Evening lads.

>Australian airline industry to receive $715m rescue package

>Young girl injured in Coles stampede for toilet paper

>Dozens warned after Sydney University rugby player tests positive for COVID-19

>Australian Muslims 'strongly urged' to pray at home amid COVID-19 spread

>Welfare recipients on cashless debit card will have $750 stimulus payment quarantined

>Government urges Australians overseas to return home as borders close around the world

>Coronavirus sees Australians change shopping habits as retailers worry about downturn

>Coronavirus death: Sixth Australian dies from the virus


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Other urls found in this thread:

Now it all makes sense

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Thank you for baking OP
Gods work!

Breaking: My anus is on full lockdown starting mid-night tonight

is RAPE on the menu boys?

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While the government is busy dealing with microscopic invisible "threats" we can get to the real business of killing all the migrants.

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>"It's a free country"
When was the last time anyone ever heard someone say that?

Buy some precious metals you filthy dogs

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The only people who say that are bogan faggots.

>Breaking: My anus

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No worries.

Who's the biggest cunt in Australia?

your mother

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I don't know mate. Should I drop this cunt?

If it gets bad enough in Minecraft

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>you have died from globalism

Fuck boomers.

Fuck kikes AND fuck muslims
Feminists too

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The chad /raider/

'Get back to Manila you piece of shit,' the man taunts, pointing his finger at her face. 'You're from Manila. You're a fucking piece of shit from Manila.'
'The Filipina fucking piece of shit,' the man in the hoodie jeers.
'I'm not a Filipino, I'm Indonesian,' the woman responds.

Dick Natale.

His name is literally "dick"

walked straight into that one

Press F for people with no more TP

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Only got about 40 rolls left senpai. Times getting desperate

They always tell you what happened but they never tell you why.

Only gold, silvers shit.

Why does a UK news site publish Aussie news

Egyptians use a water hose instead of toilet paper. Karl Pilkington talked about it after he went there

That pic looks like a boating accident waiting to happen.

why do i now feel the overwhelming need to shit and smear my pants and go to woolies and weep over the empty toilet paper shelves

why are FEDS the only ones redpilled these days?
Everyone here has got the big GAY. We are turning into britain.

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Thanks for saving and reposting my memes.
I didn't think anyone would have the one in OP as I only put it up a couple of times when most of you guys were still banned.

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Just Step onto it!
A 13-year-old girl has been left injured and crying on the ground after panic buyers stormed a Coles to buy toilet paper. The girl's mother, who is currently wheelchair-bound due to a recent operation, said she went to the Coles in Baldivis, Perth, today to buy toilet paper and snacks with her daughter and nine-year-old son.
"She was pushed to the ground and then stood on by adults who had no care in the world for a child on the floor. People were walking over her while she was crying on the ground just to get what they wanted," she told the newspaper. She said shoppers knocked the young teenager to the ground as they charged towards the toilet paper at the store's entrance. The mother took her to get x-rays on a swollen knee and was waiting on results.

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Ban assault trolleys.

Its one of my favorites right now, boomermemes.
You truly are doing gods work!

My gf is studying in UK and all her classes are cancelled for the year
How do get her back here with the new border measures?

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I'm sleepy.

Got a loisence for those anal beads m8?

Mum told me she spent a solid hour driving around yesterday, looking for a shop that still had toilet paper.
Eventually she found a Silly Sollys that had some in stock. 1 Pack per customer, and there was a huge line at the register that was just people buying their single pack.

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I was never banned :) The OC was pretty good.

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I scared frens

Hello aussies

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Must've been chinks or moslems trampling her

We do everyone's news for them because you're all useless

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climb aboard

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>cancelled for the year
Pretty sure that's happening here too user

Don't be afraid, it dosen't change anything and only weakens your resolve and your immune system.

If she's an Australian citizen she can probably still return, but she'll have to do that two weeks isolation thing,

are u scared of the virus or are u scared of being a little bitch in a big bad world

There's a fuckton of brilliant engineers on that boat.

ban assault anal beads

is it safe to travel at easter time? My grandparents and father are old and I fear that they may pass away but I also don't want to give it to them, what do I do?

Nah they're just going online

Thats 20 days. You'll be fine

Probably, hard to see for all the niggers in the way.

I didn't know Silly Sollys still existed.

you should be
megadeath is coming

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Easter is canceled

skype them

depends but this pandemic will be in full swing by april

gook bux are too important, it'll probably go online with pracs done the following year.

As you should be if you die from the sniffles you won't enter Valhalla

the weak should fear the strong

she can isolate herself on my dick
(no fatties)

I'm scared of getting sectioned. The doctor made me sign papers last night. I may receive court ordered treatment including institutionalization. How will I wank to pics of dead bodies in a mental hospital frens?

Everyone is so stupid we should just ban assault corona virus so no one gets killed by it.

Praise him

people that use american memes in australia are rly cringe bro

>How do get her back here with the new border measures?
Paint her black and get her on a plane.
When she arrives get her to tell immigration that she is seeking asylum from the evil homophobic patriarchy of those nazi brexiteers.
She'll probs get a free house and car as well.

I busted a nut to the death of Hannah Baxter. She was a slut so she deserved it. The daughters deserved it because they were future whores. Is that normal?

>friend in Australia has his wedding next month
>Still refuses to delay the ceremony and wait a few more months
>Thinks this will all blow over by April

I want to call him a fucking moron and to change the date before he is physically forced to, but I'm too nice.

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no, the lockdown will last 12 - 18 months.

The way I read that chart is that they will have about 8 patients per available bed in the best case scenario. They are also not pursuing the best case scenario.

The government should have closed the borders in mid - late january and have literally said 'nobody gets in at all'. Of course we couldn't do that because it would 'hurt the economy' but look at the absolute state of the economy now and for the next year.

>are rly cringe bro
speak for yourself

He should rape and murder his fiance for the only good woman is a dead woman.

Depends, if he keeps it under 100 people he might get away with it.

kek he probably deserves the wuflu then

you're on Yas Forums and no one but the ABC and boomers cares about american influence in the age of islamic and nonwhite subversion m8

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I still get leave though lol

good idea user, thank you I have been calling them. The last thing my father said before I left back home was that he was proud of me. It felt weird as I feel strange that I may not ever see him again and all this shit has happened

do you think we could be lockdown tier by then?

surely not.

Corona virus is a blessing in disguise

John Howard

you need at least two people to get married I believe? If that's the case then don't worry, one or both of them will not be able to survive...

Gimme a job or I'll rope

Fuck cenno, fuck RTOs, fuck job agencies, fuck gov, fuck society, fuck you

Gimme a job or I'll rope

Gonna be worthless. Digital non backed fun points are coming.

i feel dead inside

Have you been invited to this secret Corona Party hosted by Woolworths?

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those damn corona-14's with 100 round clipazines

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im in an auspol thread faggot and make your own culture instead of copying others u lemming

suck shit to him i hate weddings
the ban is on 100 people or more, that shouldn't affect it
you could hardly even call that a ban on much at all

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he also said if you're washing a car water is all good but where's the towel

Ironically we haven't done it at this very moment - foreigners are still allowed in, just 14 days quarantine without enforcement.

>do you think we could be lockdown tier by then?
depends where you are and where you're going but I think they will have to start lockdowns in 2-3 weeks unless what we're doing now somehow pulls down the curve

im not religious but maybe its from god, disgusted at what faggots weve become

Praise him

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My hobby is wanking to rape victims. They were raped because they dressed like whores. They deserved it. Is that normal?
t. Bust a nut guy

whenever it benefits middle-class douchebags to say so. same as when cuckservatives try to defend "Australian values" and the cunts at the ABC shriek about how X can't an Australian value because other people value it too, but then when they want virtue-signal about non-white immigrants having a hard time getting ahead they do a 180 and start claiming that "a fair go" is Australian value

stage 1.0 is nearly complete stage 2 posted soon.

>other culture is exactly the same as ABC far left asspain

Hi Jordies

>Corona virus is a blessing in disguise

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They will pull the curve down by limiting testing.

Coles and woollies are hiring heaps of casuals at the moment to keep up with panic buying demand. They'll probably even give a job to you if you don't completely fuck up an interview.


Better dead than red:

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I hate women. Women need to be throw off rooftops ISIS style. Is that normal?


yes let's go to the epicenter of the virus and directly share germs through the handling of currency

sounds like a great fucken idea

They keep trying to be clever and avoid things which, again, would 'hurt the economy' but all it does is hurt it even more.