Post em
Midwit memes
poast more
that's all I got
maybe someone else has more
This is close enough. Made long before this meme.
made this one earlier
is basically
What is a midwit, you ask?
The midwit pill KILLS the spiritual R*dditor!
Smart enough to think themselves into stupid ideas, dumb enough to stay there.
Lmao, libertarians are peak midwit philosophy.
>t. dimwit
t. Literal cuckold who believes a diseased society can heal itself if da gubment just left me alone
Seeing how bizarre takes libertarians on twittar have given about WuFlu really confirms that they're typically in the 105-120 range.
It's acceptable to be libertarian if you're a teenager but adult libertarians truly aren't very smart.
Boxing is the biggest midwit filter.
It's a bullshit made up term by teddy spaghetti.
If corona gets him, I'll throw a party.
Older one
Made up term? Unlike every other fucking term in every language, dummie? Midwit is an accurate and useful term to describe the phenomenon of middling intellects.
Seeing that you call him Spaghetti, I assume you're a hater. Why the fuck are you so obsessed about this guy? There's gotta be a better way to spend your time than harassing a figure on the internet.
I'm libertarian but against womens rights
I don't understand your fucking graphs
based dimwit
There's a reason why most Yas Forumsacks have found something better and truer than libertarianism. Don't cling too hard on it.
When the Bell Curve wars begin, dimwit shock troops will be our greatest ally in clubbing down the MIDWIT menace.
I love her more than you do...
Think you don't even donate to her onlyfans
I know where "Teddy" got it from. I have records of the term midwit being used far before he uttered it (in 2010 on a private forum). The attack on the person the user you are responding to just shows how much of a midwit that user is. He feels personally attacked as it points out his own insecurities.
pshhh i bet u dont even know her other names like Sonia!!
>dimwit shock troops
>le unverified third party information
>le implying le memestream media is not spreading le gloom & doom day and night
The worst meme viruses do not originate in china, but on 4gag
You have to have a certain level of IQ in order to convince yourself your eyes deceive you.
Who really cares where midwit came from? Vox seemed to popularize it, which is what matters. Also could be a case of simply genuinely not being able to recall seeing a word used ever before and thinking you came up with it. Probably common.
I love the midwit term in how hurt it makes redditors and those like them, spiritual redditors. It cuts deep and attacks at the core of their identity. Since everything they believe is a by-product of trying to appear smart, attacking their wit is exactly the right target.
N-No I don't I'm a new fan girl of Miya. So her real name Sonia and not actually Miya? Feeling betrayed right now desu...
when you look around and all you see is retards I guess you gotta find a way to cope
How much is you IQ here? Am I a brainlet compared to yours if I'm around 125-135?
>I love the midwit term in how hurt it makes redditors and those like them, spiritual redditors
But the term perfectly describes/pol/ does it not? Reddit has primarily tards but some of the AMAs are done by smart people (Trump, Musk, Langan, Eastwood). Meanwhile all of Yas Forums content is created by angsty average/slightly above average IQ teens and young adults
Unverified? Retard, all of this is public information.
It's a bio weapon and the media is sugar coating it.
checked, interesting stuff. The part about them having to prove their intelligence is spot on. It seems like their go to ideology is marxism simply because it is an ideology that is portrayed as big brained.
Never done an IQ test, no idea. Too lazy and stingy to pay for a real one.
Pretty good 1 sentence reasoning for the libertarian to fascist pipeline
Yas Forums and Yas Forums as a whole has always been a dimwit/topwit dominated domain. Retards being retarded and smarties pretending to be retarded. Such as meme spelling mistakes done on purpose to fish out the midwit comupulsive reaction and call them out for being newfags is pure topwit. What makes Yas Forums inherently anti-midwit is going against all Establishment. The midwit is unable to do it, because that's not what ''smart'' people do.
Why would smart people doing AMAs on R*ddit mean anything? Not indicative of anything.
dimwit, midwit, bigwit
What exactly makes midwits so different from the other two?
susceptible to brainwashing and social conditioning
But arent all populations susceptible to that?
MIYA answers it pretty thoroughly
For more infortmation visit BPD_GOD @ twitter DOT com...
Midwits are smart enough to reason themselves into a corner but not smart enough to reason themselves out of it.
Retweeted & Liked my friend !
The issue as that niggers are on the left side of the Normal distribution while the kikes are on the right side of it.
Midwits are capable of abstract thought and so they can be manipulated into accepting ideologies with no basis in reality, but they're not smart enough for independent thinking and thus they will never go against the status quo.
Gibs are good.
All 100% spot on apart from the religion hogwash (it's clear you guys just want lefties to be wrong on one more thing no matter what and will accept any sophistry on the subject as "proof", there is truth to the idea that humans need spirituality to be whole but there are other ways to obtain it), and the implication that we should view all incomprehensible schizoposting as too sophisticated for us to understand.
Libertarianism is great as a general goal, but shit-tier as a dogmatic ideology.
midwit detected
fuck "spirituality" what we need is truth
Absolutely this. It's a banal and simple "philosophy".
NAP is as basic as you get, and in lolbertarianism, the theory is more important than the principles behind it.