Was jesus alien form other planet/dimension?

Was jesus alien form other planet/dimension?

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Unless you consider Jews aliens.

Bump for interest

>I am from above
>you are from below
Jesus wearing VR headset confirmed.

why did church recorded ufo's in painting through centuries if aliens dont exist?

maybe heave and hell are codewords for other dimensions ?

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Jesus is a myth

more believable than some all knowing god deciding to knock up a jewish woman and then have his son killed to make up for our sins, instead of just making us be perfect

Weren't those other jews that accused Jesus not really jews though? Also I've heard Jesus is from Venus.

what did the church knew about jesus origins?

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to me too , its more logical explanation that marry was impregnating on starship than some ''beam of light of god'' .

most marry paintings have ufos too,pic related .

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What really bother me is that, if this is true, then the whole Q thing...
>God wins
>No escaping God
It kinda gives it a different flavor doesn't it?

Absolutely. What exactly is this "god" and what game is he "winning"?

what do you mean ?i dont get q correlation and christ teachings

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he was dark skinned and had white woolly hair

I wish I knew. But for more fun stuff to look at, here's a symbol that is synonymous with Pleaidians. See anything familiar?

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Because Jesus said himself, my father is God, right? So are he and Q talking about the same God? Disclosure's been speculated at with the whole happening lately.

Pleiadians are made up Kabbalah bullshit.

Yes. Sirius B.

Is that authentic? what the fuck...

From the dimension of heaven,

Yeah, it's a terrifying thing to find one's self in the hands of a living God. God is our father in heaven, that means space. We need to be born from above. The Spirit isn't from this Earth. What if Q is the last stand of Christianity. What if the satanists and pedophiles really are arrested during this storm? And when God returns from the clouds, the anti-christ's minions shall try to hide themselves without being able to do so.

making wine out of water, separating sea,instan healing people , yeah surely not a high tech civilization playing with humanity to force it into more love orientated development .

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I hope you're right, because I don't trust the "channelers" that associate with them. I suppose you feel the same about the Urantia (alien Bible)?
Personally, I haven't read it.

Back... Go Back..

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Maybe those are just human aircraft remnants from a previously advanced high tech civilization, possibly antideluvian. Could be from the hollow portion of the Earth if there is one.

Is Jesus was an alien I think he could of come up with a better religion than the bullshit that Christianity is.

You guys jump to ridiculous conclusions, other dimensions? outer space? nigga please, that shit can be explained right here on the flat Earth. I know that bothers you.

What is Christianity, user? tell me.

How can anyone prove the authenticity of these paintings is my question.

i agree that god is working through higher dimensional alien species to save humanity

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i have personally had jesus teleport to my house and stop me from committing suicide. He is a real life brown/black/bronze colored dude who got superpowers.

Don't trust aliens, they're fallen angels AKA demons that walked the earth before the flood. These were remembered as the pagan "gods".

could be ,inner earth folk visiting plebs

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The Earth is flat with a dome, there is no outer space. You can't tell me where God is in your model of reality, i can. God is literally above us in Heaven past The Firmament, sometimes He comes down and talks mad shit and murders people. Fuck God.

I reject God and all He stands for, strike me dead faggot i don't give a shit. Fuck all of you.

they are in national museums of england,germany ,france .... some painting even made by davinci ....

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Its a religion festering in corruption (your proof is martin luther and pedophiles in the catholic church) which has not scientific proof, just lovely stories about miracles that are somehow supposed to convince an educated 21st century human that Christian is real.

Also Hell is the most evil thing imaginable. Hell makes genital mutilation look like a walk in the park. Hell is genital mutilation, while having your teeth ripped out with pliers and your kneecaps drilled into FOR ETERNITY.

Any g-d that creates hell is an evil g-d.

HA! fuck love you worthless faggot. It's all bad.



Double HA!

Fucking FAGGOT.

No. He was a word in a Jew book that was used to brainwash whites into acting against their own collective interest.

I can believe that, but the pleadian aspect keeps me skeptical. This is a world where smear tactics are commonplace; saw the floor out from under your enemies.
So when I see people going off on reptilians, or on the devil, or any other trope that connotes evil, it makes me think of what's going on with all of us in the world as it stands. Lots of smear tactics. Why are they necessary? The idea of heaven should sell itself.
Why are you doing that?

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well yeah.. he was the son of God

you are using stone age vocabulary to explain type 3 interdimensional civilization,lmao ,get your shit together .

while glow niggers go into induced comas and trip on dmt to other dimensions you still believe litterally every word on bilble .

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>he was the son of god!
>but he is also god!
Jesus, christianity is some bullshit.

The firmament just means heaven as we see it. It's not some actual dome. The Earth is a planet.

So as not to desentise myself to the word. I believe in G-d and everytime I say his name I want to feel a sense of wonder.

That doesn't prove their authenticity you guillable moron.

The Bible tells you obey God or you're dying forever instead of living forever, that's what The Bible says. Christianity has nothing to do with The Bible, The Bible doesn't make faggot appeals. It threathens you.

People don't go to either Heaven or Hell you fuckhole, only Satan and the demons go to Hell. Unbelievers just die forever, if i'm wrong correct me with biblical passages and verses and phrases and all that GAY SHIT.

Nobody goes to Heaven either, we remain in the Kingdom of Heaven in the flat Earth forever, probably in a perfect body. Chilling with Jesus.

Or whatever.

Your ass is mine, don't diss pedophiles. The Catholic Church are the OG gangsters, mad props. Tekashi 6ix9ine pedophile rapper WOOP WOOP.

Keeping g ain't nuthing, you ain't gotta like it cause the hood gon love it. If the coronavirus gets me i will have died from a worldwide pandemic.

Going out like a motherfucking titan.

More likely than a "divine supernatural (unreal) being".

Not the worst idea, using the Bible as a reference point. Especially if you're investigating the root language (Hebrew) alongside of it.

The Firmament means what's below The Dome, don't make shit up faggot you think flat Earthers don't know their Bible? this shit's legit. I always supected it.

PRO TIP: fully admit you hate Godfuck, otherwise the curse will be tremendous. It's the key mistake the Jews commit. If you want to remain operational a degree of honesty is nessesary.

They had 20th Century tech in 1600.

Attached: The Glorification of the Eucharist 1600.jpg (1280x1750, 410.47K)

Jesus is an EXTREMELY overrated figure. For a supernatural being, his teachings were extremely normal.

Ain't nuthing but a g thang. I just felt like saying it, you want beef? no you don't, fucking vegan.

>so you are saying angels possibly are human civilization from other dimension fighting satan military order from other dimension ????What?! are you conspiracy theorist??????????????

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I will never ever meet anyone from the shithole known as Uruguay who could ever give me an interesting intelligent conversation. Your education is poor and your idea of intelligence is unevolved.

HA! keep hating on Jesus and see where that gets you.


You fucking kidding me? the antideluvian civilization prolly had all sorts of shit.

when various elites talk about breaking the glass ceiling, it's obvious they want to let something evil inside. and probably managed to do so in past, see pictures. but got btfo by something unknown

I don't believe in other dimensions or outer space. I'm 100% a materialist as a heuristic, i think The Bible does mention... i dunno, other shit. It's hard to make sense of it.

I've been saying it a while now, but I have extremely strong suspicions that the "aliens" aren't just from space; I think at least two varieties were here (native) before we were.

Operation Fishbowl.

No He was God in the flesh

I see a TV and a Radio. That aerial configuration is exactly like pic.

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We are living in a do-over of a previous time. All the "modern" tech we have now is probably hundreds or thousands of years old.

He was not from what i hear, i'm going with Jesus was just Jesus but he wasn't just a man. He wasn't God, he was God's sson and God was his Father.

Possible, but The Bible only mentions two great fadders. Adam and later Noah. Two iterations of civilization, not endless ones like the reincarnation theory posits.

If you catch my drift cowboy.

Jesus was the first man in a very long time to understand the mechanics of creation, life and more. He attempted to share that knowledge with the masses

those are ophanim, wheel-like angels guarding the throne.

Mormons please gtfo.

aliens arnt real
earth is a flat infinite plane
just like a video game
god is just playing CIV
sucks dont it

Jesus was some guy, kinda. Nobody AFAIK descends from Jesus. There's that Merovingian line theory, but i dunno. Jesus is kinda.. childish. Pure.

Beginning of the book of Ezekiel explains all of this. There are multiple classes of Angels described there. The whirling wheels etc... yes Jesus is an Alien if you want to call him that. Human beings were created in his image. Adam and Eve before the fall were perfect human beings with more celestial bodies. Jesus is probably extraterrestrial and inter dimensional. Remember he said that his kingdom is not of this world. Also find it interesting in the book of revelations when gods people are saved they don’t see through human eyes anymore, there will be no more marriage between sexes and we will be made new again given different bodies like the angels.

Woah woah woah, infinite plane? explain.

You aren't Saying it you're typing it you autist


Shut up sodomite, his kingdom is not of this world because it's the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. There's still no outer space.


some say humans are 4-5 th try/experiment on this planet , last ones being atlantean and lemurian civilization with forefathers being aryans originating in india region .

Can you asplain dis doe? I only recently just started reading it I admit.

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I don't really believe nukes are real though.


open up a cgi software program
its like that except we are kept separate from where the "program" runs by design. Im sure you can clip out but it would be fixed by just dying or something. earth and space may appear real in real time "render" as the "game" sees fit. or not. none of this matters.

Right, it’s not of this world meaning that it’s more than likely interdimensional. There is a temporary heaven setup right now. That’s where you go when you die. At his second coming he brings that heaven here and establishes his kingdom on earth. I know what im talking about user. I’ve read this stuff many times. Studied it immensely.

Evidence? You have 0

I definitely can agree there. All signs point to ancient 'Cosmic War'.

You sound retarded, the Earth is most likely a limited space enclosed by a dome. That's the only way any of this would matter, also, there's probably not billions of people on the flat Earth. Have you ever seen them? IRL or on video? no, you haven't. Rethorical question, i already knew you hadn't seen them cause no one has, everyone just believes the claims of the people who make population statistics.

this nibba is correct .
skull and bones fags proven that this reality is quantum simulation through Gematria science before even computers existed, Alex jones already mentioned that also.

No you fucking haven't, there's no other dimensions. The Earth is flat with a dome, Heaven is literally above us you sodomite. Stop watching porn.

X=24th letter.


XXX= 666

Alex Jones is a charlatan, the only thing infinite is the imagination of man and the desire to accumulate money and fuck bitches.

thats how it was designed for us doesnt mean it is. same as a video game. you exist outside a games time and space but can still interact. same with god.

>tfw 10 captchas and I forget the fucking pic

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It’s essentially referring to what we commonly know as UFO’s and aliens. The alien conspiracy is essentially fallen angels molding themselves as the aliens: it’s part of the great deception in the end times. Lucifer disguises himself as an angel of light. The satanist Aliester Crowley talked a lot about this. He summoned a demon named lam that looked like an alien. (Large elongated skull). He even said that we know them now as demons but someday people will call them something else. Lucifer will disguise himself as a benevolent alien in the end times to deceive mankind.

Life is life not a fucking video game.

Get lost Jew with your flat earth subversive nonsense

Jesus was a man who utilized natural laws in ways unknown to people at that time and today. He unraveled the rules of creation in a manner none before him did. Perhaps he lacked the scientific accumen to label his knowledge but he possessed it none the less.
Jesus was never a leader of any religion, nor did he wish to be such.

Jesus at his core was a man who understood the nature of God and thus of creation, as such he was metaphorically God's son.
This also granted him the ability to reshape the natural laws as he saw fit. When Jesus walked on water or transported the bread from the roman bakeries and fish from the lake that was neither magic nor miracle, he simply utilized his knowledge of the natural laws along with his ability to exploit them. When a person has a premonition of the future it is not magic, their brain is simply attuned enough to see the most prominent and probable strand.

He was tall, thin, had a beard, women thought he was handsome. On the shroud, that is the face of Jeshua or Jesus moments before he opened his eyes.

Did Q send you?

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Continue worrying about imaginary shit faggot, what you see down here on the flat Earth is all there is. Stars and the Sun Moon and planets are just lights and shapes in the sky.

No faggot. Does Q ever speak about the flat Earth? i doubt it.

The problem is in proving they're authentic.

No. He was God and man.