a mask lmaooooo
This gun be guud. This burger just got STEROIDS
Praise KEK
Why should i calm down and who says i am not calm? Why should politicians be protected in their oak offices? Lets send them to ghetto and as prostitutes for ISIS, lets send their whole families there, i can be the pimp who will create economy out of them. You need to grow up and stop protecting these people who literally replace and torture populations for economy. Lets fight fire with fire. You think i have a problem smashing their skulls? It's just herd immunity bro. Fuck the laws if you going to claim sacrifice is the way to go, i am not going to play your delivery boy any longer.
Normies won't listen lockdown soon thanks to them
At some point we all have to acknowledge that this isn't incompetence anymore, but malice.
After the migrant crisis I have serious doubts that our government are just idiots who don't know what they are doing and that instead they are acting out of genuine hatred for the people they are ruling over.
we are never going to recover from such humiliation
take our women viking herdchads
I’m just visiting (for the next couple months probably now). I’m hoping they at least stop fucking spitting everywhere: if anyone does that around me now I yell at them and they’re at least ashamed.
This is the same terrone who said that he'd rather see grandpa die of coof rather than attempt a lockdown
Yes, fuck crime and FUCK MONEY TOO. I will print money, if you don't take my highway, my economy then i will blow your brains out. That's how it looks like in real world herd immunity boy. Let sacrifice rules work for everybody if you going to play mr. Mad Max.
Last time someone linked an article about a """""healthy""""" young person being hospitalized by corona, it turned out they had asthma. Obviously lung conditions and respiratory infections aren't going to mix well.
Not saying it's impossible, but I'm not buying into the hysteria.
the irony is the virus will get them but they are too psychotic to understand by protecting their country they save themselves. Psychotics lack a sense of self preservation.
how easy would it be to fire a couple of missiles into the dykes and turn the infected zone back into South Doggerland
the netherlands have only half the number of icu beds the italians have.
if the virus spreads fast, they are fucked.
kek, all the iculets do the herd immunity thing because its the only thing they can do.