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Is this true
Elijah Green
Henry Young
I want to look into paganism but if this is true that is gay as fuck.
Ethan Jenkins
stop posting tiktoks you fucking scum fuck zoomer
Daniel Turner
>the opinions of a young woman
>is this true?
Yes, OP definitely. Believe everything women tell you on twatter. It will serve you well.
Jaxson Smith
This. Leave the fucking board and never return OP, you BBC-smoking, AIDS-ridden, COVID coofing faggot.
Leo Roberts
No. As always, delusion stems from cognative bias, which stems from lack of identity, which stems from lack of fatherdom, which stems from the corpse that is the legal system, which stems from the parasite that is the jew
Adam Thompson
>norse paganism empowers women
tell that to the nuns who got raped by pagans
Chase Scott
lying bitch. god I hate americans. they really love to pozz everything. norse mythology is based and redpilled so shut the fuck up you tiktok slut
Cameron Rogers
>Thor not Aryan
Yeah because that title is a human construct. Thor is one of the Æsir and they are older than such petty divisions.
>Norse Paganism empowers women
It does, but not in the "durr hurr I do what I want prudes, subscribe to my onlyfans teehee" sense.
>Half the gods were immigrants
That isn't even close to what went down.
>Queer god
Don't impose your modern terminology on the old gods, tumblrhair
>Warriors aren't bullies
Yes they are! They can be honorable AND they can send Loki to fuck a horse to get out of paying for The Wall.
>Freya was pro-choice
Freya is pro-getting-your-shit-together
Nicholas Reed
Austin Walker
also love how she claims freya, the fertility godess was pro choice. how dumb can a bitch be? norse people would pray to the godess so they would have lots of kids. how is that pro choice?
Luke Baker
Vikings also practiced sexual slavery. First Icelanders were Norse men and their abducted Celtic concubines.
Evan Garcia
It is not entirely wrong.
>Thor had red hair, only blond in Hollywood movies.
>Norse Peganism empowers women to be women, only Hollywood movies empower them not to be women
>Loke was both an immigrant and pretty fucking queer. Not in Hollywood movies where he's ever so cool But in the old stories he was pretty fucking disgusting.
>Freya was pro-choice. Sure but back in the day, the choice was always to have, nurse, nurture and raise the baby. It's only really a choice to kill your own baby in Hollywood movies.
>Warriors no bully. Only Snowflakes in Hollywood movies perceive the mere existence of someone with more strength and skill them, as bullying.
Julian Brown
I think this girl heard someone tell a story from someone whose brother's sisters aunt-in-law once heard a story and got the very water-down version of that story where Freya gives a talk about protecting the weak but not sacrificing them for the sake of the helpless.
The lesson for women being that if you give birth to a non-viable child, it's sometimes ok to leave it to exposure if it means not doing so will harm your family.
The moral is SUPPOSED to be that as a woman you have a responsibility to your family and children and sometimes you have to make the hard choices. Even if it's painful.
Tl;dr: Screw this dumb child
Ethan Ortiz
Dominic Russell
We need to take back the words queer, gay and faggot.
She's correct that Thor is a redhead though.
Wyatt Nguyen
That's a dude
Owen Turner
>implying the average normie knows what Aryan means
To them it means muh blonde hair, blue eye master race.
Austin Morales
then the xians came by and put your shithouse in order. paganism is a meme religion
Brayden Mitchell
She is a fake prophet. There is only one true prophet of norse paganism. Pic related.
Caleb Gonzalez
How he fares this days
Carson Reyes
>>Loke was both an immigrant and pretty fucking queer. Not in Hollywood movies where he's ever so cool But in the old stories he was pretty fucking disgusting.
for me, he is portrayed more like a Troll. In the modern sense of the Word i mean, he likes to mess with People you know.
>>Warriors no bully. Only Snowflakes in Hollywood movies perceive the mere existence of someone with more strength and skill them, as bullying.
Jewish Stories are always about some small, weak kid that gets bullied by some stronger Dude (like David vs Goliath).
besides that ye. You're right, the Hollywood-Picture of Norse Mythology might be Fun for some, but it's not accurate at all ofc. Hollywood is jewish Propagandamashine anyway.
Eli Ross
Jack Martinez
Gavin Long
pagans larpers are somehow more annoying then late 2000/early 2010 militant atheist.
Caleb Cook
>Thor is a red head
>there Norse magic that belong only to women (tough Odin stole some)
>loki regularly changed into woman, and one time changed into a mare and got fucked by a stallion. he gave birth to a foal.
>there theory that the Aesir come from asia
>Freya being a fertility godess, would be surprised if she didn't was worshiped to avoid pregnancy.
there a big degree of interpretation, but it's mostly true.
Thomas Scott
He ceased to make videos, but he and his wife are active on twitter.
Luis Davis
It also promotes the idea that anyone "weak" or ostracized is a "victim". The Norse stories tell us "Hey sometimes that guy is a total garbage human and they deserve to be brutally beaten back so they don't harm the rest of us."
Nolan Butler
No one really admits to being a pagan in public. I don't see how atheism is relevant to anything. I remember when Dawkins was horrified to learn that the Chief Rabbi and the Archbishop of Canterbury didn’t believe Noah’s ark was literal history because he’d never even considered another form of criticism other than this analytical, scientific gibberish
Dylan Hughes
>he is portrayed more like a Troll.
Yeah, and that's how he was in the cartoons. So his persona in the Marvel univers was settled before the (((movie makers))) took it on. And a good thing too. If they have stuck to the really old stories, they could have
>used Loke to justify putting transgendered bestiality scenes in capeshit movies
Eli Cooper
remember asgard from the marvel movies?
Henry Sanchez
Luis Wright
Only because you're an anti-white faggot.
Caleb Turner
Noah's ark was real though, they used DNA samples to recreate the animals
Owen Nelson
Thor is the autistic faggot brother of Wodanaz.
Lincoln King
she is a stupid cunt.
Michael James
Paganism... So fucking cringe
Nathaniel Flores
Militant atheists at least hated muslims. Meanwhile these fucking "pagans" (no one ever fucking called themselves a pagan) suck the dick of any foreigner.
Daniel Brooks
scandinigger paganism is trash compared to for example Slavic paganism
Levi Anderson
Muslims are a punishment for being a complete fucking debased society. I can't wait for the caliphate.
Noah Rodriguez
>”””brit””” can’t wait for muslims to tale over
Okay, Achmed
Mason Richardson
This dumb cunt needs to get raped
Grayson White
fuck off you worther original cunt
Carter Torres
No it isn't, slavs are subhumans.
Andrew Bailey
He released a new album like 5 days ago
Alexander Howard
These type of pagans are just as bad as the sandal and cardigan wearing christians.
If they want some globohomo, free loving, no repercussions bullshit then why not just make a new religion or hold those values as your own personal religion?
Brayden Myers
>Thor had red hair, only blond in Hollywood movies.
Show me all these mongoloid, negroid and southern-Euro(that is predominately non-indoeuropeans) people with red hair. The only case I can think of is some Ugro-Finnish ethnic group in Russia. Unless you're nordicist, in which case I call you sperg and retard, it's absolutely retarded claim.
Norse societies and their ideas about what kind of hair colour they've had as described in sagas:
First are born by grandfather and grandmother and they are bondsmen/slaves, they have brown hair.
Second are born by mother and father, they are freemen, they have red hair.
Third are born by husband and wife, and they're the nobility. They have blonde hair.
Henry Hughes
judging by who the actual pagans are, I would say yes
Adrian Ross
>openly worshiping Loki
No thanks, I'm not a faggot.
Ian Jenkins
that could have been legit i think. But whatsoever, i don't need Marvel to be accurate about those stories. Marvel / Hollywood is a Cashmashine / Propagandashitshow. Nothing more.
yeah, what about it?
Jeremiah Jenkins
Modern pagans are cringy LARPers who the fuck cares what they think
Bentley Hill
Seriously. Don't corrupt the old shit that's already sparse enough as it is.
Even Loki would make fun of you for worshipping Loki.
Bentley Hughes
“No man should trust a maiden's words,
Nor what a woman speaks:
Spun on a wheel were women's hearts,
In their breasts was implanted caprice.”
The Havamal
Joseph Hernandez
They also raped Britons and other Celts, helping to create the Engl*sh
Mason Gray
If you are a pagan, you renounce your title of being a white.
Zachary Cox
>10th century NORD Pagangs had the same values as a 21st century liberal tranny
Jace Clark
>listens to two Birds instead
Jaxon King
Bitches ain't shit but hoes and tricks
- Snoop
Robert Reed
what is true is paganism only attracts autists of all stripes
Carter Barnes
Hellenistic or bust my friend. Thunder is just the sound of Zeus's asscheeks clapping.
Jackson Davis
calm down, snowflake.
Henry Powell
Mutt's law
Kayden Allen
larpgans btfod
Luis Jones
>Zeus's asscheeks clapping
zeus clapping ass cheeks you mean
Angel Evans
This. The only people who will believe this imbecile are idiots who don’t know anything about it.
The goal of these kinds of efforts is for this reaction:
So that normies that would be interested do not investigate further and instead fall into the false dichotomy of desert cults.
Elijah Green
I thought paganism was about crushing your enemies, seeing them driven before you and hearing the lamentations of their women? Feminism truly is the worst poison the Jews have unleashed on us.
Luke Edwards
>there theory that the Aesir come from asia
Asia in Greek understanding and the basis is medieval etymology Aesir sounds sort of like Asia therefore they're the same - that's the logic, there's nothing more(and obviously modern linguist would laugh at such connotation). Then this was used to tie them to Troy, which is classic thing that plenty of other people did in the past(Romans being the obvious example, but also people who claimed to be descendants of the Goths, Polish nobility and a lot of others), simply to locate themselves within the reasonably well known reality of Mediterranean antiquity.
Now more recently there was an idea that Aesir are prehistorical warrior band of Scythians who wandered into Scandinavia, but ok then, Scythians are extremely elusive term as used in sources and what it basically boils down to is "people living in Pontic steppe", which may or may not include at different points of time: proto-slavs, de-facto scythians(indoiranian, but still indoeuropean), goths, sarmatians(those were known to live further west tho) etc. So basically what they're saying is that at some point in time before ethnogenesis of Germanic/Scandinavian people, some indoeuropean group may have wandered to Scandinavia as well and ended up propping up said ethnogenesis. The logic here is basically "if you entered the borders of modern day Sweden after(let's say) 3000BC ur an immigrant, sorry". Now that's some chauvinism right there.
John Miller
He is low iq degenerate.
Noah Moore
all i see is mental illness
Dominic Butler
Kik'd and kek'd
Benjamin Thomas
Yes, it's all 100% true like everything written on the internet, you can trust me bro I'm actually Adolf Hitler posting from nazistan!
Julian Bell
its all phony bullshit. better look into 'money,fitness and surviving'.
Noah Robinson
LMAO now with corona the Pagan larpers won't be able to go out and buy their pink dildos
Justin Russell
>Thor had red hair
So he was a nephilim
Norse mythology is literally the Bible but what went on up north instead.
Liam Gutierrez
>Tranny trying to self justify through pop culture
Connor Gray
The Scythian connection would also explain some of the horse imagery.
It's so ironic because the "narrative" is "Atheism and modern feminism, or Judeo-Chrisitian religion and 1950s housewives." Norse paganism presents an alternative, but that's always steamrolled over to claim that it would have fallen one way or the other.