I hope for your own good that you are strapped. This is the ONLY THING you need right now. Forget TP, forget canned food, YOU NEED A GUN.
I hope for your own good that you are strapped. This is the ONLY THING you need right now. Forget TP, forget canned food, YOU NEED A GUN.
Other urls found in this thread:
I have not wiped my ass in 8 days I need FUCKING TOILET PAPER
>tfw only have 30 rounds of ammo
i need more primers and bullets but i'm skeert
I was really surprised to see how many people irl and on here have /nogunz/. It's quite sad
The type of people who make these posts are the least effective with any firearm. You're not going to be a survivor or a hero, you're just going to be a loot box for someone smarter.
Why waste time, effort, and money on guns?
just shoot the poop
Shun the unwiped!!!
Has it already been 8 days since the panic buying started?
nothing will happen, the whole history of humans is we form at worst towns if not city-states when left to our own devices
Just got put in lock down. I have a 9mm and my AR-15. I'm not going out to look for trouble but stay the fuck away from me
I have a thousand rounds but it's only .22
But my Remington has a 50 mag so maybe I can wildly shoot into the darkness to scare them off
Ugh, that's pretty cringe my dude
Because I will shoot you
Americans don't buy our guns, good sir. We HAVE our guns.
...also, if you don't know how to shoot, having a gun no more makes you armed than having a violin you don't know how to play makes you a musician.
You should have firearms and be proficient in their use simply as a matter of being a free man.
Panic buying a blaster and some ammo, having never trained or perhaps even fired it, isn't likely to do you any good in this situation. Buy some food and essentials, then kick back and enjoy your time off.
Imagine the smell.
>are the least effective
I won five competitions in 25 meters accuracy shooting with handguns and i do IPSC. You only project your insecurities on others because you're a fucking nogunz and a massive fucking faggot. Go fuck yourself.
Like you need to be "effective" with a firearm to begin with. Any retard can shoot (although being accurate and consistent with a handgun is another matter, shooting someone at 3 meters can be achieved by a literal toddler) even more so with a rifle which is basically the babby mode of firearms.
A .22 is deadly if you aim right. And it is quieter, although it might not seem that way when you are close-by. Just don’t stop shooting when they break-in. Practice aiming quickly and try to get amped-up first to simulate the stress. You might want chalk for your hands. Or glue sandpaper to the stock for better grip. Trust me.
If you ain't raising the national average for guns per household you're not gonna make it.
Horde of hungry nigs will eat that pea shooter and keep charging
>isn't likely to do you any good
I don't get this shitty, garbage, terrible ass elitist argument, made by armchair though guys thinking because they plinked steel three times in a year they're somewhat superior to anyone panic buying a handgun to protect their families.
Protip retard : if Jamal rushes you with a machete, being trained with a firearm or not will not change the fact that Jamal will most likely end up with a chest full of holes.
It's also nigh impossible to fuck up using an AR15, just don't be limp wrist. It's the most common gun for a reason
>Like you need to be "effective" with a firearm to begin with.
One hopes it doesn't come to that, of course, but, speaking hypothetically, and for entertainment purposes only, should you find yourself contesting possession of your last roll of toilet paper and your last can of Beanie-Weenies(tm) with Jameel and ten or twelve of his homeys, who brought guns of their own, you just might find that your odds of survival and victory increase if you know more than just "the bullet comes out the skinny end, yank on this bit to make bullet come out."
"Somewhere a True Believer is training to kill you. He is training with minimal food or water, in austere conditions, training day and night. The only thing clean on him is his weapon and he made his web gear. He doesn't worry about what workout to do - his ruck weighs what it weighs, his runs end when the enemy stops chasing him. This True Believer is not concerned about 'how hard it is;' he knows either he wins or dies. He doesn't go home at 17:00, he is home. He knows only The Cause. Still want to quit?"
If you're white, doing away with you is Jameel's Cause.
Based. Keep studying the blade my dude.
i got a beretta m92 gel blaster
its the best i can get alright DON'T LAUGH
lol yeah me too, bitch.
anyone who knows anything about guns or survival is laughing their fucking ass off at posts like yours you tryhard cuck bitch
Thanks for the advice. Luckily I've got a nice green dot on that baby so it would be a big help should anything happen
At least you got something, fren. I more than likely cannot.
Spoken like someone who's never done the Tueller Drill.
Also spoken like someone who's not aware that at least 40% of the time, Jamal brings friends, who often bring guns of their own.
If you fail to train, Jamal's going to leave with your TP, your Beanie-Weenies, your ears on a string around his neck, your gun, and a heightened sense of confidence in his own ability to kill honkeys. I don't want to be the one Jamal shoots with his new toy.
If you think guns are magic and require no skill, no training, and no familiarity, you're too stupid and lazy to own a firearm. Here's your rape whistle. They come in pink now.
wow relax, just dont kill anyone with it ok ?
>imagine owning a 92FS as you only gun
I have a rifle but not a handgun. Always liked them and have shot friends' guns a lot but couldn't justify the expense on one when I'm in a place where CCWs are impossible to get and money was tight. Hopefully that's gonna change tomorrow, I'm gonna be one of those dumb fucks in line at the gun store and if there's anything left that's even reasonably decent I'm buying it.
I live in california they only let us buy mnp shields. Boooring
If Jamal rushes you with a machete inside your home, you're gonna fumble and drop the gun on the floor then kick it across the room trying to pick it up -- if you haven't trained and practiced. People don't rise to the occasion and turn into super soldiers, they fall back on to their instincts and their lowest level of proficiency.
It's foolish to treat a weapon like a talisman that wards off evil simply because you possess it. Even a proficient shooter, who doesn't train with a combat mindset, can very easily make fatal mistakes in battle.
The first failure in your scenario is that Jamal is even there to rush you. The first priority is to make yourself a non-target, and the second is to make your home as covertly impenetrable as possible. If Jamal and his bros surprise you in your house, you've lost. If they surprise you AT ALL, you're so far behind the power curve that you've probably lost.
That said, there's no reason to panic. The world isn't ending. Secure your home, help your neighbors, watch some movies, and just chill.
> "gel blaster"
da fuq is that? does it shoot cum?
The blood running over the poop will wash it off
Personally I'm most concerned about getting caught in a bad spot during a supply run. I have a decent stockpile of canned and dry food but I'd rather keep it in reserve as long as I can get fresh stuff. Obviously I won't go out if it's like WW3 outside but riots and looting can whip up pretty quickly, and what scares me is the prospect of lots of people who've been living paycheck to paycheck and might not have the money to buy food from the store even if the shelves are full.
it shoots little gel balls imagine a paintball without the shell to hold paint
its very slightly less impactful so some states here allow them
Holy fuck, I hope this is bait.
What you are saying is like saying that someone who only uses their car as a transportation method would be able to keep up with professional rally drivers because training is a waste of time.
I will laugh at your corpse while tactically clearing buildings during the coming happening.
can you do like a paintball and freeze the balls to make them hurt?
if some one is shot with a .22LR they will most likely run away. only people who've ever experienced being shot before are Niggers and ghetto ass Mexicans. you average H'white looter is just going to take off and think he was hit with an AR or something much bigger.
It doesnt matter how proficient you are with all your woo woo boy scout badges. The aggressor has the upperhand. Knowing when you in a gun fight and when you are not is more important to survival then your pew pew Yas Forums flexing.
no, they stick together and its impossible for the magazines to separate them
you can get balls that are a little harder
don't know how well it would work if you froze em, ill have to try it
.22 will kill a bad guy. just make sure you squeeze off a couple of rounds. pluz you can kill small game without blowing them to shreds. small calibers like .22 and .380 actually make up a very high percentage of homicide rounds, lots of ceap little pistols in these calibers are carried by gangbangers.
You're going to get shot, and also I could cut that cheap ass sword in half with my slightly-less-cheap sword.
A usable sword cost more than a gun.
Unironically based
The blade and respect thereof is far more commendable than any gun you could own, but the thing that makes it cringe is the fact that guns exist in the first place.
Keep on keeping on
especially in brazil, they usually kill people with .22 revolvers.
>mnp shields
no 3rd gen glocks? I thought that was the only reason why glock still makes them because of the (((MicroStamping))) law.
What happens if I shoot someone, friends? I'll do what it takes to protect myself and my family but I don't want to shoot someone in the leg and have them cry
more no gunz, just pointing a gun at someone is usually more than enough for them to turn tail, only the dumbest of nigger will charge.
A sword won't stop a gun, but it's better than a baseball bat. Get yourself a bow and master your home layout, your only hope is stealth and preparation.
Then shoot them in the head. Don't shoot what you don't intend to kill.
So shoot them in the face?
what about a taser?
yeah nah no tasers mate
i feel like if SHTF people would just walk around in plain view with guns. that would make you a prime target for someone to pick you off from a distance. not every gun owner is going to be a friendly neighborhood conservative.
Because you can't beat a gun with a sword.
Also what are you gonna try to do? Slice a bitch to bits in your house? Do you have ANY fucking idea what a mess that shit will make even if you are successful?
I bet you've never really envisioned what it would look like if you actually used that thing on someone to kill them have you?
In the best case scenario you're going to have a HELL of a mess. Moron.
Got 100 rounds, waiting on some more to come in the mail, as well as a few 20rd clips and a front grip for the carbine.
What! They aren't even considered weapons in the US you can buy them on Amazon and have them shipped to your house. how the fuck do you guys defend yourselves?