Evening lads.

>Australian airline industry to receive $715m rescue package

>Australian Muslims 'strongly urged' to pray at home amid COVID-19 spread

>NEW RULES, NEW WARNINGS, NEW ADVICE: Australia ends day 54 of the coronavirus crisis

>Welfare recipients on cashless debit card will have $750 stimulus payment quarantined

>Australians spending millions of dollars on perfect selfie smiles, while others can't even chew

>Government urges Australians overseas to return home as borders close around the world

>Coronavirus sees Australians change shopping habits as retailers worry about downturn

>Coronavirus death: Sixth Australian dies from the virus


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Other urls found in this thread:

Bless you OP
Fuck that kike spammer


does your gf know you browse Yas Forums fellow anons?

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It would appear someone has honoured my request for a non-pozzed thread. Thank you, OP.

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the bf

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the gf

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>"My concern is that people will become unduly panicked and won't feel that they can venture out," said Sam Scally, who owns The Flatiron Label in Melbourne's suburbs.
Fuck off cunt, the reason people will stop shopping is because of the coming recession and the fact that no one has money. The only reason retailers have been getting away with it is due to record debt and even debt for people who have little to no income from companies like Afterpay.

Who's ready to bailout Qantas (again)

>The ride

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When Australian government asking people not panic buying, what Aussies do?
Panic buying.

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You had to save your own image twice because you couldn't find it in your folder? How disorganised is your life?

Clean your room, cumbrain.

gooks are going round NSW in a mini bus swamping super markets and buying up everything to re-sell.

Some stores are asking for proof of ID with address to let you into buy shit.

Gooks give us the disease, gooks profit off the disease

You're a queer.

the daily ride

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Cope and seething

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Don't be cunts now

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What's for dinner?

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The government should nationalise the supermarkets and ration all supplies. This is absolutely retarded.

That is LITERALLY communism. Venezuela, China, USSR etc etc.

the gutless media and politicians wont call this out

Gnocchi and Bolognaise

>government does nothing to stop virus
>get mad when people panic

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Wow, it has a penis.
WHY ??


found the wog

Someone is begging for a ban

And that's a good thing.

Trust the fungus

>Airline bailout
Fuck them. Why should taxpayers foot the bill for the consequences of their shitty business decisions?
Maybe businesses that run on razor thin profit margins should go fucking bankrupt.

I had popcorn chicken

Water jacket for a vickers machine gub, someone decided it needed to look like a dick

You can never find an iced up semi driver on the wrong side of the road when you need one.

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Isn't it weird that this virus is keeping us apart but at the same time bringing us close together.

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Gay thread

That's a bit ridiculous. No one was preparing for a pandemic.

So much this. Fuck scomo the homo

How is coronavirus their fault? Just a few weeks ago airlines couldn't find enough pilots to fill their positions.

yes wife hates niggers jews and chinks

Report it and laugh at him getting banned

Eclipse mints, watermelon flavour

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Three large orange juices from a McDonald's drive through + six multivitamins

>who made you the king of aus/pol/
Literally no one faggot. You are just being a fucking child.

Janny poster will just ID hop. He is a faggot

hahah you dumb faggot reddit queer


nigger flavour, right next to fried chicken flavour

Guys. I recently got a job at a hotel 2 months ago and people are self isolating in our hotel.
How fucked am I?

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>Just a few weeks ago airlines couldn't find enough chinks and shitskins to import.


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I love this crisis. It really pulls the mask off the shitty face of our economy. The truly important things are revealed:
>frozen vege
>vitamin c tablets
>precious metal
Everything else is luxury garbage, supermarket shelves and stock markets show.

too slow nigger

Coconut chicken curry and rice

You could have prevented this

AAAAAAAA gimmie my neetbux



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>essentials vs. optionals

You guys know antipodean resistance ?

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Fuck off Glowie

And a redbull zero


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What hotel?

>You guys know antipodean resistance ?
You mean the AFP?

By quitting my job? Why?
It'll literally blow over in 6 months max - otherwise I get 14 days off work and come back immune.

Imagine building an economy on the tourism of bug people

Ideally we should implemented full anal-plug style lockdown since last weekend, if we haven't done it by the end of this week, we're doomed.

Is it possible to be gay and advocate for the return of the white australia policy?

Why is very American getting $1000 Trumpbux, but only Aus NEETs are getting $750 Scomobux?

Scomo is a raging faggot.
Gubme $1000 Scomobux now!

Let's all starve to death together, comrade!!!

I know this is bait but man that's a clean looking wrx

wtf did I say something wrong ?

Went to a very small, quiet subruban Woolies today. Got there 0755 ready for 0800 opening.
Had 2 cops at the entrance.
Was one of the first 20 into the shop. Snagged 10 bog rolls and 2 packets of pasta.
Shit sold out minutes later.

>b& for faggotry


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Cherry ripe and a packet of oreos

Go ask /lgbt/

Look at this cope lmao

Well, sieg heil, mate!

kek dumb faggot now I post here

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Wait until you see the exchange rate to really see the difference

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It's a hotel in Brisbane.
They don't have a confirmed case of corona - it's just the law that was put in place that you have to isolate yourself for 14 days if you come from overseas.
Still tho, a few europeans in at the moment.

user was banned for this post

the spam

Are you my neighbour? Are you watching me right Nao? Wtf

>thread 404d
>posts deleted
s u i c i d e w a t c h

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But user, fully closing the borders in January would have hurt the economy!

Im not faking a fucked back for the DSP just to get a pissy $750, Thats like two hours tops down at the local pokies

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I did my part

>being this new
you do realise a thread getting deleted doesnt mean I got banned right?

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Doesnt mean shit to me cause Im not getting $750 Scomobux cause Scomo is an inept faggot.

its culture not spam

Oh, just wondering as I'm a suspect case and work for a hotel in Melbourne.
Waiting on test results atm, we have a lot of Chinese international visitors.

the firearm

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Swap the bog for pesto!
this video references 29/03

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hahaha whats the bet you idiots were hoping for a rangeban and now have to act like a 404 is something to gloat over? kek

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>imagine thinking you can get banned on Yas Forums for calling somebody a faggot
You're not just a faggot, you're also retarded.

>a few europeans in at the moment.
They're all infected.
Why are they allowed to land puzzles me.

Our entire civilization runs on 'just in time' supply chains. Australia has something like one week's worth of fuel supplies if it was suddenly cut off.

Imagine not having a great depression 10 years ago because you didn't expect or know China was going to buy heaps of your ore and coal.

fuck i mean 20/03

If you live in a '''''multicultural''''' town or city GET THE HELL OUT OF THERE ASAP

Thank you for your service!

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Do you know how you caught it? Checking people in or doing rooms?

It's lame as fuck and repetitive as spam, grow up.

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Yes, can we go one fucking thread without someone bringing up terrorism?

I know a cunt who works and is on veteran payments AND compo AND is gonna get scomo's NEETbux. Fuckin spewing

Checked and newfagpilled

>wtf did I say something wrong ?
AR appears to have been a bunch of cops larping as nationalists and flying swastikas to give nationalists a bad rep.

We're not QUITE as bad as fakebook. Not yet.

I want 8ch to go back
oh wait

I'm a grill

Checked people in and also did F&B in our restaurant.

Most likely people spit or cough on his face.

where's your thread at?

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Its fucking bullshit, I hope this country burns to the ground and Scomo i hung up in the streets.

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Anyone surprised by this is dead wood

Enjoy the ladies user

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Time waster

So all it takes is a week of bad business and they're fucked? that's the problem you dumb cunt.

It's 2020,

That's probably a man